Chapter 1299

Abdallah has nothing to say. Salman has no constraints. As the king of the United Arab Emirates, Salman has been able to take the position of head of the national defense and Security Council from childhood to childhood. Apart from having a good baby, the most important thing is his "intimate" relationship with his majesty beyond pure friendship.

To borrow an ancient Chinese definition, Salman is a typical lucky minister. In addition to a pile of brilliant titles on his head, he has no dry goods in his stomach.

If not, Prince Abdullah would not have followed him.

As a result, the ballast rock that followed sank, and Salman, without restraint, immediately revealed his nature. He came to the wing of fc-21 fighter like a curious baby, and stared at the stealth bomb cabin that had just closed with curiosity, After a long time, he suddenly asked Zhuang Jianye, "can you open it again? I've never seen anything so magical. "

When this remark came out, other people didn't respond to it for a moment. No one in the staff of China take-off thought that this handsome prince, who looks like the famous model in the magazine, should ask such a low-level question with his mouth open.

According to the general routine, the radar cross section under the belly should not be asked next; Other functions of stealth capsule; Do you know the specific price of the top version of fc-21 fighter?

Actually, I just asked to show it. I didn't regard this meeting as a formal negotiation at all. It was as casual and novel as a garden party.

In this way, the staff of China's take-off do not know how to take over. There is no such setting in the script, OK!

However, the staff of China's take-off were a little overwhelmed by the request of Prince allaman, while Prince Abdullah over there was almost swept away by his own nephew's words.

Although I know that my nephew has no dry goods in his stomach, I didn't expect that he has no dry goods to this extent. How can he not show his happiness and anger in his face?

No matter how curious you are, it's not too late to buy the fc-21 fighter. As a result, it's not the same as showing all your cards at this time?

So Abdallah immediately went forward, took Salman's words, and helped his nephew back to Yuan Yuan. If it was other people taking off from China, Abdallah might succeed. The problem is that the ballast stone on the side of China's take-off is no one else. It's Zhuang Jianye who is good at seizing opportunities. More importantly, he didn't sink the ballast stone.

Without waiting for Prince Abdullah's action, Zhuang Jianye said, "what are you waiting for? Show it to his Highness Prince Salman. "

With the words of Zhuang Jianye, the staff of China take-off at the scene naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to operate the control system to open and close the stealth capsule.

During this period, Abdullah tried to bring Salman back to the main topic several times, but Zhuang Jianye's broken words were endless, and he didn't give him a chance to intervene at all.

This lasted for more than ten minutes. Finally, Prince Salman looked inside and out of the stealth capsule. Finally, he nodded with satisfaction. Then he looked at Zhuang Jianye: "Mr. Zhuang, I don't know if you can use this kind of capsule opening and closing mechanism on the bed? I think this 270 degree rotation experience will be very wonderful. "

Taking advantage of Salman's words, Zhuang Jianye, who is taking a breath, is preparing to make a further detailed introduction to the follow-up situation of fc-21 fighter, so as to win the king's No. 1 favorite minister completely. Salman's wonderful problem completely makes Zhuang Jianye, who is famous for his adaptability in the aviation industry, completely stupid.

How is the opening and closing mechanism of stealth bomb cabin connected with sleeping bed? How big is Prince Salman's brain to come up with such a wonderful question.

Not only Zhuang Jianye, but also Salman's uncle, Prince Abdullah, almost fainted by the young prince's problem. However, Salman didn't seem to notice the difference of the people around him. Instead, he continued to open his own mind: "if this set of institutions can be applied to the bed... Of course, it's not an ordinary bed, but a customized bed on a private plane, In this way, can his majesty experience the feeling of flying a fighter plane when he is in his own private plane? You know, his Majesty's... Er... I mean, he's a natural adventurer, and his genes full of lion like appearance are all used to try new tricks, so I think your bomb cabin and mechanism are very good... "

As soon as these words came out, the people on the scene did not faint, but had a complete brain outage, which was too... In line with Salman's little eyes, which were like the worship of his daughter's family, he almost wrote on his face the super friendship between him and the king.

This melon is so big and powerful that people around it don't know how to eat it.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye has experienced all kinds of problems over the years, and he is still stable. After a moment's hesitation, he immediately reacts and nods his head like a pound of garlic: "of course, as long as Prince Salman and His Majesty the king are willing, China Tengfei will always be your two most loyal suppliers of goods and services."

"It seems that Mr. Zhuang is open to intimacy beyond pure friendship," he said

"I think it is reasonable to exist." Zhuang Jianye laughed more brightly: "we have an old Chinese saying that great love is boundless. Since it is great love, we have to overcome some eyes that are difficult for ordinary people to understand."

"Great love is boundless?" Prince Salman murmured repeatedly, and immediately nodded with emotion: "I didn't expect that the seemingly open Europe and the United States are not as good as a relatively conservative Eastern power."

After that, he looked up at Zhuang Jianye again: "this meeting was very fruitful. I will make a special report to his Majesty on the high configuration version of fc-21 fighter. I believe he will also have a strong interest in this fighter."

Then, like a noble swan, he left with a bunch of followers on his back.

It's no good not to leave, because Prince Abdullah had a heart attack two minutes ago and passed out directly. As for the reason... Anyway, it has something to do with Salman.

However, facts have proved that Salman's influence on the king far exceeds the idea instilled by the French when they were young, which also proves that the intimate relationship beyond friendship is far more addictive than boring knowledge, at least for the king of the United Arab Emirates. Because of this, four days after the meeting between Prince Salman and Zhuang Jianye in the fc-21 fighter hangar, China Tengfei and the United Arab Emirates TA aviation production consortium jointly throw a shock bomb to the international aviation industry: the two sides will cooperate in the research and development of the fourth generation fighter.