Chapter 1290

The head of the headquarters said this very seriously. The leader of the ground to air missile force opened his mouth and wanted to explain something, but he was speechless.

No way. The head of the headquarters is right. Zhenlong II is just a radar stealth test and verification aircraft. Besides verifying the aerodynamic layout of radar stealth, its main function is to provide a test aircraft with stealth function for the army.

After all, the new three strikes and three defenses have been called for so many years, especially for stealth fighters. There is no less theoretical research, but there is almost no real practice.

It's not that they don't want to do it, but they can't do it without proper test objectives, which limits the next stage of military modernization in China.

In particular, the integration of the army, navy and air force has been greatly affected.

The reason for this is very simple. If you can't solve the attack and defense of stealth targets, you have no air supremacy. No matter how sharp your tanks and armored vehicles are, how majestic your surface ships are, and how large the number of fighters is, they are just like piles of fat meat. They can only be slaughtered.

Therefore, if we want to promote the next stage of military modernization, we must solve the attack and defense of stealth targets.

In particular, after the overseas events in Belgrade, the headquarters' attack and defense of stealth targets has reached an unprecedented strategic height. It not only reassessed the technical and tactical indicators of the 20th project, but also began to look for an aviation target that can simulate stealth targets, So as to test the quality of the land, sea and air force and the Second Artillery Force in front of the stealth aircraft.

Originally, the headquarters wanted to be an unmanned target aircraft with stealth aerodynamic layout. However, when the military leaders and the head of the headquarters inspected Tengfei group, they found that Tengfei was attached to Zhenlong II to verify all kinds of operations. They felt that the unmanned target aircraft might not have the effect of real manned aircraft.

Therefore, Tengfei group is required to make a simplified version of radar stealth test and verification machine on the basis of Zhenlong II test and verification machine, which is used to test, verify and evaluate the air defense combat system of various services and arms.

At that time, the Zhenlong II aircraft was mainly used as the verification aircraft of the 20th project of the chief engineer for the aerodynamic layout and material experimental verification of the next generation combat aircraft.

In addition to the pneumatic layout, other aspects are very common. If not, when Prince Abdullah was fooled into paying for the assembly line, he didn't have to fly far away to get a glimpse of the so-called startling giant. With Zhuang Jianye's character, he had already pulled abdoula to see what the real technology is.

Therefore, for the requirements of the headquarters, the then Tengfei group was a little worried. After all, the maturity of Zhenlong II was not high. If the headquarters suddenly improved the technical and tactical indicators, the technical level of the then Tengfei group might not be able to take over.

In fact, it's not just the Tengfei group that worries us. The whole industry has been affected by the undisclosed arms procurement of the headquarters. At that time, the performance indicators and final layout of the next generation of combat aircraft were not yet finalized. The success group and Northeast Airlines Group were still secretly competing for this super order.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and no one was confused. Then, naturally, he began to think about it. Would the headquarters introduce another participant again? Will the next generation of combat aircraft change? Is Tengfei group going to enter?

It can't be ruled out that the headquarters really had this idea at that time. After all, at that time, Tengfei group was the only one making similar verification aircraft in China. Even if it was not technically mature, it would not be a bad thing for the troops in urgent need of such equipment if they could find a combat aircraft with stealth combat capability for a transition.

Based on this, the army is very strict with the test of Zhenlong II verification machine, and basically refers to the requirements of large-scale train loading.

However, after testing, it is found that the real dragon II is far from the requirements of the army. Take the combat radius as an example, the real dragon II is only 400 kilometers, while the requirements of the army are more than 1500 kilometers without refueling in the air. Only in this way can the long-distance attack be carried out in case of emergency or the long-time ambush in a certain airspace.

Obviously, dragon II is far from enough.

Secondly, the real dragon II's stealth handling is still unsatisfactory. What the army wants is a real fourth generation machine similar to the F-22, rather than a makeshift pseudo fourth generation machine.

In this case, the way to upgrade Zhenlong II is completely blocked. However, although the headquarters did not like Zhenlong II, it still purchased eight Zhenlong II at the price of 58 million yuan. Although they did not meet the expectations of the army, they could be used as test machines for each army.

Therefore, Tengfei group has made a series of improvements on the basis of Zhenlong II. For example, the immature DSI inlet has been replaced by the traditional parallel shock inlet, and the engine has been replaced by a more mature and reliable wd-62 turbofan engine from the yet to be verified wd-64suv.Of course, the biggest improvement is in the fuel carrying capacity. The combat radius of 400km is really too small. As a verification aircraft, it's OK, but the distance is not enough in the army. Therefore, Tengfei group re optimized the internal fuel tank of Zhenlong II, and increased its combat radius from 400km to 800km, barely meeting the test requirements of the army.

To tell you the truth, the headquarters at that time had some complaints about a series of improvements made by Tengfei group. Other people's airplanes were getting bigger and bigger. The Tengfei system was good. The good Zhenlong II was getting bigger and bigger.

As a result, many troops required to carry out tests are not worried. After all, the radar reflection area of Zhenlong II is dozens of times higher than that of F-22. If we can't grasp this, we can't talk about new three strikes and three defenses.

It turned out that the test was not bad. This test almost cleaned the underwear of several key troops.

Even the Russian made s-300pmu2 air defense missile system, which is said to be able to deal with stealth targets, has all kinds of problems in front of Zhenlong II.

You have to know that the real dragon II's frontal radar reflection area is only 0.45 square meters without a bomb. At this level, the domestic air defense system is helpless. What can we do if we encounter such high-level stealth targets as F-22 and B-2 that day?

What's more, there are not only these two kinds of stealth planes in the hands of a big country outside the territory. The technology level of the "dawn goddess" high-speed stealth reconnaissance plane, which replaces the "blackbird" high-altitude reconnaissance plane, is higher. Can you just watch others come over your head and walk like walking in your back garden?

Aware of the seriousness of the situation, the headquarters immediately instructed the head of the headquarters to preside over the improvement and perfection of the key air defense system. There is no way. If this problem is not solved, can the tank cluster be magnificent? Can ship formation cut waves? Can the economic town along the southeast coast bring peace to the country and the people?

Naturally, the answer is no, so this time the head of the headquarters came to the surface to air missile force for nothing else, just to see what the improvement results were during this period. Obviously, the effect was not satisfactory.

Although the radar can find the target, the locking of the fire control system is intermittent, and the complete firing data cannot be input into the missile computer, so the attack cannot be realized.

In this regard, the head of the headquarters is not only angry, but also anxious