Chapter 1117

The head of the headquarters said that he took a group of persons in charge of the turboshaft production enterprises to a large test bench, where there was a wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine being disassembled.

In addition, the banner not far away reads "wish the maintainability standard evaluation of heavy turboshaft engine a complete success"

the signature is "Tengfei group publicity".

So obviously, if we can't see that Tengfei group is following the wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine and determining the new domestic maintainability standard for turboshaft engine, then these people can directly find a piece of tofu to kill.

The problem is that knowing is one thing, and feeling is another.

Since Tengfei group has pasted banners here, it's natural to come prepared.

As a result, when these "friendly businessmen" entered this spacious laboratory, they pretended to be calm, disdained, drifted with the tide, or simply broke the jar. As the head of the headquarters watched the technical personnel of the national gas power laboratory dismantle the wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine, it was not long before they were calm, disdained, drifted with the tide, and broke the jar They were all thrown to grandma's house by the "friends and merchants".

All that remained was surprise, shock, incomprehension and disbelief.

"Can the reducer be completely disassembled from the engine for separate inspection and maintenance? How did they do it? "

"The compressor and turbine casing are made into a split structure, so that the engine can be disassembled and the directional blades and turbine blades of the engine can be replaced at the same time. How did Tengfei group come up with such a wonderful idea?"

"What's the matter? You can see that the combustion chamber of wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine is also designed as a pair of open structure, so that the internal part can be easily inspected and replaced. It doesn't have to be the same as other domestic models, and the whole engine needs to be completely disassembled to understand. I have to say that this design is really genius."

"In addition, the fuel nozzle and igniter are independent, which is very convenient for disassembly and replacement."


They are all responsible persons of turboshaft engine production units, and many of them have been working in this field for almost a lifetime. It's just the so-called "layman watching the scene" and "expert looking at the door". Although there is no explanation at the scene, there is no boring explanation from technical personnel.

However, after only a few glances, they could see the strength of wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine.

It's extremely easy to maintain.

No wonder the head of the headquarters will say that the latter is more important. For the army, the maintainability of an engine sometimes even exceeds its own power.

There's no way. Who makes maintainability related to the attendance rate of equipment, and the attendance rate of equipment directly affects the combat effectiveness of troops.

We should know that with the same amount of equipment, the troops with high attendance rate can give full play to the advantage of 120% equipment.

The troops with low attendance rate are toothless paper tigers even though they bluff people in number. They can't hurt people at all, so they can't talk about combat effectiveness.

In order to maintain a high level of attendance, in addition to the training of ground maintenance personnel, the maintainability of equipment is also one of the important factors.

In this regard, the domestic equipment, especially the turboshaft engine of the helicopter, is not very good.

As a result, the maintenance personnel of various armed forces equipped with domestic turboshaft engines have a headache, not to mention the replacement of a more important internal turbine blade and compressor blade, which is the daily inspection. Sometimes the turboshaft engine has to be broken into pieces, and only when the parts are in the state can it be checked completely.

In this way, it is not only the physical strength and energy of the mechanic, but also a lot of time.

So much so that checking a turboshaft engine requires a helicopter to wait on the ground for a week.

Even if you work overtime, it will take three days.

However, how long will it take for the wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine of Tengfei group to have the same internal inspection work?

The result of the evaluation given by the technicians of the national gas power laboratory is two hours.

Yes, it's only two hours, and it's very easy. Four people can open the gearbox with a few spanners.

It doesn't matter whether you are proficient or not. As long as you are a little familiar with the maintenance knowledge, you can do it.

This is very important for the army. We should know that the combat environment of the army is very bad, especially under the field conditions, such as forest and snow fields, isolated islands in the deep sea, windy and snowy plateau

Only people can't think of it. There is no place where the army can't go.

Because of this, equipment maintenance under field conditions must be fast, accurate and warm, and no delay or pettiness is allowed.

The wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine fully meets the requirements of the army for equipment maintenance under field conditions. A few people hold a wrench to open it easily, check it quickly, close it after no problem, and then start the helicopter to continue to carry out the task.

In contrast, the products of other "friend merchants" have some problems. They not only need to be made from helicopters, but also need to be disassembled into various parts. The problem is that in some places, special industries and special equipment are needed to complete the disassembly.It's no problem to be stationed in peacetime. In field conditions, there are no such good conditions. It's often simple because of the poor conditions. Otherwise, the troops would rather work hard than get an ancestor to serve them.

This is also the reason why the troops seldom use helicopters since the self-defense counterattack at the border of Southern Xinjiang.

In addition to the expensive helicopter itself, there are too many pieces to be equipped for transition deployment.

And a lot of bits and pieces do not work, because the slightest negligence will lead to the helicopter squat or crash.

In particular, the special tools used for turboshaft engines are complex and huge. They are often a small transition of helicopters. The whole army is just like a mass migration. Trains and cars come together to transport the things serving the helicopters to the target airport.

If it's so troublesome and we can't guarantee the normal attendance rate, how can the troops be relieved to use it? It's better to stay in the station and rush to the front.

However, the wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine, with the attitude of subversion, has changed the old turboshaft engine, even the stubborn disease of helicopter maintenance difficulty and low attendance rate, so that the army finally has a reliable military helicopter that can be deployed in the field.

But as far as this point is concerned, the present "friends" are not as good as a take-off group.

But is that the knot speed?

Obviously, it's impossible. The head of the headquarters over there has already begun to say: "come, come, come, maintainability is almost there. Go to the opposite laboratory with me. Let's take a look at the fuel consumption of wd-63zb high-power turboshaft engine. It's also extraordinary!"