Chapter 1250

"Increases range by 40% to 60%? So much? "

After listening to Professor Yu's words, the head of the headquarters was not calm at once. We should know that the truth in today's world is within the range of our own missiles.

Long range strategic missiles are used for mutual deterrence. They are usually used as the bottom card of the box. They usually don't use them. The conventional equipment can really play a role.

This is also the reason why a major power outside the region has been committed to developing a global one hour strike strategy since the end of the cold war. Only when conventional weapons are used can they not bear the burden, and can they firmly occupy the moral commanding height and consolidate their hegemony. The benefits are countless.

For this reason, if what Professor Yu said is true, if the reentry warhead with Sanger trajectory can be applied to the conventional missiles equipped in China, the missiles in the army's hands will be greatly improved in range without any major basic changes.

This is a great blessing for missile troops pursuing range.

However, before the head of the headquarters could get the answer he wanted, Professor Yu's next sentence directly made the head of the headquarters, no, it should be everyone's head, including the big leaders in the military, buzzing, and the collective fell into a state of downtime.

"The improvement of range is the second. The most important thing is that after our jszb-08 hypersonic warhead makes a space jump like a Sanger trajectory, all the data measured by the enemy according to the classical trajectory of the original arc ballistic missile will be completely invalid, It is impossible to predict the next landing point of jszb-08 hypersonic warhead.

It's like drifting in water. Different angles, forces and speeds of stones entering the water will lead to different results. In addition, wind, gravity, friction and other external factors will also affect the strength and persistence of drifting.

It's the same with our jszb-08 hypersonic warhead. Even if we know its speed and angle, because of many uncertainties in the 30-50km low earth orbit space, even if the enemy's radar catches the jszb-08 hypersonic warhead, it's difficult for the matching computer to predict its real landing point... So, The biggest advantage of our jszb-08 hypersonic warhead is that it does not simply increase the range, but uses the space hopping maneuver of Sanger trajectory to achieve a strong penetration attack! "

If we say that the increase in range has already excited the leaders of the army and the head of the headquarters, then Professor Yu's statement at the moment makes these people directly crazy.

After the cold war, the biggest challenge of the world security pattern is that a foreign power is preparing to build NMD and TMD. Once these two ballistic missile defense systems are built, a foreign power will have a super bug that I can beat you, but you can't beat me.

Because of this, the action of a foreign power has aroused opposition from many countries, the most intense of which is Russia.

The problem is that it's useless for Russia to oppose it. After all, where is the national strength? A big country outside the region is openly playing hooligans. What can Russia do?

Russia really can't do anything about it. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, its economy was directly crippled. If it wanted to compete with a foreign power in the ballistic missile defense system, a foreign power could not wait for Russia to jump into the pit, so as to consume all of Russia's remaining national strength.

Realizing that the society is very simple and complex is a human Russia, it naturally knows how many kilos it is now and how many kilos it can't compete with a foreign power. Therefore, it is necessary to find a new way to achieve a new strategic balance by using the method of four or two thousand kilos.

So Russia put the target on the effective penetration of missiles, and spent a small amount of money in this field.

In this way, a large number of killer maces with high mobile penetration capability, such as Iskander short-range missiles and poplar m long-range missiles, came into being, making the American strategic missile defense system not only a decoration, but also very close.

This is a good way to save money and trouble, and the key is to have an immediate effect, which naturally attracts other countries to follow suit.

The problem is that the morale of other countries is very high, but they lack the accumulated foundation of the Soviet Union, a former superpower, for decades. Therefore, even if they have the heart, they will not be able to do so.

We had to turn to Russia.

Russia is also very smart about this. It's OK to strike a delicate balance with a foreign power. There's no need for other countries to strike a balance with a foreign power. Otherwise, if a foreign power is provoked, they will not be happy with Russia.

But so many people came to the door and drove people out. It not only chilled the hearts of the little brothers, but also made it hard to give up such a good chance to cut leeks.

So the Russians made a rule: no technology, but no material object. The export-oriented Iskander m has opened up its supply. It has a range of 280 kilometers. It is easy for the old and the young to cheat. It is guaranteed that you can't be cheated or lose money!What? Poplar m missile?

Man, don't be kidding. There are too many international standards for the range of that thing to exceed 300 km. As one of the five major hooligans, Russia has to follow the rules. If you look at our Iskander only version, the range can reach 480 km~~~

To tell you the truth, there were also home buyers of related technologies at that time, However, the Russians can only open their own version of the Iskander missile at most, and the price is very high, which costs about $18 million.

If equipped with launch vehicles, command vehicles, radar vehicles, weather vehicles, maintenance vehicles, ammunition supply vehicles, transport vehicles and other supporting equipment, the total cost of a battalion will reach an astonishing 1.5 billion US dollars.

It's enough to equip two fully loaded third-generation aircraft regiments.

The question is, what's the use of Iskander missiles? There are more powerful missiles with a longer range than Russia's, and the only one that is worse is its penetration capability. Since Russia is not willing to transfer them, it is not willing to buy them at home.

I thought it would take another five to ten years for a super penetration ballistic missile like Iskander to make achievements in China, but I didn't expect Professor Yu to make the first generation of practical jszb-08 hypersonic warhead in China with the wcnb-12 shock tunnel which was just completed.

How can this prevent the people present from exploding and numbing.

Just when the head of the headquarters and the leaders of the military university were so surprised by Professor Yu's achievements, Professor Yu's assistant had carried the jszb-08 hypersonic warhead model.

Professor Yu, on the other hand, took a picture of the warhead model and said, "this is our jszb-08 hypersonic warhead. It uses a rocket to boost it to a low earth orbit 50 km above the ground, and then makes a" floating "jump at a speed of Mach 15 at an altitude of 30 km. After reaching an altitude of 46 km, at an average speed of Mach 7, Hit the target with a vertical attack