Chapter 810

It's hard to say about other types of Tengfei group, but in terms of UAVs, Tengfei group is not afraid of anyone, not to mention in China, even in the whole world. Therefore, Tengfei group will fight next, and there will be no suspense about the anti radiation UAV project of the headquarters.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye also supports it with both hands. There's no way. Originally, Lao Zhuang didn't want to fight. He heard that the headquarters spent 400 million US dollars on six sets of "habi" UAV Systems, which exploded at that time.

Four hundred million US dollars were earned by Israel. Let alone the pain in Lao Zhuang's heart.

If it wasn't for the bullshit with H company that year, Zhuang Jianye would like to go abroad and bring all kinds of judicial proceedings against ia aviation technology company.

So we have to do it, and we have to do it so that the "habi" UAV can't catch up.

Zhuang Jianye's will is the highest instruction of Tengfei group. In addition, for so many years, Tengfei group has not stopped on UAV, and is still taking care of and expanding the technology boundary of UAV system. It's just that the profits of the old platform before are rich enough. Tengfei group has not taken out these technologies, but saved them as benign technical assets, waiting for the right time to develop them Take it out to earn more excess profits.

Otherwise, it will shake out and satisfy people's imagination. How can we make money in the future? We have to give customers some expectations and consumption desire.

But this time, it's different. The "habi" UAV has been forced to the door. If we don't take out the things that press the bottom of the box and swear our position as the leader in the world UAV field, there will be no more foreign competitors in the future.

As a result, Tengfei group took out nearly half of its technical assets to build a real multi batch autonomous and controllable UAV interactive task system, namely the so-called UAV bee colony technology.

The core is the network construction and communication system setting between UAVs.

This is the key to the whole UAV bee colony technology, because the multi batch UAV interactive task system constructed by Tengfei group is not a simple point-to-point, face-to-face flying to the target, mechanically completing the so-called single task of strike or reconnaissance.

They have basic logical perception ability.

That is, it can switch freely between reconnaissance, evaluation, cruise and attack, and share its own situation with the rear control center and other UAV platforms at the same time, so that other UAV platforms can adjust their mission attributes according to the shared intelligence, and finally decide the next task situation.

In this way, the task flexibility of the whole UAV system will be greatly expanded.

Take the army as an example. If the heavily armored forces are equipped with the bee colony UAV system of the take-off group, they can launch the bee colony UAV by the artillery during offensive operations. They can make use of their concealment and mobility advantages to conduct approach reconnaissance on the enemy's defensive positions, focusing on the weak links of the enemy's forward deployment and the deployment of the enemy's Anti Tank Firepower.

At the same time, the real-time image transmission ability of bee colony UAV system is used to form the command organ's dynamic situation awareness of the battlefield, so as to form the relative battlefield transparency.

On this basis, when the heavy armored forces begin to implement the campaign breakthrough, the bee colony UAV system can use the previous situation awareness, on the one hand, it can focus on attacking all kinds of enemy's Anti Tank Firepower, open up the way for tank armored units to attack and remove the threat; on the other hand, it can use the air and mobile advantages to attack the time sensitive targets which are difficult to deal with by traditional firepower, and make the anti oblique attack Surface target, hidden target, etc.

At the same time, assist the rear artillery troops to carry out artillery calibration and fire damage assessment. After the armored forces have successfully broken through, they can penetrate, reconnoiter, guide fire and even directly attack the enemy's deep targets or flanking targets according to the actual situation.

This is the case with the army and the air force. They can be used as signal deception to attract the enemy's air defense radar to turn on and consume valuable air defense firepower. They can also directly attack the enemy's air defense radar and clear the way for their own air power. They can even directly participate in offensive operations and launch "suicide" air strikes against the enemy.

In a word, the bee colony UAV system of Tengfei group is not a traditional single mission mode, but a multi-functional and highly integrated multi-attribute integrated campaign tactical system.

Because of this, the practicability, mission expansibility and final effect of the UAV are several levels higher than that of the Israeli "habi".

After all, the flexibility of the "habi" UAV is not at all poor. Although it has the function of a certain UAV, it can return and recover if it has no attack results, and can hover over the target for a long time, but in fact, the essence of the "habi" is an anti radiation missile, and it has no multi mission capability.

The bee colony UAV system of Tengfei group is not only for anti radar, but also for reconnaissance, guidance, electronic jamming and even fixed-point clearance

It's not very expansive.

However, in order to achieve this goal, the traditional communication device and network layout obviously can not be realized. This kind of dynamic real-time data transmission can not be tolerated by the general communication system.

At the same time, the confidentiality of communication must be good, and the quality must be high, especially between the UAV platforms, the transmission must be fast and anti-interference.Ordinary civil communication architecture is bound to fail.

To this end, Tengfei group, together with several domestic scientific research institutions, has jointly developed two sets of communication systems.

One is similar to the Internet topology network distributed secure communication architecture, which has a more appropriate general term in foreign countries, namely the so-called data link.

It is mainly used for communication and control between UAV platforms and command center.

The other is the UV secure communication system based on routing communication, which is used for short distance and fast communication between UAV platforms.

On the basis of these two communication systems, combined with satellite communication and relay communication, a closed network structure is finally formed, so as to realize the complex system that UAV nodes are independent and decentralized, that is, they can perform tasks independently and cooperate in operations.

Of course, as a whole new system, many places are pioneering, and naturally there are some shortcomings, such as the communication channel problem of data link. Due to the poor level of integrated circuits in China, foreign countries can not buy the highest level of large-scale integrated circuits and chips.

Therefore, the bee colony UAV system of Tengfei group can only control five UAV platforms to perform tasks at the same time. If there are too many UAV platforms, the computers produced by aeronautical Computer Research Institute will be overloaded, and the UAV platforms will crash due to mixed communication.

Secondly, although each UAV platform has a certain degree of autonomy, it is limited by the limitations of algorithms and integrated circuits, and its autonomy is relatively limited. It can not completely achieve independent target differentiation and autonomous control. In many cases, it needs the intervention of the rear control center.

Finally, the volume of each classification system is too large. Tengfei group is stepping up its research on miniaturization, but it is obviously impossible to install it on the "habi" UAV with a length of only one meter at this stage. This is also the reason why Tengfei group finally chose zb-maxpro as the carrier platform, because the platform is large enough and easy to refit. Of course, what's more important is to use it In zb-maxpro, it can quickly realize the civil use, thus sharing the high R & D cost of Tengfei group.

After all, Tengfei group is not a typical military enterprise. All the technologies are not only for military use, but also for civilian use. It is the only way to make money with both hands.