Chapter 816

Either pay $1.8 million for direct shipment, or toutie refuses to let his team fight for another 48 hours.

To be honest, Valentino would like to choose the latter, but the problem is that what he lacks now is time. What should he do? People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Spend the money.

So after hitting the French window with his head, Valerio finally accepted his life and agreed to borrow Yellen and other three stranded Coast Guard members with the ZB Maxpro unmanned helicopter.

As a result, not long after he agreed to go out, Yellen, who was on the surrounding Island, sent him good news that was exciting enough and bad news that almost made Valerio scratch the wall.

The good news is that a ZB Maxpro pilotless helicopter, which has landed from five helicopter fleets, has made a preliminary assessment according to the tips of Xiangzhou, and the conclusion is very gratifying.

Outwardly, the zb-maxpro is just like the zb-max, which is an ordinary single engine single seat helicopter and does not have the ability to carry people. But in fact, there is a lot of space reserved in the instrument cabin at the rear of its cockpit, which is enough to meet the needs of two adults. The only disadvantage is the poor comfort.

This is unexpected good news for Valentino. He thought that only one person can be carried in one sortie, but now he can add two adults. That is to say, three people like Yellen can return in one sortie, and the heart price of $1.8 million is saved by two-thirds.

Of course, this is not the most exciting thing for Valentino. What makes him smile is that zb-maxpro says it is an unmanned helicopter, but it is one of its three integrated driving modes.

The other two are semi-automatic driving mode and full manual driving mode.

In other words, ZB Maxpro is a new type of helicopter with dual modes of manual and automatic operation.

When the news was passed to Valentino by Yellen, he was surprised at first, but soon relieved. The multi-mode aircraft driving technology seems very powerful, but in fact, it has been applied in fighter planes and civil aircraft since the late 1970s.

, especially airliner, is equipped with automatic driving system because of its fixed flight routes. Pilots only need to pay attention to meters to avoid accidents.

Even the latest Airbus A330 and Boeing 777 are equipped with automatic take-off and automatic landing functions, so that many industry experts believe that in another decade or two, the pilot on the plane will at best be a system administrator.

Of course, industry insiders say that even if the automatic system of major airlines is advanced, they dare not remove the pilots. After all, there are still hundreds of people behind the cockpit. If they cut off the pilots rashly, what will the passengers think? They will think that your plane is unsafe.

Therefore, no one dares to do this in another half century, let alone in a decade or two.

As a result, what Valerio did not expect was that no one would dare to do anything in the next ten or twenty years. The Rescue Department of a big eastern country not only did it, but also applied it to them.

At the same time, Valentino was more or less relieved. Fortunately, there are many flight modes, otherwise it would be deceiving to say that he is not worried.

In case of flying into the sea, what to do? A pilot stares. The safety factor of the handlebar will eventually be higher in case of an accident. That's why Valerio thinks the news is exciting enough.

however, compared to the awesome force of ZB MAXpro, Yellen's other news made Warren Leo feel much discouraged, because Christina was the super virgin and he would leave with Yellen.

After hearing this news, Valerio directly demonstrated his profound Western Zuan culture. Can he not curse his mother? If there were no super virgin like Christina, there would be so many moths out of thin air?

Because of this, deep in Valentino's heart, he strongly refused to leave Christina on the desert island.

But in his mind, Valentino could not say a word on his face, because Christina and others all took out their passports of a big country outside their territory and seriously questioned whether they should be protected by powerful departments as their own citizens? If it's not protected, well, let's tell the truth in front of the film camera. We will never force it.

Say Say a fart It's true that the glorious image of the coast guard for more than 200 years is completely over. Therefore, Valentino has to bear the impulse to kill and give the same serious reply. The coast guard always adheres to the principle that no matter where he is, he has the obligation to protect his own citizens, and all the processes are free of charge.

Yes, not only demand, but also have to endure nausea, let people white whoring.

Nine people, six sorties, US $1.8 million, plus Yellen's three people's 600000, a total of US $2.4 million. Shit, rush's 10 months of funding is gone!

Valentino almost broke down on the spot.

However, before Valentino completely collapsed, another disgusting thing was put in front of him. Through the coast guard, the coast guard of Japan requested rush to help them rescue the Japanese crew who were also trapped on the surrounding island. There were only 36 crew members, including silent night heifu.After receiving this news, Valentino almost jumped out of his temper. If it wasn't for the crazy little Japanese named silent night heifu, could they spend an extra $1.8 million?

Why did you come here and ask for help? F plus s, TND, throw it into the sea to feed the fish.

As a result, when Valentino was preparing to harden his head and leave the hateful little Japanese son on Huanwei Island, he was suddenly stunned, and his blue eyes turned slightly


"Why? It doesn't mean that a big country outside the territory is trapped by three people. How did it make 32 sorties? Even with the foreigners who make movies, there are more than that. "

After the ZB Maxpro rescue mission ended, he calculated the next sortie, which really surprised Zhuang Jianye. He thought that one or two sorties would solve the problem, but he used 32 sorties, which really damaged the ZB Maxpro helicopter. But the income was also objective. One sortie was 300000 US dollars, and 32 sorties was 9.6 million US dollars.

The question is, when did a big country outside the region become so generous? You should know that $9.6 million is enough to buy a second-hand F-16 with good performance. Is it difficult for a big country outside the region to win the cold war to start losing money and spend dollars instead of money?

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye felt that there was something strange in it, so he asked Wu Ping. Wu Ping replied, "it's mainly 36 Japanese sailors who occupied most of the sorties."

"Japan?" Zhuang Jianye frowned and immediately realized what he was saying: "go and have a look at the plane rental fee on the account? Where is the source of the funds? "

Wu Ping was very surprised by Zhuang Jianye's reaction, but he didn't say anything, so he went down to inquire, and soon came back with a strange look: "Mr. Zhuang, the capital has arrived. It's a total of 10 million US dollars, which was called by a Japanese enterprise called Industry Co., Ltd."

Wenyan Zhuang Jianye patted his thigh: "this whole TND bullshit, I knew that a big country outside the region could still play subcontracting, I would have to spend $1 million a sortie, this TND, lost!"