Chapter 1301

Even the official media at home are so low-key that you can imagine the reaction of overseas friends and businessmen. They just point to the nose of China's take-off and yell. Come here and have a look. Even their own country has no confidence. Who believe in China's take-off? That's the biggest fool X in the solar system.

Overseas friends and businessmen make trouble, and some domestic public intellectuals are naturally uneasy. On the one hand, they talk about all kinds of domestic disadvantages; On the other hand, China's take-off of the fourth generation aircraft is a waste of money.

After that, he put forward the European argument of saving military expenditure and investing in the development of people's livelihood. He praised how the European and American countries were excellent and advanced. At the same time, he once again trampled on his motherland mercilessly.

Then use this wave of public opinion, either to get money from the boss behind the scenes, or to expand the business of their own overseas immigrants... In a word, it's still a wise saying. It's all about ism in the mouth, but it's all about business in the heart, and none of it is simple.

The problem is that the people who set off public opinion are not simple, but the broad masses of the people don't know about it. They are biased by this trend. Especially on the newly emerging Internet, the major forums are almost noisy about this issue.

Anyway, the threshold of keyboard man is not high. Naturally, everyone competes to be the first, especially the so-called well-known IDs. It's hard to meet each other when you look at the posture.

Of course, a lot of so-called aviation God IDs have emerged in these squabbling, squabbling and debates. For example, the ID named "aviation world understanding king" has clearly indicated from the beginning that China has the basic conditions for the development of three-and-a-half or even four generation aircraft.

In the face of all kinds of questions and refutations, the "king of aviation industry" did not have endless quarrels. Instead, it analyzed the achievements of the domestic aviation industry in the next 10 or 20 years from a series of technical perspectives. This kind of super hard core technology popularization directly confused the masses. All kinds of God worshiping Posts came in droves, and soon became the figures in the forum.

But what those netizens who are convinced to kneel down don't know is that behind the "aviation understanding king" are actually two young children. As for their so-called aviation technology, half of them are influenced by their father Zhuang Jianye; The other half is brain tonic.

In a word, the two brothers and sisters have one rule, that is to say, bad words about China's take-off will not work.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye is not clear about these matters at all, and even if he wants to know about them, he will not have the time, because after completing the cooperation framework agreement with the UAE, Zhuang Jianye will return to China by his trj-700 senior business plane without waiting for the formal end of the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition.

It's just that Zhuang Jianye's plane did not land at China's take-off headquarters in Xingzhou. Instead, it flew directly to an air force base in North China, where the head of the headquarters will hold an important meeting with the participation of troops, local governments and enterprises. The specific topic is not yet known, but according to the information obtained, the four words "extraordinary" still deserve the name.

This can be seen from the personnel sent by the army to pick up the plane after the landing of the trj-700 senior business plane. This meeting is really different from the past, because it was Xue Weidong, the commander of the "golden helmet" unit of the professional blue army of the air force who received Zhuang Jianye.

To this, Zhuang Jianye is a little surprised: "how did you send such a busy man? Don't you mean you've been exercising all this time? "

"I'm really watching the drill!" Xue Weidong, who welcomed Zhuang Jianye from the plane, replied with a smile: "even now, I am still directing the exercise."

This makes Zhuang Jianye even more confused. Your brother is engaged in an exercise. How can he come to meet an outsider who has nothing to do with the exercise?

However, before Zhuang Jianye asked questions, Xue Weidong had already led Zhuang Jianye to the rest area beside the airport and explained: "the main reason is that our" golden helmet "troops have received a batch of products that you have taken off from China. This exercise is just the backbone of your products, so the head of the headquarters asked me to arrange you here first, Let's see if your Chinese products can stand the test. "

Wen Yanzhuang Jianye, instead of being nervous, laughed and asked, "is that army so unlucky?"

"Liu Xiaolin's synthetic air defense forces." Xue Weidong is not as optimistic as Zhuang Jianye. Instead, he looks at Zhuang Jianye meaningfully: "do you have so much confidence in your Chinese products?"

"What else?" Zhuang Jianye's smile remains the same: "unless the quality of your" golden helmet "troops is not good, otherwise, with what China's take-off has provided you, it's not as easy to beat Liu Xiaolin's troops as it is to abuse vegetables?"

Xue Weidong's face was full of evil and he asked me, "if only it were, Liu Xiaolin has not been Wu xiaamung in the past year!"

Wen Yan, Zhuang Jianye also nodded: "yes, this guy has made great efforts in air defense. It's really not easy for you to deal with it!"

It's no wonder that Zhuang Jianye and Xue Weidong have such an attitude towards Liu Xiaolin's troops. In fact, Liu Xiaolin, who was abused by fbc-1a fighter bombers in the strategic air defense exercise, has brought the saying "be brave after being ashamed" into full play in the past year. He not only readjusted the establishment and operational process of the air defense battalion, but also increased the operational efficiency of the air defense battalion several times; In addition, through cooperation with scientific research institutes inside and outside the military, a set of tracking and detection system based on passive invisible radio wave has been developed.

Combined with the meter wave radar with higher accuracy, Liu Xiaolin's troops initially mastered the way to deal with radar stealth combat aircraft.

In fact, the principle is very simple. With the development of society, the signals of all kinds of radio communication equipment diffuse in every corner, making the whole space like an ocean to make up for radio waves.

Under normal circumstances, radio waves will disperse in a fixed direction, but once an unknown object intrudes, it is like a big fish fleeing out of the calm ocean, which is bound to cause huge waves. The unknown object will also disturb these kinds of radio waves.

Stealth combat aircraft can scatter or absorb radar waves in a certain band, but it can't avoid disturbing all kinds of radio waves. After all, the existing laws of physics are there, unless stealth combat aircraft surpasses the current human scientific and technological civilization and uses the so-called higher level of alien scientific and technological talents.

Therefore, this kind of disturbance is equivalent to the emperor's new suit on the stealth fighter, which will show its original shape with a slight pull. Just because of this, this set of passive invisible radio wave tracking and detection system has developed to the extreme, which will, through high-performance computer and radio disturbance, just like the submarine sonar, change the direction, height and position of the incoming fighter The speed and shape are intact, which can be called the nemesis of stealth fighter.

Of course, at this stage, China's take-off of this product has not yet reached such an incredible height, can only initially find the general direction of the target, but this is a qualitative leap for Liu Xiaolin's troops.