Chapter 1383

There is no way. This attack by an armed group in the southwest of Osman is more than that. Similar incidents happened in Istanbul, industrial areas in the north and ports in the south.

After all, the ammunition used by an armed group in the southwest of Osman was only 35mm or 40mm grenades from grenade launchers used by infantry teams.

It doesn't work for some solid targets at all, but it can't stand. An armed group in southwest Osman made videos of these attacks and put them on the Internet.

Then put on a line of subtitles: This is just the beginning

This caused panic to several major cities in Osman. However, compared with the panic of people in the city, the panic of Osman security forces is the most fatal.

The reason for this is very simple. It comes from a video released by an armed group in southwest Osman.

Time is not long, only 35 seconds, but the amount of information is huge.

The first picture is a group of aerial shots that have been well known by the world. It shows a heavily armed force of Osman security forces marching in the streets.

After they were attacked in the main cities of Osman, they quickly expanded the reinforcements of Osman security forces to encircle and suppress an armed organization in the southwest of Osman. For this reason, Osman gave the encirclement and suppression operation a code name of "justice · purge".

The heavily armed force with armored vehicles and tanks in the video is the Anatolian detachment, the ace of the Osman security forces, which is responsible for blocking a city in the southwest and used to encircle an armed group in the southwest of Osman.

Not only are they equipped with M60 main battle tanks, M113 armored vehicles and Humvee high-speed motor vehicles, but the soldiers of the detachment have been trained by the special forces of the United States and Europe for a long time, and the backbone of the detachment have long-term experience in fighting with domestic armed organizations, which can be said to be the trump card of the Osman security forces.

What is shown in the video is the arrest of an important figure in an armed group in the southwest of Osman arranged by the Anatolian detachment after obtaining accurate information.

It not only dispatched three M60 tanks for peripheral blockade, but also equipped with two sets of so-called "blinding-250" UAV jammers that Osman had just imitated according to zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer.

They are also integrated into two M113 armored vehicles, but the antenna is replaced by a higher military antenna from the low-end product of TV signal, which is difficult to be elegant before, so it is several times stronger than the zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer in terms of development.

As for performance, of course, no matter in terms of power or operating distance, it is the existence of zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer.

More importantly, the price of "blinding-250" UAV jammer is less than a quarter of zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer, which is between the domestic demand of Osman, And the growing demand for such small unmanned aerial vehicles triggered by the upsurge in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles by armed groups around the world triggered by the use of oretaya quadrotor UAV by an armed group in southwest Osman.

Osman has estimated that their "blinding-250" UAV jammer will gain more than 20 billion US dollars of market share in the future.

This is calculated according to Osman's domestic preferential price. In fact, the profit will only be more than this number, never less than this number.

This is also the reason why so many people in Osman oppose China's take-off of zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer and want to copy it by themselves. There is no way. The benefits are too great. Osman's industrial enterprises and real businesses want to share a piece of the cake.

Of course, there is also a potential driving force for Osman to do so, that is, zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer is originated from China to take off. If it is developed in Europe and America, Osman may be able to hesitate for a moment. Is this thing too high in technology? Can it do with its own level?

But when you look at a big country in the East, you don't worry at all. It's a poor country in a developing country. The common people may never see what a toilet looks like in their whole life. Isn't Osman able to catch the things made by such a backward country?

Don't say that you are a big country in the East. You are rich and rich in history; They want to have a bigger family!

With the inertia of thinking that a big country in the East can do it, and Osman can do it too, Osman ran all the way to black on the road of imitating zdl-16 vehicle borne UAV jammer.

And then... And then... Was taught by an armed group in southwest Osman.

Because the video shows that the two "blinding-250" UAV jammers attached to the Anatolian detachment have no effect at all.

Did the Anatolian detachment fail to turn on the blinder-250?

Of course not. They are not only turned on, but also in the state of maximum power throughout the whole process. It can be seen from the snowflakes and shaking in the air of the oretaya quadrotor UAV in the video from time to time. The UAV is seriously disturbed, but after the operator in the video switches to a block II mode, all the interferences are eliminated.

The problem is that the Anatolian detachment in the video doesn't know that the armed group's UAVs actually have a block II mode, but they are super confident in their own "blinding-250" UAV jammer, because in the previous test, none of the oretaya quadrotor UAVs escaped the "blinding-250" UAV jammer, So that they didn't go to see if something was really watching them.

Even on the outskirts of the blockade block, the Anatolian detachment did not even comply with basic battlefield discipline and opened the top of the M60 tank.

However, it's understandable. After all, it's too stuffy inside the tank. It's okay to open the top cover for ventilation to make the people inside more comfortable. What's more, they are tanks and armed groups in ox. seeing tanks is also rats. Seeing cats, they can run as far as they can. What's the danger? Can they still turn into angels and call from the top of their heads?

As a result, the armed groups did not become angels, but they used the oretaya quadrotor UAV to make this impossible possible. In the 23rd second of the video, the UAV, which had hovered over the head of the Anatolian detachment for a while, suddenly saw the right time and dropped a US made 40mm grenade vertically, As a result, it was thrown into the top cover of an M60 main combat tank. A fire burst into the sky. The M60 tank was like a cloud of smoke coming from the muzzle and hatch cover, but it was not over. Then, a bigger air burst suddenly, and the turret of the tank was lifted directly. The shock wave generated by the explosion not only destroyed the two Humvees around, It makes the UAV in the sky swing almost uncontrollable.

But no matter what, this time the oretaya quadrotor UAV vs tank, and win, is to create an unprecedented miracle!