Chapter 1496

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye is not prepared to be as conservative as in the first phase of the second phase of the west to east gas transmission project.

Of course, the most important purpose is to earn excess profits through the second phase of the west to east gas transmission project. However, compared with the immediate profits, Zhuang Jianye pays more attention to the long-term significance of winning the industrial gas turbine of the second phase of the west to east gas transmission project.

We should know that with the development of the national economy, the status of energy in the economic field is increasing day by day. How to solve the problem of energy structure in the economically developed eastern regions, ensure the rapid economic development and ensure energy security has become a practical problem that the country has to consider.

In fact, the west to east gas transmission project was put into operation under this background.

As the largest infrastructure investment in China after the Three Gorges project, the west to east gas transmission project plays a certain role in alleviating the energy pressure in the eastern region, but it does not fundamentally solve the growing energy gap in the eastern region.

Because of this, in addition to the west to east gas transmission project, energy units such as Sinopec and PetroChina also plan several energy transportation lines.

The Sichuan East gas transmission project with a total length of more than 2500 kilometers is one of the most feasible projects.

At present, the project has entered the engineering demonstration stage. Once the construction problems under the complex geological environment are solved, the Sichuan East gas transmission project will be launched within two years. At that time, China, which has obtained most of the industrial gas turbine orders of the second phase of the west east gas transmission project, is bound to get a larger share of industrial gas turbines with its strong relationship foundation in the southwest.

In addition, the overseas energy transmission pipeline is also the goal of Zhuang Jianye.

For example, the Pakistan railway energy line entering China from Gwadar Port in Pakistan; The Far East of Russia enters the Northeast energy line of China and crosses the Central Asian energy line of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

These three planned important energy pipeline transportation lines alone are enough to make Zhuang Jianye drool. You should know that domestic equipment can't make a lot of money from its own production and sales, but once exported, the profit will double directly.

Just want to achieve export, their products must have a wide range of applications, so as to give customers a mature and reliable good impression.

China Tengfei, which has received most of the gas turbine orders for the second phase of the west to east gas transmission project, can proudly take these foreign customers to have a look on the spot. China's industrial gas turbine driven by Tengfei is the only super energy transmission project in the world, and there are many difficulties to overcome. We can do so perfectly, Your little project is not easy to catch!

Of course, in addition to giving foreign customers a good impression, some key domestic customers also need these super projects to test the reliability and economy of some industrial gas turbines.

Like the Navy that started planning dumplings.

You know, at present, what hinders the Navy from making dumplings is nothing else, that is, marine high-power industrial gas turbines.

The main model used in the west to east gas transmission project is a 20 MW high-power industrial gas turbine, which can be used in common in theory.

Because of this, the bidding of the west to east gas transmission project pays attention not only to the insiders in the energy field, but also to the relevant personnel of the Navy.

After all, the requirements of energy transmission for the maintainability, economy, service life and environmental factors of industrial gas turbines are not much lower than those of the Navy.

The reason is very simple. The pressure in the energy pipeline is provided by the gas turbine. Once the gas turbine fails, the pipeline transmission will be interrupted immediately. You know, in modern society, these energy pipelines are equivalent to arterial blood vessels. Imagine what happens once people's arterial blood vessels stop?

Therefore, the energy pipeline transportation has very high requirements for the reliability of gas turbine, because the operating unit can not afford the consequences of frequent interruption of energy pipeline.

The same is true for suck industrial gas turbines of large naval surface ships. After all, as a main ocean going ship, it is three months to start out. If the gas turbine is not able to force, what should we do if we lie in the middle?

Because of this, the navy is still looking forward to the bidding for the gas turbine project of the west to east gas transmission project, because it is equivalent to helping the Navy screen the advantages and disadvantages of domestic industrial gas turbines at the practical application level.

Of course, the first phase of the project somewhat disappointed the Navy.

China's 20 MW high-power industrial gas turbine did not enter the procurement list because it was immature; Relying on the technology provided by the Russian Aviation Power Corporation, the imitation da-80 high-power gas turbine has been approved by the west to east gas transmission phase I project and purchased for use.

However, in practical application, da-80 high-power gas turbine has high failure rate, poor economy and complex maintenance. Therefore, after trial operation for a period of time, the first phase of West to East Gas Transmission Project transferred the purchased four da-80 high-power gas turbines to several gas power plants subordinate to Sinopec and used 20 MW high-power gas turbines produced by Siemens, This meets the design requirements.

Fortunately, the Navy leaders at that time had a clear mind and did not blindly launch da-80 high-power gas turbine. They just built two 052B and 052c missile destroyers in combination with Ukraine's original technology, and did not jump out of the established strategy of running fast in small steps.

Results the actual test has found that in addition to meeting the power requirements, da-80 still has a large gap compared with lm2500 gas turbine of GE company of the United States used on 052 missile destroyer.

More importantly, the overall level of maturity is not high.

Russia and Ukraine should not be blamed. After all, da-80 gas turbine is an unfinished model in the Soviet era. If the Soviet Union does not disintegrate, there is nothing to say. It is guaranteed to complete the draft with quality and quantity.

The problem is the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the separation of Da Mao, er Mao and San Mao, coupled with the economic downturn and the crazy outflow of personnel and technology, which led to a problem that was not a problem in the Soviet era, but a fatal technological bottleneck today.

In this case, it's strange that the da-80 can do well.

Therefore, after two 052c missile destroyers, the Navy suddenly stopped the construction of destroyers, which not only puzzled the outside world, but also disappointed domestic military fans who saw the hope of the rise of the Navy.

You should know that the 052c missile destroyer uses tetrahedral phased array radar and vertical launch system. The overall structure is very similar to the "aleburke" class of the US Navy equipped with "Aegis" air defense missile system.

Because of this, when the two 052c missile destroyers were built, they received extensive attention from domestic military fans, and pieces of analysis articles were lengthy in forums and post bars.

Whether rational analysis or emotional excitement, the consensus of these two types of missile destroyers as naval milestones in the new era has been recognized by everyone.

As a result, when people expected more 052c missile destroyers to be launched into service and expand the people's navy, the Navy suddenly stopped the construction of this type of destroyer.

In fact, the Shanghai army is more anxious than military fans. However, the high-power ship gas turbine is stuck there. The Navy, which lacks surging power, has to stop and wait for its own heart no matter how anxious it is!