Chapter 795

Not only Cole, but also Donne, who was beside him, was nervous. You should know that the UAV that suddenly appeared outside the cabin was less than 50 meters away from the hu-25d they were riding.

On land, 50 meters is nothing, but in the sky, this distance is too dangerous, because the speed of the plane is very fast, 50 meters can be hit without blinking.

Because of this, this distance is very dangerous for both planes.

But this is not important. What's more important is that the plane outside the cabin is unmanned, and it is very likely that the interruption of GPS satellite navigation model will lead to its own abnormal action.

It's like a mentally ill patient rushing out of the lunatic asylum with a machete and walking side by side with you with a smile. It seems that everything is normal, but no one knows when the mentally ill patient will chop.

At present, the situation is almost the same. No one knows if the UAV outside the cabin will bump into us because of the navigation failure. If so, they will lose a lot. After all, there is only a UAV outside, and if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, but all of them are human in this plane.

"Get off course, quick!"

It's not only dawn who is aware of this. The moment Cole sees the scene outside the cabin, he knows the danger. Before dawn returns, he shouts orders at the pilot in the cockpit.

But Cole yelled fiercely for a long time. The pilot just deflected to the right a little bit, pulled away 200 meters from the UAV outside the cabin, and then And then it's gone.

From 50 meters to 200 meters, it seems that the distance has been increased by four times. However, in the sky, this point is useless. If the UAV outside is crazy, it will drag hu-25d to death in a twinkling of an eye, so Cole is angry. But before he uses the most severe order to expand the safe distance, the rational words of the Yangtze River Delta Air traffic control that the driver turns to will ring on his console Voice: "hu256817, please don't deviate from the established route. On your right, a Boeing 737 is flying toward the northwest. On your right, a dc-11 is flying toward the southeast. On your right, an Airbus A320 is on the mission. Keep the speed of 650 km / h as far as possible. Because the airport needs to coordinate the runway and there are too many planes waiting in the airspace, you can slow down a little. If you adjust the route, please wait a moment A few minutes to avoid unnecessary safety accidents. "

After hearing this, Cole's blood almost didn't come out. He's still waiting for a few minutes. He's not equal to every second now. He's so slow. Doesn't the air traffic control in the Yangtze River Delta know that one of their lost drones is close to him?

As a result, Kohl is a classic foreign Zuan culture language that starts with F and S. he jumps out of the Yangtze River Delta region in a variety of ways. He knows in his heart that the Yangtze River Delta region is one of the regions with dense air routes. If he really adjusts the routes regardless of himself, it will be a high probability that the plane will collide.

This is also the reason why the driver does not dare to move when he is a little farther away.

But if we don't adjust the route, the UAV outside seems normal, but we don't know when it will go crazy. It's really scary. Cole doesn't want to gamble his life with his personality, so he can only turn on the switch of the international general radio station, and after connecting the air traffic control in the Yangtze River Delta, he hesitated for a long time. Finally, he stumbling over the situation outside the cabin of hu-25d, and finally he simply and thoroughly described it He put down his face and pleaded: "due to the abnormal GPS navigation signal, we are very worried about your unmanned opportunity, so We ask to lower the altitude and get out of the danger zone

Cole's words are almost praying. There's no way. At a critical moment, only air traffic control can coordinate the surrounding airliners and military planes to avoid and reserve a safe passage for hu-25d. Therefore, even if Cole is on the head rail, he has to bow down.

As a result, the ATC was also surprised to hear Cole's words: "is this the case? Just a moment, and we'll make sure. "

Hearing this, Cole almost didn't reach out to scratch the screen. You don't know where your drone is? Even confirmed?

Fortunately, the efficiency of air traffic control was very fast this time. In less than half a minute, the voice came again. As a result, before he finished listening, Cole didn't stretch out his hand to scratch the screen, but wanted to smash it with his head.

"Hu256817, we have just confirmed your information. We do have a weather monitoring UAV in your airspace. It is also affected by the Hawaiian ground station. The GPS signal is abnormal, but don't worry. Our technicians have handled it properly. The UAV will not lose control. At present, it is very obedient and is being implemented in your airspace Meteorological monitoring task, you don't have to worry HU256817? HU256817…… Do you hear me? Please answer... "

Answer Answer you a question F@UCK !

Don't worry about the abnormal GPS signal. Do you think your UAV is the son of a big country? Enjoying the top navigation accuracy and uninterrupted signal coverage?

Come on, if there is something wrong with the GPS signal, it is very likely that the satellite navigation signal in the UAV will be interrupted. If you lose the navigation, you will lose your eyes. If you are blind, it is not a UAV, but a kite with broken line, which will fall down sooner or later.As a result, the air traffic control also said that it was very obedient and deceptive. Could it be possible to find a layman to fool around with them? Did they treat them all as big fools when they played with the coast guard of a big country outside their territory?

However, just as Cole was about to go back to the international general radio station, the UAV on the left side, which was flying with them, suddenly tilted, made a beautiful 90 degree lateral rotation, and immediately dived to the left side. In a flash, it was out of sight of hu-25d.

Seeing the UAV leave like this, both Cole and dawn can't help but feel relieved. Although it's a false alarm, only by experiencing that scene can we feel the crisis of life hanging on the line.

However, before Cole recovered from the tension of the crisis, the radar operator nearby raised Cole's heart to his throat again with a cry of surprise.

"Sir, the drone just now is rapidly approaching the rush in the rear."


Cole, who was leaning on his seat, bounced up immediately. Then he looked at the screen on the console and saw a black spot approaching the white triangle representing the patrol ship rush from the side in a beautiful arc.

Seeing this, Cole's calm face once again showed a look of horror. If it was frightening to see the UAV before, it was startled by the track shown by the radar this time.

You know, there are a lot of planes coming and going around here, just like the traffic flow in the morning rush hour of big cities. But in such a dense route, the UAVs that used to fly with them actually avoided all the potential dangers, walked out of an extremely accurate route and quickly approached the rush.

What does that mean?

People can fly accurately without GPS!