Chapter 1008

Zhuang Jianye was shocked and relieved to learn the news.

Because this is the Shi Jun he knew. The Shi Jun who knew the road and then walked to the black, even if he knew that the road would be blocked, he would have to wait until he met the Shi Jun, in case his head iron broke the south wall.

It's true that Shi Jun's wife is fed up with life in the United States and wants to return home. But how can Shi Jun go back.

On the one hand, legal sanction is the key. Where is this old face?

When I come out, I keep saying that I want to embrace freedom, breathe sweet air and see the roundest moon.

As a result, they went back to China in a few years. What do Zhuang Jianye, Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan think? I can't laugh off my big teeth behind my back. I teased him and said, have a look. I just came back after I couldn't get along in foreign countries. Foreigners call it loser.

Shi Jun is a proud man. When he was in Yonghong factory, he was the leader of college students who had just been assigned to the factory. Before his work was arranged, he dared to take a group of people around the housing management office to discuss.

In addition, with the article "take off group, a despicable troublemaker" fermenting in the industry, Shi Jun also won the invitation of special contributors from the New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor and other mainstream media in the United States.

It can be said that Shi Jun, who left the field of aviation technology, composed a realistic version of his comeback with his brilliant pen.

Of course, his "talent" is indispensable for Shi Jun to become popular again, but more importantly, he did not fight alone this time, but found a partner, a Chinese American woman writer named Zhao Liman.

If not, how can Shi Jun, a technical house that is struggling to write eight part essays in the system, be brilliant? How is it possible to contact the big men in the American media circle in the case of poverty?

Zhao Liman has done a lot of work behind this. Taking Shi Jun as a columnist, the magazine Hopkins Global Airlines was discussed by Zhao Liman at a cocktail party when he hooked up the boss of the magazine to bed and finally drove at high speed.

That night, Zhao Liman used all of his 18 martial arts skills and drove a 75 year old bad old man all night.

It's just that the bad old man can't satisfy Zhao Liman's abnormal desire to sit on the ground and suck the earth. So after a while, this beautiful writer with all the indexes exceeding the standard finally pushed Shi Jun, the masculine Oriental old man, to the end.

Originally, Zhuang Jianye didn't know what Shi Jun was doing, and he was still thinking about who was the guy who signed McChrystal. At that time, before the bill was put forward, Zhuang Jianye was suppressed by Hughes, Loma and Boeing.

Control the share of Tengfei group, who will provide the cooling device and framework of American satellite? Do you use Wolff's mouth?

If you can't make it, don't beep!

Senator Wolff was taught to be a man by the three giants, and immediately became honest. Other people naturally understood that there was something real in Tengfei group, so they scolded him. No one really dared to touch the core interests. At most, they restricted the medical equipment import of Tengfei group.

The problem is that the medical equipment exported by Tengfei group to the United States only accounts for 0.5% of the total exports. Because the United States is a big producer of medical equipment, its technology and strength are far beyond that of Tengfei group. Therefore, the medical products of Tengfei group are not competitive in the United States at all, and they are half dead without restriction, which has no substantial impact on Tengfei group.

As a result, Shi Jun's wife and daughter returned home with tears all the way.

Zhuang Jianye knew that it was the shriveled calf who had worked for heitengfei group.

Not only that, Shi Jun colluded with the woman writer Zhao Liman, and finally abandoned his wife and daughter, married Zhao Liman in the United States, and formed a new family.

Shi Jun's wife is so ashamed and angry that she takes her daughter back to China. When she finds Ning Xiaohui, she confides the truth.

Originally, Ning Xiaohui was just like her family. When Shi Jun's wife took Zhao Liman's photo and let Ning Xiaohui, a good friend, remember the fox spirit who was cheating on her husband, so that she could curse Xiao San's death with her, Ning Xiaohui was just like seeing a real fox spirit, and the whole person was in a daze.

But the next moment, in the frightened eyes of Shi Jun's wife, she pulled the photo and gritted her teeth and said, "Zhao man, Zhao man, you let my younger brother into the detention house, so that my old father still has a bad name on his back, and Zhuang Jianye of my family has worked hard for more than ten years. Today, I finally find you, the enemy who is harmful to people!"