Chapter 857

"100 million dollars?"

After listening to Zhuang Jianye's offer, park Zhemin's voice is a little out of tune. From the perspective of design alone, the $100 million package solution is really exorbitant. Even with the production price of centralized complex components, it's not cheap.

So it's normal for park to change his voice. After all, North Korea's overall economic situation is not so good, and $100 million is really a big burden for them.

However, when people thought that park Zhemin would veto it, and even hesitated to postpone it, they saw that this always serious senior trade representative's face flashed a little bit of determination. Immediately, in the daze of the people, he suddenly nodded: "no problem, as long as it is beneficial to the people's livelihood in North Korea, although the $100 million is a little more, we should spend even more money I believe the policy-making departments of our country will agree with Mr. Zhuang's proposal. After I have informed the domestic authorities, we can discuss the details. "

"I believe that your country is determined to improve people's livelihood and infrastructure. As long as it does not violate our development concept, no matter who it is, it will do its best to help. After all, world peace and human development are the eternal subjects."

With that, Zhuang Jianye turned his head to Peng Chuan and said, "Lao Peng, it's up to you to deal with North Korea. Just follow our usual practice to grasp the details."

Peng Chuan nodded his head expressionless, but in his heart, he swore that Lao Zhuang was cunning enough.

By convention, what convention?

It is not the usual practice for the civilian use of military equipment.

In recent years, the export of special equipment and products of Tengfei group to Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries has long been a thief of similar routines.

Take the 6 Pro, which is exported to Myanmar as an example. As long as you are not blind, you know that this trainer, which covers primary and intermediate levels, can be used as a light ground attack aircraft.

Even if it is not armed, it is a military trainer to the letter.

However, Tengfei group does not admit that this aircraft is a military trainer, but a sports trainer. When exporting, it is not exported according to military products, but exported under the name of teaching aids for civil aviation pilots or special equipment for flight clubs.

So that people who don't know the truth really think that the 6pro is a civilian product, which is totally different from the military.

However, Myanmar's civil aviation pilots and the superior units of the flight club are all their own air forces. They get the 6pro of chujiao, and then purchase suitable standard ammunition from other Chinese enterprises. With a slight change, they can act as small bombers who are rampant against the anti-government forces.

In this regard, Tengfei group at most expresses its helplessness. It can produce real civilian products, but the customers are not simply let them. What can the enterprise do?

As the saying goes, airplanes are innocent. It is the people who use airplanes who make mistakes.

This is true of airplanes, as well as those high-tech special equipment and high-end aviation materials. In any case, Tengfei group will always stand under the signboard of world peace and human development, shining with a brilliant light of justice.

What? Some people say that Tengfei group is serious and sells dog meat?

So it's the essence of the bar. The kitchen knife can also cut people. How can it not be banned by the authorities? Tengfei group, such a conscientious and responsible enterprise, has been gossiping about its products. Is there Wang fa? Is there justice?

So whenever the media at home and abroad chew on such things, Zhuang Jianye and other high-level members of the Tengfei group immediately open fire, until they put each other to shame.

It seems that Tengfei group is self-restraint, but in fact it is just the opposite. Due to the moral justice of Tengfei group, it has attracted more orders from countries and organizations.

Of course, the tacit understanding between the two sides during the transaction is indispensable. For example, park Zhemin has obviously done a lot of homework before he came here, and he has a clear understanding of Zhuang Jianye's whole set of slang. Only in this way can he enter the next stage smoothly.

Looking at Badia, it is obvious that he doesn't understand the rules of Tengfei group. Zhuang Jianye's words can't get to this Persian descendant, which makes Badia look at all kinds of confusion in front of him.

How dare North Korea have the face to talk about the development of people's livelihood? I don't believe it. As a result, Zhuang Jianye and other senior leaders of Tengfei group believe it.

Badia was in the same mood as a Japanese dog. Is that ok? Zhuang Jianye and other people's head was rubbed by the aircraft arm or what, how did the IQ drop so badly?

As a result, when Badia carefully observed for a while, she suddenly found that it was not Zhuang Jianye's IQ that had declined, but her brain was not enough to keep up with other people's rhythm.

The projects mentioned by Pu Zhemin, which are livelihood projects, are all the cutting-edge core components in the field of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Tengfei group doesn't care about this at all. Anyway, the aviation and aerospace fields belong to the high-tech field of dual-use military and civilian. Tengfei group is going to die. It's only for civilian use, not for military use. It's no problem to put it in any corner of the earth.

After all, the rocket is a carrier for space and a good helper for exploring space when it is mounted on a satellite, and a proper missile when it is mounted on a kill warhead.I really can say what I want. There is nothing wrong with it.

So Badia finally realized that Ren and Du were connected. After Park Zhemin was satisfied with the promise, Badia changed her displeasure just now. Without waiting for Zhuang Jianye to explain, she laughed like a flower on her next journey and said with a kind of flattering tone: "Mr. Zhuang, just now, after seeing the powerful power of jsnb-ii system, she was excited and forgot about us China has also introduced a series of livelihood projects with huge investment. "

Zhuang Jianye pretended to look at Badia in surprise: "is that right?"

"Yes, it's true. For example, for the oil refining project, we are ready to invest 2 billion US dollars; for the meteorological monitoring project on the Iranian Plateau, as we all know, the desertification in Iran is very serious, and the phenomenon of farmland erosion is particularly prominent. We should do a good job in prevention and detection, so that the people of our country can keep the basic farmland..."

Badia talked a lot. It's no exaggeration to say that the way of doing things for the country and the people is to throw it directly into Iran's general election and definitely get a very good election result. So Zhuang Jianye laughed and was very happy. Then he held out two fingers: "200 million dollars, I'll make a package for you..."


One sheep is driven, two sheep are released. If you eat more, you need more, and if you eat less, you need less. Zhuang Jianye is very particular about this. Just like the next visit, since the jsnb-ii system has brought out the high ~ ~ ~ tide, the rest is naturally the end of a smoke stage.

Of course, in addition to controlling the pace, Zhuang Jianye has another important matter to implement, so he left Badia and park Zhemin and others to Peng Chuan. After contacting with Peng Chuan, he took director Zhao and Fang Yong to sit in the senior meeting room of the new factory area of Tengfei group with eduo, credo and other people from the Brazilian aerospace agency.

After a bit of politeness, Zhuang Jianye immediately cut into the theme: "we have seen the projects of Embraer. Erj-140 is really good, but 25% of the market share is not enough."

"How much do you want?" Edoo asked.

Zhuang Jianye laughed and said a word: "all!"