Chapter 1265

"Can guided rocket do M-type Sanger trajectory? The guided rocket has the penetration performance of Iskander Balotov directly laughed at Zheng Quanli's explanation and sent out a series of questions.

You know, the call he just received was from the Russian space agency. With the space surveillance network left over from the Soviet era, balotov is confident. It's absolutely right for him to make a water floating jump maneuver at an altitude of 50 kilometers, such as the Iskander missile.

We should know that the reason why Iskander is feared by the outside world is not the extremely high hit accuracy and range, but the high-altitude penetration ability of water drift.

But now, the dzb-211, which is not brilliant, has the same ability. Balotov can't be shocked.

However, balotov, surprised by dzb-211, seems to have forgotten that there are still a group of young brothers around him. The military observers from Central Asia, Western Asia and Eastern Europe have not left. In his absence, balotov also forgot to lower his voice and receive all the things he should or shouldn't listen to.

Immediately, one by one, looking at the two dzb-211 launch vehicles not far away, it's like seeing the goddess of first love in my heart. I just want to rush to them and kiss them with the big launch box.

Even the Armenian and Moldovan observers who had previously argued with Zheng Quanli were no exception.

Although the dialogue between balotov and Zheng Quanli was just a few words and no head, the two key points were grasped by these observers.

One is the M-type Sanger trajectory that balotov said; The other is that Zheng Quanli has always emphasized guided rockets rather than missiles.

The former shows that dzb-211 has excellent performance, and the former is better than the latter; The latter indicates that the price is reasonable and can be accepted by most countries.

Excellent performance and reasonable price make it cost-effective. Basically, the countries of these observers are not rich, so they prefer cost-effective equipment. As for whether the dzb-211 is a missile or a guided rocket, these observers really don't care. No matter what kind of missile it is, as long as it can kill the target.

The fact is not so bad as these observers expected. When balotov was questioned out of control, Zheng Quanli explained with a smile: "our dzb-211 is 6.7 meters long, and its bullet diameter is only 0.7 meters, not to mention that it is 7.3 meters long and its bullet diameter is 0.92 meters compared with Iskander. Even the" sunburn "anti-ship missile used by the navy is 9.3 meters long and its bullet diameter is 0.76 meters, Our dzb-211 can't even match the size of an anti-ship missile. It's too far fetched to say that it's a missile.

What's more, the price of our guided rocket is only US $750000. According to the current market situation, are there missiles with a range of more than 300 km worth less than US $1 million? It's the so-called "one cent, one cent goods". Just look at the price, you can see that our dzb-211 is a fake guided rocket. "

Zheng Quanli's introduction completely surprised the foreign military observers, even though they realized that the price of dzb-211 would be very close to the people, but they did not expect that it would be so close to the people.

75 Ten thousand dollars a piece, is it expensive?

For ordinary people, of course, it's exorbitant, but for those countries in need, it's worth going to grandma's house.

The dzb-211 is only two-thirds of the price of Iskander, but it has the penetration capability no less than that of Russia's own version of Iskander. Not to mention, it has a range of more than 300 kilometers, which is an international convention line.

What's more important is that even if we surpass, outsiders can't blame anything, because dzb-211 is a guided rocket, which belongs to the category of rocket. Most of the Rockets are tactical weapons, and there are no special restrictions. Let alone more than 300 km, even more than 1000 km, it's reasonable, legal and just a mess.

It's easy to get around the restrictions. Not to mention that the price is so close to the people, these foreign military observers see that dzb-211 is no longer a goddess of first love, but a baby who has been separated for many years. They want to go home and make a mess of it.

Balotov was also surprised. Compared with other observers, what surprised him was not the price, but the size of dzb-211, which was so slim that it was difficult to be classified as missiles in a certain way.

You know, Iskander determined the current size data after countless tests and demonstrations. It's too heavy to add one more point and too light to add one less point. It will definitely be better.

However, the diameter of dzb-211 is two circles smaller than Iskander's, but its performance and combat effectiveness are not much worse than that of the entry-level Iskander. What does that mean?

Quite simply, China has waded a broad road in the field of short-range ballistic missiles.But it is precisely because of this that balotov is even more puzzled. It is clear that it is a very good missile. Why should it be crowned with guided rockets? Is it to keep a low profile?

To tell you the truth, it is difficult for Zheng Quanli to answer this question, because he is also puzzled why China Tengfei named such a short-range missile as long-range guidance rocket.

Of course, if Zhuang Jianye is here, it will be very simple. It can be explained in one sentence that the dzb-211 is not in the army or the second artillery, but in the air force.

The name of the model is not dzb-211 long-range guided rocket equipped by the blue army brigade, but dzb-221 air launched ballistic missile.

This can explain why dzb-211 is so slender as a whole. Its main combat platform is not land-based, but air-based.

At the same time, only the air based platform can give dzb-211 the maximum combat effectiveness.

After all, the maximum range of dzb-211 in the land-based launch vehicle is only 350 km, and the maximum flight speed is 2300 M / s, less than Mach 7. With Sanger's ballistic maneuver at high altitude, the final attack speed is only Mach 4.5, which can only be regarded as the traditional attack of ordinary rockets or missiles.

It's different when it's carried on a plane.

For example, the modified H-6 dzb-221 air launched ballistic missile equipped by an air force unit is mounted on a platform. When the dzb-221 air launched ballistic missile is launched at a speed of Mach 0.9 at an altitude of 10000 meters, the missile can be given a speed increment of 517 meters per second, which is added to the maximum speed of 2300 meters per second, The maximum speed of dzb-221 air launched ballistic missile is 2817 M / s, which is more than Mach 8.

Even if we do Sanger ballistic drift maneuver, the speed will be reduced, but the attack speed can be maintained at about Mach 6, which is a good hypersonic strike.

This is not the key to release all the performance of the dzb-221 air launched ballistic missile. More importantly, the range of the missile can be greatly improved by using the high altitude launch of the air based platform and the initial speed. With the synergistic effect of the Sanger trajectory, the maximum range of the dzb-221 air launched ballistic missile can reach 1500 km, If we take into account the operational radius of the improved H-6, which is close to 2000 km, and a weapon capable of striking hypersonic speed at 3500 km away, it would be frightening to think about it