Chapter 1480

No way. As a senior industry insider, Merlins knows better than anyone what a successful anti satellite test means.

Just like the mushroom bomb in the early cold war in the 1950s and 1960s, anyone who can blow up one of these things in his family has to be more than ten times harder to speak in the global village.

Today's anti satellite test is similar to that of the mushroom bomb. You should know that outer space is the same as the era of great navigation 500 years ago. It is completely a barbaric operation by who thinks of who gets the first. Unlike the era of great navigation 500 years ago, today's aerospace technology has a higher threshold and stronger technical requirements, not to mention ordinary developing countries, That is, the existence of some self styled developed countries can only look at the sky and sigh, shouting: can't afford to play, can't afford to play!

Therefore, the aerospace field is basically concentrated in a few leading countries, but even these leading countries are divided into 369, such as Europe with France and Germany as the core. Its own economic strength is not weak and its technical level is passable, but it lacks deterrence means such as anti satellite, so it can only be deterred by freedom and beauty.

Of course, Europe wants to develop similar technologies. The problem is that freedom and beauty controls the upper limit of European strategic weapons development through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, resulting in an invisible ceiling in many fields in Europe, which can not be broken in the short term. Therefore, under the condition of compromise with freedom and beauty, they find a trace of development opportunities like compassion.

As a result, in the first 30 years of the 21st century, taking advantage of the weakness of Russia's national strength, the incomplete integration of Europe and the freedom and beauty of completely Americanizing outer space, I didn't expect to press the gourd to float the ladle, just toss the sick hairy bear, blackmail the angry Europe, and a big country in the East actually made an anti satellite test?

What do you want? Ready to develop their own outer space technology? Whether a big country in the East has this strength or not, the key is whether it pays attention to the head of the global village of freedom and beauty!

"Mr. merlinz? Mr. merlinz..."

While merlinz was holding the note in his hand and sinking into meditation, delaine on the side gave an impatient reminder. Merlinz regained consciousness and quickly handed the note to delaine, explaining: "A big country in the East has just entered an anti satellite interception test, and their ambition is not small. It seems that your 'Galileo' satellite navigation plan will be challenged by a big country in the East..."

"Oh?" delaine was also surprised when he heard the speech. He took the note and glanced at it. He could not help frowning and immediately smiled indifferently: "It's just shooting down a scrapped satellite. A liquid launch vehicle that can hit space can do it. The relevant calculation formula is common for undergraduates in the Department of physics. It's not difficult. The key depends on whether they have actual combat ability. After all, today's satellites are equipped with small thrust reversers, and the orbit can change at any time, which is just like the objective in the exam Like subjective questions, questions are not at the same level at all. "

After listening, merlinz couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "you seem to know the current situation of aerospace technology in a big country in the east?"

"I can't say I know very well, but it's not much worse in general!" delaine said confidently: "after all, we have cooperated extensively on the Galileo satellite navigation system in the past few years, and we can still see some background color."

"How's it going?" merlinz couldn't wait to ask.

"Compared with the vast majority of developing countries, it is much stronger, but there is an upper limit after all. It is basically at the same level as New Delhi... Oh, no... New Delhi at least does better in foreign cooperation, so it should be an established fact that New Delhi should surpass a big country in the East in the field of aerospace soon..."

Delaine is like a referee on the track, every word is firm, as if everything is under his control.

In fact, it's not just delaine who casually picked up a technical expert and competent official from the European Space Agency. They almost all have the same view of a large country in the East, that is, lack of experience and technology. In addition to making some bad money these years, they are almost useless.

There's no way. In fact, the performance of the expert group of a large Eastern country during the cooperation period can't be fake. The envy, desire and inferiority when they see the chip level atomic clock are written on their faces; the shock when they see the advanced microelectronic precision processing workshop can't be concealed.

In contrast, the experts in New Delhi are much more calm. Even if the technical level in New Delhi is not very good, most of the experts in New Delhi have received education from European and American institutions of higher learning. In addition to holding government posts in New Delhi, they also hold the titles of guest professor or honorary professor of many European and American universities.

Have seen the world.

Among the experts from a big country in the East, there are also experts with European and American study background. However, compared with those who can enter the core circle in New Delhi, the students from a big country in the East can only be regarded as peripheral wage earners. Their theoretical knowledge may not be poor, but their experience level and insight are discounted.

Coupled with the rigid technology introduction conditions of a large Eastern country, it is completely different from New Delhi's generous procurement of finished parts and technology outsourcing. Because of this, many people in the European aerospace field have a very consistent view, that is, they are more optimistic about the aerospace development of New Delhi.

Because New Delhi is more open, freer and more democratic in aerospace.

Not to mention anything else, in the field of chip level atomic clocks, the European space agency puts a big country in the East on the same level as New Delhi. They can only watch European experts busy from a distance and don't look close.

New Delhi understands this and believes that Europe is protecting intellectual property rights and needs additional investment for this purpose.

A big country in the East feels offended because they should let them learn the core technology of Europe if they pay, or it will be an insult to them.

In contrast, Europeans naturally choose New Delhi with a broader mind and alienate a narrow-minded power in the East, even if they turn their face.

Take you to play with a big country in the East. It's to give you face, but you're picky. What's the matter? Can't a big country in the east turn without you? The European continent really doesn't believe that evil. If you want to go, just go away!

Anyway, the "Galileo" plan will be officially implemented. There will be no shop after this village. Don't regret it when a big country in the East comes and cries to us Europeans!

Merlinz listened to Draine's words without any expression on his face, but nodded selfishly, while Draine added with a smile: "A low earth orbit satellite of about 100 kilometers is just like a person hitting a fixed target one meter away with a pistol. As long as he is not blind, he will always hit a ten ring. Based on my understanding of a large country in the East, it is a nation that values face more than life. It is just a gesture. It has no practical significance."

"So you have a way to develop the ambition of a big power in the East in the aerospace field?" merlinz suddenly asked in silence for a moment.

Delaine smiled confidently: "of course, at least on the navigation satellite, I can make a big country in the East have no place in space!"