In the next few days, every day shift, Guan Shanyue organized a heat exchange. Unexpectedly, it was surprisingly smooth, which attracted the observation of the second workshop and various departments.

Zhang Xing came to the second workshop with the monitor to study. Zhang Xing said to Guan Shanyue: "you, you make a big noise in a few days, and it's hard for people to live?" Guan Shanyue didn't know how to say it. He Dong said, "what's the point? It's not very technical. It's just a skilled job. It's a big deal. " Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "yes, or it won't be so smooth. In the future, we have to ask the chief of he University for more advice."

Zhang Xing ignored He Dong and said, "as the saying goes," if it's difficult, it won't be difficult. "In the past, if it's not, it's called innovation. People can't imagine that your level is higher than others. There's no doubt about that. Our country is still poor. Do you think our predecessors are called stupid people and do stupid things? Normally, your department is the core department leading the technical development of the steel plant. "

Zhang Xing, an old comrade, didn't care whether you were the section chief or not. He Dong was annoyed by these words and said angrily, "what's the matter with you here? You are very good. After so many years, you have finally become a technician. You are still a technician who can't do anything

Zhang Xing was not angry, and said with a smile, "yes, it's not easy, but the most difficult thing is to know how to be a man." He Dong became angry and said angrily, "I don't need your advice on how to be a man, and you are not qualified." Then he turned and left.

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "master, you are pulling hatred for me." Zhang Xing also said with a smile: "otherwise you are too lonely on your way forward. It's fun to find an opponent to stimulate you from time to time, but he is not your opponent at this level." Guan Shanyue shook her head and said, "master, don't harm me. It's not easy for me to live." Zhang Xing laughed.

Seeing that several successive tests have been successful, Duan Ligong said: "Xiaoguan, don't try. Let's promote it directly. The factory is very concerned about it, and the second workshop has started to test it. We can't go behind them." Guan Shanyue said: "it's not very technical, but I think it's more difficult than efficient transformation, because every employee needs to participate in it, which reflects the overall level of employees."

Duan Ligong said: "what you said is reasonable, but no matter how skillful you are, there will be accidents. This is an unavoidable fact, so you can boldly push it. If there is a problem, I will bear it."

The director said that at this point, Guan Shanyue could only carry out, but he was always worried, and only after two night shifts could he be relieved.

On Saturday, Guan Shanyue finally had a good rest, but they all spent the day at Wang Lu's home. At dinner in the evening, Guan Shanyue said, "uncle and aunt, I'd like to take time to get the license with lulu." Li Qiushui said with a smile: "Lulu is not over 20, so she can't get the certificate. Let's wait for our birthday. "

Guan Shanyue said awkwardly, "really? Some time ago, my brother wrote that he was ready to get married. " Wang Lule giggled: "you law blind, you are poisoned too deeply by the feudal remnants of your hometown." Guan Shanyue's heart, don't you know? Fifty steps make a hundred.

Since it comes to marriage, Comrade Guan Shanyue lived in Wang Lu's house that night. Love career double harvest, life is just like this, Comrade Guan Shanyue a little floating.

But there is something wrong with this. On Monday, Guan Shanyue went to the factory early, but when she arrived at the scene, she saw a mess, as if she had been burned by a big fire. Director Duan is directing the post workers to clean up the scrap, while director Li is waiting for the maintenance personnel to enter the site.

As soon as Guan Shanyue's heart sank, she went into the main control room to see the production records. The girl in the main control room is Dai Yue. Dai Yue said, "the heat exchange failed this time. As a result, the whole ladle of molten steel has been cast on the platform and has been stopped for four hours. This should be considered as a major production accident. I didn't inform you because I didn't know your phone number. "

Whatever you're afraid of. Looking at the busy scene, Guan Shanyue began to reflect on the accident. Only then did she know that she always thought about how to succeed, but never thought about what would happen if she didn't succeed. This is a major loophole in the operating procedures. It's also because of her lack of on-site experience that she didn't consider well and learned a profound lesson.

Seeing that it was time for the branch to hold the dispatching meeting, Guan Shanyue went up and said, "director Duan, it's time to go to the meeting. Shall I drive it for you? " Duan Ligong said, "OK, you go. By the way, don't say too much, just say that we are analyzing the causes and formulating measures. "

Guan Shanyue felt cool on her way to the meeting. If you go to a meeting in case of an accident, you're going to get training. It's not easy. Guan Shanyue is not afraid of being disciplined. First, he should have the courage to take responsibility when he is young. Second, he thinks that he is responsible for the expansion of the accident because of his thoughtlessness.

This time he proposed to go to the meeting. He thought director Duan would refuse, but he didn't hesitate to let himself block the gun. He said, "if something goes wrong, he will bear it." he was also moved for a while. I didn't expect that it was all deceitful words, maybe it was a kind of subconscious self-protection. This gives Guan Shanyue a new understanding of Duan Ligong, and the leader's words really can't be trusted.

Guan Shanyue meets Fang Guoqing in the corridor. Fang Guoqing smiles and asks, "director Guan, what's the matter?" Guan Shanyue said casually, "it's no big deal." Two people no longer talk, one after another into the conference room.When he arrived at the meeting room, director Zhang immediately asked, "Xiaoguan, when can production resume?" One sentence surprised Guan Shanyue into a cold sweat. I forgot to ask! Guan Shanyue turned her head and said, "the scene will be cleaned up immediately, and then check the equipment. If there is no big problem, it will take two hours."

The meeting place fell into a silence. Everyone stopped talking. Guan Shanyue didn't have the heart to see other people's expressions. She bowed her head to think about what to say at the meeting. When the factory director enters the meeting room, the production department announces the meeting.

The production department first reported yesterday's production situation, and then focused on the production accident, analyzed the impact on the output of the steel plant, especially destroyed the company's production balance, resulting in no place for molten iron, forced to cast iron, bad impact, and the General Dispatching required to write an accident report to the company.

After hearing this, Guan Shanyue's head is buzzing. She's making a catastrophe!

Each department began to report next to each other. When it was Guan Shanyue's turn, Guan Shanyue said: "the unsuccessful heat exchange on the night shift led to the steel flow to the pouring platform and forced to stop production. At present, the cleaning up of the site has come to an end, and the condition of the equipment needs to be further confirmed. We will hold a meeting during the day to analyze the reasons

It was Zhang's turn to speak. Zhang said directly, "the accident in the first steel casting workshop was very bad and the consequences were serious. We have always stressed that production should be based on stability to avoid the occurrence of malignant accidents, but it is still repeated. Therefore, the workshop should reflect on its own management, reflect on its own way of work, and put an end to similar accidents. The production department will take the lead in analyzing this matter, write out the accident report, come up with handling opinions, report it to the branch plant, and then come up with a unified opinion, and then report it to the company. "

Finally speaking to the factory director, Director Wei said: "just now factory Zhang made a request, I will not repeat it, just remind a few points: first, to deal with the accident, we should pay attention to safety, formulate measures, take abnormal operation as the focus of safety management, and the safety department should implement it well; second, we should seriously think about the problems, the problems are not terrible, the terrible thing is not to learn from the lessons and repeat them; third, we should pay attention to the problems We advocate and encourage the application of new technologies, but we should pay attention to new changes in any new process, and we should consider them carefully and take appropriate measures... "

What the factory director said was to the point, but there was no excessive criticism. But Guan Shanyue is on pins and needles, and her palms are full of sweat.

Guan Shanyue felt that this morning's meeting was longer than her one year's work experience, and her chest was like a huge stone. Out of the meeting room, director Zhang said, "go to my office."

Entered Zhang's office, Zhang said with a smile: "today's training can bear it?" Guan Shanyue said: "yes, I didn't do a good job. It's troublesome for you." Zhang said: "that's a small matter. Do you know why I said it so severely? Because I criticize more, the director says less. But don't worry too much. It's common for our production units to be trained. " Guan Shanyue said gratefully: "I can accept it with an open mind and try to avoid similar accidents in the future."

When Guan Shanyue came out, she glanced at the ID card on her desk and realized that the name of director Zhang was Zhang Chang. She used to think it was Zhang Chang, but she didn't think it was Zhang Chang. She couldn't help laughing and relaxed a little. While walking, he analyzed the meaning of what director Zhang said, but he didn't come up with a reason.

Back to the workshop for the morning scheduling meeting, Guan Shanyue really didn't have the heart to say anything more, but just conveyed the spirit of the factory headquarters scheduling meeting. Duan Ligong, on the other hand, was furious. He scolded the monitor on duty and directly removed him from his post. Others drooped their heads for fear of getting angry.

Guan Shanyue thought that although he has an unshirkable responsibility, this is a new thing after all, and everyone has a responsibility. But you directly exempt him. Who will take the initiative to implement heat exchange in the future? Is the work still to be done?

After the meeting, Duan Ligong threw a cigarette to Guan Shanyue and said, "what a bad thing! What a good momentum! He was stunned. I don't want to push any more because of the harsh criticism from the factory. It's not a blow to enthusiasm. " After a while, he said, "the factory doesn't directly say that it won't be allowed to carry out heat exchange any more. If we stop, isn't it right?"

Guan Shanyue thought about it and said, "otherwise, the analysis will be organized by the production department. Let's see the final treatment." Duan Ligong said: "this is the only way."