Chapter 1236

After listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, from the military leaders to the ordinary entourage, they all looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

On average, a dzb-2000 cruise missile goes offline in three minutes. The speed is not much different from that of sausage production.

The problem is sausage. It's a mature food processing industry. What's this in front of us? Dzb-2000 cruise missile!

To tell you the truth, the leaders of the military never dreamed of it.

"This is a batch of products ordered by the Pakistani military not long ago. Taking China's flying dzb-2000 cruise missile as the prototype, it has reduced the range and some electronic equipment. It belongs to the special version of Pakistan. Pakistan's code name is" hataf "5 cruise missile, and our internal code name is dzb-2000t cruise missile.

With a range of 700 km and a hit accuracy of 3 meters, it is the most popular general cruise missile at present. It can be launched from the mirage F-1 fighter plane, subgrade launch vehicle and naval ships of the Pakistani military. At present, our relevant units are actively cooperating with China's take-off, and are developing submarine launched missiles. It is expected that the test launch will be carried out by the end of next year, and will equip Argos of the Pakistani Navy in the future On the ta-90b submarine... "

At this time, Zhuang Jianye, the head of the headquarters, began to introduce the specific situation of the cruise missiles being produced to the military leaders.

It's still a storm in China. Not long after the end of the major incident, China began to make efforts in cruise missiles. At that time, Tengfei group seized the opportunity to use its strong UAV foundation to develop dzb-2000 cruise missiles on the basis of target-5 cruise missile target to break through the siege and become the target of mass equipment.

In particular, this cruise missile and fbc-1a new fighter bombers, improved bomb-6 combination of beautiful photos and image information made public, not only become the focus of military fans competing to collect and talk about, but also become the source of anxiety of some external forces.

One of the most anxious is New Delhi. From the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, New Delhi has been criticized by public opinion at home and abroad for not seeking benefits on the border one after another. Especially in the Karakoram earthquake rescue operation, the arrogance and delay of the New Delhi border forces not only ruined its own officers and soldiers, but also made two journalists employed by Western media Fold here.

New Delhi is a complete disgrace.

Although a large number of modern equipment, including Russian made Mi-17 helicopters, were purchased in large quantities later, which made New Delhi regain some face, it did not wait to show off. The news that new domestic fbc-1a fighter bombers carrying dzb-2000 cruise missiles appeared on the snowy plateau to carry out combat training was just like a loud slap in the face, which directly confused New Delhi.

There's no way. All the previous efforts seem powerless in the face of this news. The reason is very simple. The combination of fbc-1a new fighter bomber and dzb-2000 cruise missile can cover a combat radius of more than 2500 km.

That is to say, the new fbc-1a fighter bomber can use dzb-2000 cruise missile to carry out extremely flexible surgical attack on the key points of South and West Asia when it takes off at any airport in the snow area.

In New Delhi, let alone cruise missiles, even the kh-29 air to ground missile that Russia promised to support the SU-30MKI has not yet arrived. However, even if it arrives, New Delhi is not happy because the range of the kh-29 air to ground missile is less than 50km.

The dzb-2000 cruise missile has an effective range of 1500 km.

It's like kindergarten children want to adjust Tyson, the champion of boxing. Even if they are showing their teeth, their fists can't reach other people's hair. How can New Delhi not be anxious?

There will be a need for anxiety, there will be a need to spawn their own motivation to come.

As a result, the new fbc-1a fighter bomber was equipped with dzb-2000 cruise missile to carry out practical training on the snowy plateau. Not long after that, New Delhi announced a medium and long-term development plan for weapons and equipment, in which it emphasized that it would spend 30 billion US dollars in the next five years to develop a high-performance cruise missile made entirely by New Delhi, in order to compare with other countries including "Tomahawk" Similar weapon systems.

For this reason, it actively seeks technology introduction from Europe, the United States, Russia, Ukraine and other countries and regions with this type of equipment. For a time, it can be said that it is in full swing. There is a great momentum that New Delhi's domestic cruise missiles will sweep the world five years later.

After all, no one knows what will happen five years from now. What's more, I already have the dzb-2000 cruise missile. It's just the saying that I have food in my hand and I don't panic.

However, New Delhi's actions have scared neighboring Pakistan. Pakistan can see clearly how the "Tomahawk" cruise missiles of China and the United States pounded Iraq in the Gulf War. If New Delhi has this thing, Pakistan will not be in danger?

So soon after the announcement of the relevant plan in New Delhi, Pakistan launched a similar plan, ready to invest $22 billion to build its own cruise missile.However, the problem is that Pakistan has a very good idea, but its national strength is too weak and its technical level is too poor to be able to independently develop such high-level weapon systems. Therefore, Pakistan turned its eyes to a big country in the East.

You can't do it yourself. Someone can do it. The dzb-2000 cruise missile looks good both horizontally and vertically. The old man of Tengfei group can do it. Let them make a special version for you.

In this way, after a serious investigation, the Pakistani military handed a $5.6 billion list to Tengfei group.

With this money, Tengfei group immediately transformed the previous cruise missile production line, integrating the design concept of aircraft pulse production line, so that the production efficiency of cruise missile can be doubled.

For this reason, it was delayed for nearly a year. It was not until China's take-off was officially established that this production line was completely completed, and then it was immediately put into full speed production. There was no way. The first batch of 120 missiles had to be delivered before June. If we didn't hurry up, we would have to pay liquidated damages.

Naturally, the leader of the Army knows about Pakistan's purchase of cruise missiles. He can't help knowing that even the senior researcher who came with him knows about it.

However, what surprised them was that China's take-off production efficiency would be so high that it actually produced cruise missiles as sausage. Even if the dzb-2000 cruise missile's turbofan engine was simply equipped with a turbojet engine, the range would be shortened by half, which was a bit too magical.

"Wait ~ ~"

then when the head of the headquarters introduced the production line to Zhuang Jianye, the senior researcher suddenly called out to interrupt their conversation. Then, without waiting for other people's reaction, he went to the engine assembly position in three strokes and two steps, picked up a small turbojet engine and looked at it carefully for a while This just stares directly at Zhuang Jianye: "how do you do your turbojet engine?"

Zhuang Jianye laughs: "it's made of nb-996plus Metal 3D printer..."