Chapter 910

Of course, crierdo knows that he is waiting for Zhuang Jianye these days, so he deliberately avoids Lin Guanghua and makes the senior vice president of Tengfei group very dissatisfied with himself. For this reason, crierdo is ready to be cold faced by Lin Guanghua.

There is no way. The senior vice president of Tengfei group has always been famous in aviation circles for his strong style, especially in the negotiation, merger and technological cooperation involving interests. Lin Guanghua's style can not be described as fierce, but rather fierce.

At the beginning, the final technical cooperation framework determined by Tengfei group and Embraer was operated by Lin Guanghua. The style of picking out the bacteria in the bone marrow anyway made the executives of Embraer have nightmares afterwards.

I really don't know how Lin Guanghua, who is gentle and scholarly, can have such a fierce side. It's a split personality.

That's all. The key is that after Lin Guanghua seized the opportunity to kill you, he still showed his contempt for you. That is to say, after Lin Guanghua finished pulling, he had to pretend to be a big force. He had to pretend to be comfortable, and he didn't recognize his six relatives. Finally, you had to hold back. You can't say no, or he would be killing you.

This means that these foreigners have no experience. If they are put in China, such as Chenggong group or Northwest Airlines, they will not encounter Lin Guanghua head-on at all. It is easy to find the one in Lin Guanghua's family.

After all, our CD-ROM comrades, apart from learning from Nb comrades, are basically given by his wife.

The problem is that it's so confidential that the domestic counterparts know where the Brazilians who travel across the ocean know, so they are pressed to death. This is also the important reason why credo decided to delay when he heard that Lin Guanghua was in charge of the work. He really didn't want to meet Lin Guanghua.

Finally, he was forced to meet them. He thought that if he didn't give them a good face, it would be the end. Unexpectedly, Lin Guanghua jumped out of the meeting without saying a few words.

"I can't even give you the drawings!"

If Lin Guanghua talks to a small country that can't even build a plane, it's all right. But is Brazil a small country?

It is the largest country in South America and one of the few countries in the world that has aviation manufacturing capacity. The toucan trainer attack aircraft and ERJ series regional airliner produced by it are products that are sold all over the world.

As a result, in the face of a large UAV platform with ordinary aerodynamic shape, they even said that they could not make the drawings for Brazil?

Is that advice? No, it's chiguoguo's insult!

Because of this, including credo, the whole company of Brazil's aerospace industry executives are one count, anger value is straight upward, so that each face is a race one ugly.

"Mr. Lin, I think your statement seriously underestimates the ability of Embraer. It's true that we can't make an aircraft that is too complex, but it's still very easy for us to do things like ty-6 large UAV platform.

So I still hope Mr. Lin can speak responsibly, otherwise it will affect the cooperative relationship between you and us. I think neither Mr. Zhuang nor the competent authorities of your country want this to happen. "

At this time, of course, crierdo had to stand up. His words were forceful, polite and chaste, along with a little threat. It could be said that he displayed his attitude incisively and vividly, and did not give Lin Guanghua any chance to refute.

However, to the surprise of credo and others, Lin Guanghua didn't take credo's words as one thing at all. He said with a smile: "Mr. credo, I don't look down on you Brazil Aerospace Industry Corporation, but sincerely advise you that even if you can build ty-6 large UAV platform and send it to heaven, you can take a step back and solve the problem of power Question: how long will it last? "

Lin Guang Wharton for a while, immediately took the thermos cup from the assistant, unscrewed the wolfberry on the blowing surface, took a deep drink, and then went on to say: "it's been 48 hours, but you should know that the long endurance standard of our Tengfei group is more than 100 hours, and the lightning-120 has reached 120 hours .

What's the concept? Seven days a week, thunderbolt-120 can fly five days and five nights in the sky, wait until Saturday and Sunday, come down to rest, and then continue to work harder than people, otherwise how can it surpass the meteorological satellite of the U.S. meteorological agency? "

After listening to this, crierdo and others suddenly realized that their focus might be biased. Thunder-120 looks exactly the same as ty-6 large UAV platform. In fact, the interior of the two platforms is quite different. Otherwise, the long endurance UAV would not have to be named thunder-120, just add a number or character after ty-6.

However, realizing that Gui realized that as soon as clildo was ready to pull the conversation back, Lin Guanghua didn't give him the opportunity. After he stuffed the thermos cup in his hand to his assistant, he picked up a palm sized Y-structure, put a pad on his hand, and then handed it to clildo: "look at this, this is one of our two core technologies, thunder-120. If you are Brazil airlines, you can see that If the aerospace industry company can do it, we, Tengfei group, will immediately and unreservedly provide a full set of production technology of lightning-120 long endurance UAV, even for free. "As soon as they heard that the core technology was involved, crierdo and others immediately became interested. Without saying a word, they took the Y-shaped structure from Lin Guanghua. Several people immediately gathered around and began to talk about stealing.

They are all senior people in the aviation industry. Naturally, we can see at a glance what the Y-shaped structure is. It is a kind of fuel nozzle of an aeroengine.

It is an important part of the aero-engine, because the quality of this thing directly affects the fuel efficiency and fuel economy of the aero-engine.

Because of this, it is very difficult to manufacture the fuel nozzle of aero-engine under normal circumstances. In addition to the special materials, it also involves high-end vacuum brazing, electron beam welding and even laser surfacing. Because it involves small precision components, it also needs five axis or seven axis five linkage turn milling compound numerical control processing workshop for precision machining and cooperation The more precise heat treatment, the last to obtain excellent performance of aero-engine fuel nozzle.

It can be said that although the jet nozzle is small, it can reflect a country's strength in high-end precision manufacturing.

Although Brazil's Aerospace Industry Corporation is not as powerful as the giant, it is not bad at high-end precision manufacturing. The whole aeroengine can't be built, but the fuel nozzle on it is still out of the question. So when credo and others took the Y-shaped fuel nozzle over, they didn't really care about it. They wanted to take it apart and have a look at how to imitate it.

As a result, with such a look in his hand, Brazilians, including Cristiano, were immediately dumbfounded. Cristiano, in particular, relied on his experience to knock over and over for most of the day. At last, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Guanghua with a damned expression: "how did you make this kind of integrated fuel nozzle?"