On the way back, there was no bus to follow, so Kanto let go and went back. Guan Shanyue is young and courageous. The faster the car is, the more excited she is. Wang Yali is also a fearless master. Seeing the cars overtaken one by one, she only praises: "master Guan's driving skills are just right, fast and steady, like flowing clouds and flowing water." Guan Dong said with a smile: "driving is much slower now, especially going out with the leaders. We are very disciplined."

Wang Yali was surprised and said, "is it still slow? How did you drive it in the past? " Kanto said: "the craziest time is to go to the city to mention these Santana. At that time, we carried five. Out of the 4S store, I don't remember who suggested it, saying that the last one who came to our company would treat. Young ah, no one is willing to accept anyone, and then there is a storm all the way, usually an hour and a half journey, Leng is 40 minutes to go back. "

Wang Yali asked, "who was the last to treat?" Kanto said: "it's the big bear that the steel plant drives for Lao Huang. That's how he got his nickname." Wang Yali giggles.

All the way to speed up, encounter less car section, Guan Shanyue also started, people stop car do not stop, at night back to the provincial capital. Kanto familiar with, looking for a hotel to stay down.

As soon as Guan Shanyue finished washing, Wang Yali came in. Wang Yali asked, "are you not tired, my little husband?" Guan Shanyue said: "you are here, I dare say tired?" Wang Yali said: "I want to have a good time. You don't belong to me when I go back. You can do it or not." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "it's quite overbearing." Wang Yali said, "if you're not convinced, you'll beat your sister's ass to get rid of it."

The more frequently she contacts with Wang Yali, Guan Shanyue finds herself on the road of vulgar taste. This time I wanted to visit Xie Zhi, but I couldn't help hesitating. I'm really worried about having another relationship with Xie Jing.

Wang Yali is sweating. She lies in Guan Shanyue's arms and doesn't even bother to move her fingers. After a while, seeing Guan Shanyue frowning, she asked, "what do you think? Do you dislike me? If you think it's a burden to be with me, I'll stop looking for you. " Guan Shanyue said, "I just dislike myself. I'm sorry for lulu."

Wang Yali said: "Xin Qiji is known as a great patriotic poet. Isn't that also a group of wives and concubines? And Su Shi, they even married a teenage girl, pedophilia! What's more, they are not at ease with so many women, and they go to the kiln when they have nothing to do. Besides, how many of the founders are not second marriages? It is not uncommon for some people to see that the head nurse is beautiful and take it for themselves on the basis of revolutionary needs. There are also officials and local tyrants, but few of them are loyal. I conclude that people with ability make rules, and people without ability implement them. "

Guan Shanyue can't laugh or cry: "what's your theory?" Wang Yali said, "it's not easy to talk. People in the valley are still pure in mind. If you go to a big city, it's normal for the rich to have two or three wives. "

No matter what Wang Yali says, Guan Shanyue decides to visit Xie Zhi alone. She can't take her with her. What's that? I feel guilty when I think about it. Just now the work is not busy, for their unfinished business or to learn. The discrimination of porcelain should not be based on mere paper, but on practical experience.

Guan Shanyue said, "I'll stay in the provincial capital for a few days. If you have something to do, you can go back first." Wang Yali said angrily: "little heartless, why didn't you say it earlier? Lao Zhang already knows that I went back that day. If you had said that earlier, I would not have told him. I wish I were here with you. " Guan Shanyue said, "I'm sorry, I'm just on purpose."

Wang Yali angrily went back to Taihang steel plant by car. Guan Shanyue went to Xie Zhi's antique shop.

According to the address, come to xingzhilu. Guan Shanyue is familiar with the street where Xie Jing took her to buy jadeite last time. After a short walk, you can see an antique small second floor building with a large seal script on the door plaque: "broad ancient and modern". Kanto saw the Mercedes Benz 600 stopped in front of the door from a distance, and stopped the car downstairs without Guan Shanyue's direction. Guan Shanyue got out of the car and saw a couplet at the door: green mountains without ink painting for thousands of years, flowing water without strings, and wanguqin.

At the door, Zhang Xinde heard the news and looked out. He quickly came out and cried, "brother, you're here! Fast forward Let Guan Shanyue into the room and shout to the upstairs, "uncle, my brother is here."

Xie Zhi went downstairs and said, "you are a rare guest! I said magpies were chattering at the door this morning Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "it seems that I am quite popular?" "That's nature," Xie said Guan Shanyue said, "I'm here to learn from my teacher. Don't you dislike me?" "I'm just worried that you will rob me of my job in the future," Xie said. Let me see I have to test you, to see your level. I don't accept it if it's not up to standard. " Guan Shanyue knew that Xie Zhi was joking, so she said, "well, I just don't know if I can play well."

Zhang Xinde made tea for Guan Shanyue and said, "brother, don't let your driver in for a while?" Guan Shanyue said: "the drivers are more regular. They are waiting in the car. They won't come in." While speaking, Xie Zhi put a flat pot in front of Guan Shanyue: "look at this." Guan Shanyue is not modest either. She studies the flat pot carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Guan Shanyue said: "it looks like it should be called Yuan underglaze red with white dragon pattern four series flat pot. I can't say whether it's true or not. Give me your advice. " Xie Zhi asked, "why?"Guan Shanyue said: "in glaze red, copper is used as colorant to draw various patterns directly on the white tire, and a layer of glaze is applied on it. Copper emits red in the high temperature reduction flame. Look at it again, its color is like jade, with strong light transmission. Under the light, it shows red light like a big red lantern, which is completely the characteristic of underglaze red.

Why is it from Yuan Dynasty. The most obvious feature of the porcelain in Yuan Dynasty is that the bottom feet are unglazed and exposed. The bottom feet of the utensils are like milk nails, protruding and rotating. Moreover, the ring feet of the utensils are rough and rough, and most of them are slanted inside the ring feet. Do you think I'm right? "

Xie Zhi said: "it's good! Underglaze red porcelain was created and fired in Yuan Dynasty, but its quantity is very few. The Yuan Dynasty was a short time in China's history, and the time of ceramic production was also very limited, so we can imagine the existence of the porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty. You can still know such unpopular porcelain. It seems that you have made great efforts.

In this case, I have nothing to teach you in theory. I have a lot of porcelain pieces here. They are under the Bogu shelf in the innermost part. You can compare them yourself. After reading it, we will classify it into real, fake, different dynasties, what kind of fetal quality and material, and we will talk about it later. "

Guan Shanyue pulled out two bags of porcelain fragments from the Bogu shelf and hid them in a corner to classify them.

At first, Guan Shanyue was dazzled by a pile of fragments. After all, the pictures in the book were different from the real objects. After seeing several fragments, he kept comparing and confirming them, and gradually had a feeling.

Guan Shanyue knew that the main ways to identify the authenticity of porcelain were the quality of the body, glaze, materials, and coating. The composition of ancient porcelain is different from that of porcelain produced in each dynasty.

For example, the blue and white porcelain pieces of Yuan Dynasty in his hands also have obvious characteristics: the body of the porcelain bodies are slightly thick, and the bottom of the large vessels are often cracked. The texture is fine white and delicate. The combination of body and glaze is often formed by light red flint red, and this kind of flint red also exudes a kind of flesh red in the place where the white glaze on the porcelain is thin.

With the development of different times, the glaze of porcelain is also changing. Before the Northern Song Dynasty, the glaze used was lime glaze. The adhesion between the glaze and the tread is not strong, so the glaze is slightly thin, flowing and easy to peel off, which is also a key point for distinguishing. This blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty has a thick glaze, and the glaze feels like a pile of grease, which is also a strong feature of the times.

The materials used in different dynasties are not the same. The blue and white porcelain pieces of the Yuan Dynasty are characterized by "Su Ma Li Qing", thick green color and iron spots.

In addition to the characteristics of porcelain itself, the main thing is to see if there is a sense of old-fashioned. It is also very important to find real old-fashioned in porcelain. There should be traces of use and years of storage on the porcelain, and the unearthed porcelain also has traces of the invasion of local air. These traces are shown on the utensils, because of the oxidation of air and the long-term storage space. There will be a layer of warm glossy oil on the utensils covered with slurry. The longer they are, the stronger the glossy will be. If it is blue and white porcelain, then the blue and white under the slurry should sink, just like there is a layer of water on it, commonly known as "water head".

It is easier to distinguish because the quality of the tile is completely exposed. The more Guan Shanyue looked at it, the more he felt. He quickly distinguished a lot.

Sitting next to Guan Shanyue, Xie Zhi was surprised to see that Guan Shanyue was seeing faster and faster, and the accuracy was getting higher and higher? Seeing that a bag of porcelain pieces had been distinguished, Xie Zhi said, "don't look at the rest. I can't teach you. I know more than I do." Guan Shanyue said: "so I can identify it?" Xie Zhi said: "where are you here to learn arts? It's just coming in front of me. I'm angry, isn't it?

Zhang Xinde asked, "brother, how did you learn?" Guan Shanyue said, "I have studied more than ten antique books, especially porcelain. I know the historical background and artistic characteristics of different dynasties clearly, so I can learn them faster."

Xie Zhi said: "when you come to the provincial capital, I have to treat you ceremoniously. Let's eat at home at noon. The old man lives in my house, and he always thinks of you. This time, he has fulfilled his wish. Xinde, proofing. " Zhang Xinde said, "uncle, I'll watch the shop here." Xie Zhi said: "no, Xiaoguan is coming. What can I do if you don't accompany me?"

Guan Shanyue's heart was broken. He didn't buy some gifts for the old man, so he had to borrow flowers to give the antler to the old man.