"Who said I was scared!" He yelled in the morning. After landing on his feet, he ran to the service area to see the gun.

"Boys are so wild." Li Yunshen said to the woman who was still worried.

Tang Xin nodded, but her eyes still fell on the morning.

"Don't worry, there's field equipment." Li Yunshen put his arm around her, patted her on the shoulder, and they walked together.

She was still a little uncomfortable with such intimacy.

When he arrived at the service area, Tang Xin found that Li Yunshen was familiar with the boss because of the large scale of the field area. However, Li Yunshen's arrival made the boss come out to greet him in person. Judging from the way they said hello, the relationship should not be bad.

"Is this your son?" Asked the boss, raising the morning with enthusiasm.

Li Yunshen shook his head. "I wish it was."

"Isn't it?" The boss put down Chenchen, looked at Chenchen, looked at him again, and then laughed without saying anything.

"What about her? Is it your girlfriend

The boss's eyes suddenly cast over, Tang Xin generously smiles at him and nods, in the heart inexplicably wants to know how Li Yunshen answers.

Li Yun gave her a thought-provoking look and said, "she is not..."

After hearing the speech, Tang's heart was suffocated, but his next words surprised her even more --

"she is my wife." Just listen to him look at her and speak softly and firmly.


Is it because you know she's here that you say something nice to her, or is it true?

His wife seems to be Xia Zhixing, right?

"Have a good eye!"

The boss gave him a thumbs up with admiration, which made Tang Xin embarrassed.

After chatting with the boss for a while, I happened to meet a family of three named Kenny to play. After communication, they became rivals.

Tang Xin put on camouflage clothes and walked out, looking left and right, feeling something was wrong.

"She couldn't help but wait for her helmet to adjust before she left

Tang Xin's face turned red, and she looked at Chenchen, who had gone to play with Kenny's son with a gun.

When painting camouflage on her face, Tang Xin frowned deeply, and Li Yunshen couldn't help teasing her, "since you promised to bring morning to play, are you afraid of losing face?"

She was so angry that she let him wipe it on, but he took the opportunity to steal the kiss!

This person, more in-depth understanding, the more feel that the past high cold are fake!

She would rather he continued to be cold than like this Always do something that doesn't make her helpless.


They chose a relatively simple scene to play, playing offensive and defensive warfare. The rule is that whoever is hit by the paintball will be out of the game. After discussion between the two families, they decide to let the child have a resurrection card. If the child is still alive, they can use the resurrection card to revive the dead. Otherwise, if it is dead, the revival card is invalid and the game is over. The loser has to hold his wife for 50 squats.

At the beginning of the game, lovely Chen Chen rushes in front with a customized gun for children. Tang Xin is very worried that he will lose it, but then Li Yunshen lets her understand that she is too worried.

He asked her to take Chenchen with him, while he covered it secretly. She knew that he wanted to let her and Chenchen go to play. She was very moved by him. Chen Chen patted his chest and said, "don't worry, I will protect you!"