Chapter 1242

There's no way. Who let Tengfei group rise too fast and fiercely, and the Jian jiao-7max and Zhenlong series veriifcation aircraft on hand have persisted for many years regardless of the cost. Outsiders may only see that Tengfei group is desperately losing money. However, people in the industry are very clear that as long as Tengfei group can get through this period of time and mature the technology accumulation of several models, In the end, it will reap unimaginable huge benefits.

Among other things, the success group is the most typical example. If it had not been for the unremitting efforts in the early years of J-7 and the deep exploration of the technological potential of j-9, how could it have borne fruit in project 10.

Therefore, many domestic aviation manufacturing enterprises, including Chenggong group, have a clear attitude towards Tengfei group. It is necessary to cooperate with Tengfei group in difficult manufacturing, but it involves the basic research and development of aircraft, especially fighter planes. Sorry, we can do it ourselves. Tengfei group is still cool.

Of course, doing so can prevent Tengfei group from marching into military fighters for a while, and it is impossible to stop others for a lifetime. Of course, domestic aviation manufacturing enterprises also know this. The problem is that the person in charge of these enterprises does not work for a lifetime, and they will leave after one or two terms of office. As long as they can hold down Tengfei group during their own administration period, they will not be able to work for a lifetime, What does it have to do with them even after the flood?

If you and Chenggong group have no choice but to do business for one day, you will naturally embrace Tengfei group wholeheartedly. For example, the Northwest Airlines manufacturing plant has completely opened its two pillar military aircraft, fbc-1 and H6, to Tengfei group. Naturally, the harvest is strong.

After all, the basic R & D of Tengfei group's aircraft is not weak. In cotton, apart from the well-known factory of Tengfei group, the wind tunnel facilities are also second to none. Many of the new projects in recent years are invested and constructed by Tengfei group, Taking this opportunity, Tengfei group has accumulated a large number of aircraft test data.

Otherwise, how can the jsnb series of aerospace industry design system of Tengfei group be updated every three years without strong basic research support!

However, it seems that all these things can't go hand in hand with Northeast Airlines Group. As the birthplace and big brother of domestic aviation industry, Northeast Airlines Group's industrial supporting facilities are appalling. People can do it themselves behind closed doors.

So in recent years, the competition among Northeast aviation group, Chenggong group and Tengfei group is quite fierce.

Even if the two sides occasionally cooperate in certain areas under the coordination of their superiors, it does not change the form of tension between the two sides.

However, with the smooth first flight of the 10th project, the improved J-8 as a spare aircraft was completely dismounted, and many quality and management problems of Northeast Airlines Group in assembling the Russian imported Su-27 made the higher authorities have to pay attention to the problems of Northeast Airlines Group.

So two months after the formal return of Hong Kong Island, Huang Feng, chairman and senior party official of Chenggong group, was transferred to Northeast Airlines Group as general manager and senior party official.

Huang Feng, who is that?

In his early years, he was an old man who set up a team with Zhuang Jianye in Tengfei group. Later, he led Tengfei group out of the trough.

Belongs to the reform of the industry hard-working cattle!

Whether it is vision or means, it is a first-class existence, so not long after Huang Feng took office, he found the crux of Northeast Airlines Group, which is the common fault of state-owned enterprises and rigid system.

The best way to break this rigid system is to introduce fresh blood, to achieve the survival of the fittest and healthy competition.

So three months after he stayed in Northeast Airlines, Huang Feng went to the capital headquarters and pushed the so-called transition aircraft to the army, just as he did in Chenggong group. This time, however, his main thrust was not the super-7, but the J-8 Ⅱ m based on the J-8 Ⅱ.

The reason is that the J-8 II m is bigger and heavier than the super-7 in size, and it is better than the super-7 in both refitting potential and army acceptance.

At the same time, the new leader of Chenggong group is also touting the concept of transition model to the headquarters.

The actions of the two major aviation manufacturing groups naturally attract the attention of the headquarters. In fact, the aviation units of the Shanghai air force have conducted in-depth research on this issue for a long time. In the situation of military struggle in the southeast coast, the domestic aircraft in active service not only have single combat effectiveness, but also have weak protection, Indeed, a multi-purpose fighter is needed to fill the gap in combat power.

Therefore, the Navy and air force aviation forces hope to completely retire the old J-6, the early equipped J-7 and qiang-5, and only retain the latest improved models of these two models. The spare parts will be replaced by transitional multi-purpose fighters.

In this way, it can not only save a lot of maintenance costs and personnel costs, but also achieve the purpose of streamlining the administration; At the same time, it can also improve the combat effectiveness of the Navy and air force to a new level.The two major aviation manufacturing groups have a good plan, and the aviation forces have realistic needs. In this case, the headquarters will push the boat along with the current and start bidding for transitional aircraft.

Huang Feng has been in charge of Chenggong group for ten years, but no one knows more about chao-7 than him. Therefore, aiming at chao-7, Huang Feng asked Northeast Airlines Group to add many new concepts to jian-8 Ⅱ m, so as to defeat chao-7 and win the final victory.

Then Huang Feng put aside the complete industrial chain of Northeast Airlines Group and turned to Tengfei group to jointly develop the j-8iim, the current j-8e, in a comprehensive way.

This has led to a lot of dissatisfaction from many supporting plants of Northeast Airlines Group, but Huang Feng doesn't care at all. In his words, "the first thing about Northeast Airlines' aircraft is quality, the second is quality, and the third is quality. If anyone can't do it, I just don't need to. China is so big, why can't I live without one of your plants? The earth doesn't turn? I, Huang Feng, don't believe that evil

As for whether he will help Tengfei group up and eventually form another terrible competitor, to tell you the truth, Huang Feng did not think about it, otherwise he would not be at odds with Tengfei group in the later stage of the successful group.

However, the problem is that at one time, at another time, the reform of Northeast Airlines Group will be painful; If we do not reform, we will die.

Survival or destruction, Huang Feng very clear.

Even if Tengfei group becomes a competitor in the future, at least Northeast Airlines Group will survive. What's more, even if they don't train, the superior won't support them? Didn't you see that China's take-off has become a reality?

Therefore, Huang Feng has no burden to cooperate with Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye of course agreed to this. You should know that the headquarters has purchased 150 transitional multi-purpose fighters, including 110 air force and 40 naval air force.

This is the single combat aircraft order with the largest number of one-time purchases by the army since the reform and opening up. Naturally, both the pre restructuring Tengfei group and the post restructuring China Tengfei group will not let go of this fat meat.

So he took out almost all the family background accumulated over the years, and combined with the old man of Northeast Airlines Group to form a super Saiya like combination. Then... J-8e was born