Chapter 1622

Since he is manipulated, he can't avoid being oppressed, and it's impossible not to resist. What's more, it's Zhuang Jianye, who doesn't believe in evil, and the take-off of China, which is called iron bone and Clank in the industry?

However, since the mid and late 1990s, the main direction of China's take-off is the development and supporting of large aircraft and large spacecraft. It simply can't spare energy to do new business in other categories.

Because of this, the road of self-development was not impossible, but there was no effort at that time. Therefore, Zhuang Jianye's strategy for major industrial robot manufacturers was to divide and rule, and two peaches kill three.

Anyway, China has the final say of soaring demand. Whoever put it there is a big fat meat. The question is which fat meat is sent to whose mouth. That is China's soaring flight.

As for the effect, it was surprisingly good at the beginning. Several industrial robot companies, such as abb in Switzerland and Fanuc in Japan, fought with each other in order to compete for the big customer of China's take-off, so that China's take-off really got a lot of good goods from these companies during that time.

But not long after this situation, the American Industrial Robot Association and the European industrial robot Federation came forward to integrate the fierce competition of several industrial robots, and then established the industrial robot industry alliance.

The purpose of the alliance is high sounding, that is, to impose corresponding advanced equipment restrictions on the so-called economic entities with high pollution and high energy consumption, so as to force these economic entities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable environmental development.

The words are more beautiful than anyone, but the essence is that developed countries are using environmental protection issues as an excuse to block the road of industrialization of developing countries.

We should know that the realization of industrialization is not achieved overnight, but step by step. Without the initial high pollution and high energy consumption to accumulate raw capital, it is impossible to realize industrial upgrading. Naturally, it will not enable the majority of developing countries to completely get rid of the trouble of poverty.

But the problem is that the earth is so big, there are so many people, and the scale of the market is so small. If they are all open to developing countries, what else do developed countries eat? What to drink?

No food, no drink, what else?

Therefore, locking the rising channel of developing countries and firmly holding the high-profit industry in their own hands is the eternal principle of developed countries.

However, in the past, developed countries paid more attention to people and work, controlled the high-end manufacturing industry and suppressed the low-end with the high-end, so as to maintain the existing global market system.

However, after the cold war, developed countries seem to feel that the profits obtained by relying solely on the high-end to suppress the low-end are still too little, so they began not to be human, and are ready to dig the low-end of developing countries directly.

This is how the so-called environmental protection issues come from. To give developing countries a so-called big hat of environmental protection, saying it is for the sustainable development of the world, is actually telling you clearly, boy, you are developing too fast, it's time to stop.

What? Non stop?

Then limit you in technology and industry and call it promoting your environmental protection reform.

China's take-off has encountered this problem. Because it has developed too fast, it has been labeled as environmentally friendly by friends such as Boeing and Airbus.

The reason is also very simple. 70% of China's electricity for take-off production comes from coal-fired thermal power, 15% from natural gas, and only 5% from renewable energy power generation such as hydropower or wind power.

Therefore, those friends and businessmen who compete fiercely with China's take-off accuse China's take-off of not environmental protection. It is an extremely selfish act to sacrifice the well-being of future generations to achieve today's glory.

Not only are friends and businessmen on the periphery, but the most irritating thing is that some domestic public opinion and experts are also echoing, criticizing China's take-off without taking into account environmental protection.

According to their logic, it is not a matter of Pediatrics for China to take off such a large enterprise, such a large scale and such a large financial resources to solve environmental protection. A little investment can be greatly improved. In that case, why not invest and leave an excuse for attack to outsiders?

But the problem is that only coal can be self-sufficient and cheap in China, which can meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production and residential electricity.

The carbon dioxide emission of natural gas is small, but the problem is that there are not many domestic carbon dioxide reserves. It is not impossible to start a large number of natural gas power generation. However, in the long run, a large number of imported natural gas will lead to the long-term dependence on imports of domestic electric energy like oil.

This thing really affects the whole body. What if some natural gas suppliers break out an energy crisis like the oil embargo in 1973? Do you watch the whole country without electricity?

Moreover, the power generation cost of natural gas is significantly higher than that of coal. If it is to be popularized on a large scale, the electricity price will rise significantly. With the rise of electricity price, all domestic consumer goods will rise generally, which will lead to serious inflation and affect economic development.

Based on this, the pragmatists represented by Zhuang Jianye believe that the long-term solution is to actively carry out the technological development of renewable energy while maintaining the existing energy pattern. It is not reliable to say it by mouth alone.

But some people are out of their minds. They think that what developed countries can do should also be done at home. As a benchmark in the domestic industrial field, China's take-off should take the lead in completing it.

So that in a routine interview, a media hostess suddenly put aside the established topic and asked Zhuang Jianye a very serious environmental question: "Boeing promised to reduce 120000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions this year. Why can't China take off? Shouldn't China take off set an example in this regard?"

Zhuang Jianye was not used to it and directly replied: "the people of Boeing are people, but the people of China's take-off are not people? The most important thing for people is the right to survival. The primary task of China's take-off is to live. A dead China's take-off is not in anyone's interests!"

There are many similar situations, but different from the past, the professional and public intellectuals occupying the moral highland are unscrupulous this time, grasping this issue and fiercely criticizing China's take-off.

The vast majority of the people have supported this, because the haze and dust weather everywhere is indeed very serious, and environmental protection has become an irreversible livelihood topic from a technical problem.

Under such circumstances, the global industrial robot industry alliance, under the pretext of environmental protection, restricts the introduction of equipment related to China's take-off, claiming that their so-called high-end equipment can only use clean energy, which is like a white lotus that comes out of mud and does not stain. Even China's take-off is dirty when it touches its fingers, so China's take-off can't help it, Originally, I wanted to face several large industrial robot manufacturers with an equal attitude, but the result was alienation. In that case, China's take-off will not be installed, and there will be a showdown... It's industrial robot technology, like who doesn't have it!