Chapter 821

The answer is obvious. Those enterprises that rely on their old capital, like to make fast money and rely on the mandatory orders of the state and the army are obviously unable to do so.

Among other things, the annual R & D funds of Tengfei group are enough for them to eat for several years. They have persisted for several years, and the accumulated achievements are not huge, but they are much more substantial than the ordinary old enterprises.

Especially in the field of optical imaging, the unremitting research of the North China Institute of optics under the Tengfei group for so many years has finally borne fruit. Especially with the support of the Soviet experts in China, the technical level is advancing by leaps and bounds.

One of the most typical is the visual augmentation system, which enables yun15plus to land on the range island without support at night.

This system is divided into two parts, one is the detection system, the other is the display system.

The detection system uses the infrared principle to accurately identify the infrared signals emitted by plants, such as running, buildings, parking vehicles on the ground and even running around, so as to determine the correct position of running.

Of course, if we want to achieve this level, the accuracy of infrared sensors must be high. Thanks to the progress of Tengfei group in aerospace technology in recent two years, North China Institute of optics has made breakthroughs in infrared optical components one after another, so that its infrared vision enhancement system can measure five thousandth of the temperature change.

With such sensitive infrared sensitive components, combined with the integrated system sensors and advanced algorithms of Tengfei group, these five thousandths of temperature changes will be continuously displayed on the display system in the situation of "photographic photos", just like what the eyes see, without any hysteresis.

As for the effect, of course, thanks to the advanced technology of infrared components, the system can not only see through the clouds, fog, rain, snow and other complex weather, but also achieve a little infrared gaze function, so as to further improve the viewing distance.

According to the test of the refitted yun15plus by Tengfei group, under the condition of 250m visibility, the working distance of the visual enhancement system produced by Tengfei group can reach 3200m.

If the weather conditions are good, the operating distance can further reach more than 6000 meters.

This value is almost the same as the similar products produced by American and French manufacturers, which is enough to reach the world advanced level.

The reason why Tengfei group has not become a world leader is that compared with the products of the United States and France, Tengfei group's visual add-on system still has obvious shortcomings, among which the most critical one is the large volume and weight of the whole system.

The products of the United States and France are only the size of shoe boxes and weigh only a few kilograms. The products of Tengfei group are bigger than ordinary black-and-white TVs and weigh nearly 20 kilograms.

There's no way. Too advanced components can't be bought by Tengfei group, and domestic ones can't be produced. Tengfei group's engineers can only integrate components with ordinary performance. In terms of system integration and industrial design, they can't match the products of the United States and France.

However, it is a big mistake to judge the product quality of Tengfei group. Although the compactness of this system is insufficient, the advantages of the whole set of products will be highlighted with the display system specially developed by Tengfei group.

Because the display system used by Tengfei group is not a simple display screen, nor is it a newly started liquid crystal screen, but is specialized in the optical diffraction screen of aircraft.

It is as transparent as the window glass, but it can display the flight data and parameters of the aircraft after starting.

In the beginning, this technology was applied to fighter planes, so that pilots can reduce the huge burden in the aircraft take-off and landing and the rapidly changing air combat, and thus become a crucial display equipment in aviation history.

Because of this, the optical diffractive screen has appeared and become an important equipment for countries all over the world.

However, for a long time, such products have been exclusive to military aircraft, and civil aircraft have not been widely used due to cost, technical barriers and other factors.

However, in order to open up the international regional airliner market as soon as possible, Tengfei group has been increasing the technical level of Dahai Dongqing series regional airliner, one of which is the installation of optical diffraction screen.

However, Tengfei group has no technology accumulation in this area, even its subordinate North China Institute of optics has no idea about it. After all, this technology involves more advanced optical technology and processing capacity.

Fortunately, Tengfei group has the application of this technology in another important supporting project.

As a result, Tengfei group immediately cooperated with another participant to develop a special optical diffractive HUD for haidongqing regional airliner.

This important project is nothing else. It is the project No. 10 that is nearing completion.

With the development of detection equipment, the display equipment has been solved. The combination of the two is the visual enhancement system on Yun 15plus. When flying at night, the pilot does not need to stare at the screen on the instrument rack like the products of the United States and France. Instead, he can put down the optical diffraction screen, just as he can look ahead on the other side in normal flight, because the optical diffraction screen is completely OK By projecting the detected infrared signal image onto the diffraction screen, the pilot can take off and land at night as safely and easily as in the daytime.Of course, with the visual augmentation system, it is only a subject for the five Yun 15plus to land safely on the range Island, so as to complete the landing drill.

After all, this landing exercise is more of a military test and verification than a real exercise of soldiers' live ammunition. Because of this, there are no full load of airborne soldiers on the five transport 15plus. Of course, even if there are soldiers, the airborne troops can't get involved, because the next subject is airspace defense.

That is to gain the air supremacy over the occupied islands and maintain this advantage for at least 72 hours.

This subject may not be much in the inland, but in the sea, the pressure on the domestic aviation is not generally great, so when everything is settled on the shooting range Island, the white belly of the sky gradually emerges. At this time, the voice of the commander of Su-27 aircraft cruising over the island rings on the air to ground radio station beside Zheng Quanli: "our mission The mission is coming to an end. The new comrades in arms will hold up the sky shield for you. Good luck and good bye

As soon as the words were heard, a Su-27 roared through the island at a low altitude, immediately whipped down its wings and got into the thick clouds.

Zheng Quanli held up the phone and looked at the missing Su-27. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say as soon as he got to his mouth. Finally, he could only turn it into two words: "goodbye!"

Then he put down the phone and looked at Wen Kai who was eating compressed biscuits: "it's time to test old Xue."

As soon as the words came out, the sky roared again. The next moment, the slender figures of the two J-8 II fighters came into people's eyes with the dawn