Generally speaking, drivers are willing to drive for leaders. It has become a routine for leaders to eat meat and drink soup by themselves. However, Kanto followed Guan Shanyue to Hubei without any benefit, which was rarely encountered in the past.

When Kanto thinks about it, it is estimated that he is too young to make money. At that time, although it was a bit regretful, Kanto thought that Guan Shanyue was a good product for everyone, so he was more recognized. What's more, this foundation laying ceremony is full of potential. Which driver doesn't want to be with a promising leader? Therefore, Kanto takes this business trip as an opportunity to observe whether Guan Shanyue is worth following. In addition, he has to leave a good impression on Guan Shanyue, right? Therefore, he took the initiative to teach Guan Shanyue how to drive, so as to shorten the distance.

I didn't expect that as soon as Guan Shanyue came up, he would take a cigarette as the "teacher worship ceremony" for learning to drive. Kanto immediately recognized this leader, who had no airs, was not greedy for money, and knew etiquette. While teaching Guan Shanyue how to drive, Kanto thinks that the smoke can't be collected. Only by letting Guan Shanyue know that he is not greedy for money can he get his approval.

Guan Shanyue is brave, so she can learn quickly. After an hour, she can basically start, stop and circle by herself. After practicing for a long time, Guan Shanyue was a little dizzy. He stopped to smoke with him. Kanto said: "director Guan, I'm not praising you. You are the most amiable leader I've ever met." Guan Shanyue asked, "is this good?"

Kanto thought and said, "as our employees, we naturally hope to meet such leaders, but it's not necessarily good for your direct subordinates." "Oh? Talk about it. " Seeing that Guan Shanyue loved to listen, Kanto opened his voice and said, "I have talked with several leaders over the years and summed up some experience. I think as a factory level cadre, I should treat subordinates differently. For example, you should be kind to the staff and workers, which helps them to publicize your character; you can't be kind to the cadres at the section level. These people will kick their noses on their faces and give them some sunshine. "

Guan Shanyue said, "with insight, go on." Kanto said with a smile: "don't praise me. I just feel that I can learn from many situations. If you like, I'll tell you a successful case. When a leader first took office, the cadres under his opponent were either scolded or scolded. They were very strict, and everyone was afraid and hated in private. However, after a period of time, someone wanted to do something, but he spared no effort to support it, which made that person flattered and grateful, and suddenly changed his tone. So for a long time, we are both respectful and afraid of this leader.

On the other hand, I also saw such a leader. He was good to section level cadres. At the beginning, everyone said yes, but after a long time, something went wrong. Why? As long as someone's wish is not met, he will complain that he is not good. In the end, they all think that his management is weak and his advantages turn into disadvantages.

In view of these two extreme cases, I have summed up one word: these leading cadres are "cheap", so you can't be polite to them. "

Guan Shanyue agreed with him and said with a smile: "at the beginning, what he said was quite good. There is a saying that" if you offend everyone, you will not offend anyone. "Conversely, it is true that if you are good to all people, you will not be good to anyone. But in the end, it changed. This" cheap "is too sharp, ha ha."

Kanto also laughed: "or you have culture, a word summed up. I have no culture, I just talk nonsense, ha ha. I think this is caused by thousands of years of feudal culture in China. To put it bluntly, this man has a certain servility in his bones. Look at the Chinese people. As long as they have a bite to eat, they will not rebel. In the countryside, the village head is the local emperor, and the common people dare to be angry. When I go to the factory, I'm under the control of the leaders. If no one is in charge, I'll be in a mess. "

Guan Shanyue said with a smile, "I'm good at summing up, but what you said is very reasonable. My biggest feeling in the workshop in the past two years is that this person is like a spring. The elasticity coefficient of mischief is large, but the elasticity coefficient of honesty is small. You have to work hard on the mischievous, or you can't control him. It's good for an honest man to take care of it. "

Kanto said: "you call this spring theory? Simple and clear, ha ha. "

When he left at last, Guan Dong didn't want Guan Shanyue's smoke. He said anxiously, "if you have to give it to me, you can find someone else to practice your car in the future." Seeing that Kanto was determined, Guan Shanyue had to guess back.

Today, the words of Kanto give a lot of inspiration to Guan Shanyue. In the workshop management, it is relatively simple to deal with the staff. In the future, it is necessary to deal with the section level cadres. The management level really needs to be improved.

Guan Shanyue used to like Zeng Guopan very much and read a lot of his books. What impressed her most was the "ass promotion method". At present, it seems that there is a big difference between myself and him. As long as you do well, you don't have to. However, there are people on the top of you who want to be promoted. But his principles of doing things, being a man and being an official can be used for reference.

In addition, in the past, he especially agreed with Zeng Guofan's most famous saying that "being a man should be like a man, and being an official should not be too like an official". Therefore, he always believed that "you should keep your spirit in your heart, be arrogant in your face, show your talent in things, and show your loyalty in people.". Respect the superior and do not flatter the superior, and do not bully the inferior. " The principle of the law. At present, it seems that "being an official should not be too much like an official" has not been well controlled. There are too many "spirit hidden in the chest", that is to say, he and Huang Baogang and his son show a little spirit.

Fortunately, I am now the deputy and can learn slowly. However, we are about to select people. The first step must be to select well, otherwise it will have a great impact on our future work. Steelmaking plant has two major processes: steelmaking and steel casting. In terms of steel casting, I may be too clear about myself and always feel that there is no suitable person, but I can cultivate them. So the focus is on the candidates for steelmaking process.First of all, people who flatter and bully can't use it. This kind of people usually have no real skills. Wang Zhenliang is OK, but if you don't mention one thing, they won't come back. Who is suitable for the workshop?

Guan Shanyue suddenly remembered that when he smelted steel, anyong, the deputy director of the converter workshop, contradicted their director because of the process selection. At that time, I felt that this man was very stubborn, but I found that his persistence was still correct. This shows two problems, one is that he is still a little good, the other is that he is not flattering. This is the person he likes. Guan Shanyue decides to go to him to have a chat in person.

Guan Shanyue tried to call Ernst & Young's office. He happened to be there. Guan Shanyue said, "director an, this is Guan Shanyue." They seldom communicate with each other at ordinary times, but Ernst & Young didn't respond for a moment. He joked: "Yo, director Guan, you're a rocket. You can't pull it back. What are you going to do when you are free today? "

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "don't exaggerate, OK? Brother, I want to find you to solve the problem. " "Dare not! If you have something to say, it's not ambiguous if you can help. " Guan Shanyue said, "I'm relieved to have you. Brother, there is a lack of a leader in converter technology. I wonder if you are interested in it? "

Ernst & Young hesitated and said, "I haven't really thought about that. I'm just a muddle along person, no pursuit. You see, if you want the right person, you'd better find someone else first? " Guan Shanyue said: "this is my brother's fault. I've just vowed that as long as I can help, I'll change my mind? To tell you the truth, I just think that I'm against your temper and that you have the ability to find you. I don't like other people. "

An Yongdao: "director Guan, I'm not refusing you. I'm just a lazy man with limited ability. Don't be fussy. I'll tell you the truth. I've adapted to steelmaking, good or bad. I'm really worried that I can't adapt to the new environment. "

Guan Shanyue said, "Why are you so timid? Don't you want me to look around? What are you worried about? Let me give you an analysis. The factory director is Director Wei. He is also your old factory director. Are you familiar with him? My name is Guan Shanyue. Are you familiar with me? Who else? You know all the leaders in charge. What are you worried about? If you don't agree, please don't go to my house

An yongxun thought that he was also familiar with the people over there. It was a good thing that he could mention a style when he went there, so he said, "director Guan, thank you for looking up to me. I'll go home and discuss it." Guan Shanyue said: "still a man? Ask women about work? If it's an old man, just give me a happy word. Don't let me look down on you. " "Why are you like this?" said Ernst & young? Can't I promise you? " Guan Shanyue said happily, "that's right. We are the first builders of the new area. Your name will be engraved here in the future. Be proud

After the completion of Ernst & young, Guan Shanyue is relieved, and the major events of the craft port are basically no worries. However, I still have to learn. In the past, I was mainly involved in production, but now I have to start from the design direction, which is also a challenge for me. When people have gathered together, they have to study and investigate. They must get through the main links, and there should be no jokes about rebuilding after construction.

Just thinking about it, Wang Cai brought lunch. Wang Cai coquettishly said: "husband, I don't want to study, just want to be by your side." Guan Shanyue comforted: "you see, there's nothing else here now, and there's no way to arrange it. Haven't you been to Wuhan? Isn't it good to go free? Go and learn. By the way, go to Wuhan, where you can have a lot of fun. What's more, it's still possible to go abroad for investigation. Can't you translate for me then? "

Wang Cai's eyes brightened: "can you really go abroad?" Guan Shanyue said with a smile, "it depends on how well you learn." Wang Cai said excitedly, "I'm sure I'm good at learning. I'm the only one here at CET-6. I'm better than them at any time." Guan Shanyue boasted: "my women are naturally better than others. Let's make a decision." Wang Cai banged Guan Shanyue: "don't worry, I'll be your interpreter and bodyguard."

Guan Shanyue said, "honey, pay attention. We just came here. Don't get into trouble." Wang Cai said: "don't worry, they are all playing cards downstairs. Factory director Wei took Xu Lisheng to the company for a meeting. It is estimated that they will come back after lunch. Hey, hey, do you miss me? "