Chapter 791

Of course, video satellite is only one of many applications of staring imaging system. In other aspects, especially in the field of military equipment, the use of this technology is really extensive, because many missiles are equipped with a set of staring imaging system at the end, and the strike accuracy will be doubled.

Take the most widely used air-to-air combat missile for example. In the past, the infrared guidance head used scanning components. Although it has strong ability to capture the target, it is vulnerable to interference.

Especially in the dog fight, the enemy fighter in the thermal infrared decoy with large overload maneuver, can easily avoid the incoming air combat bombs.

This is good. If the performance of the infrared seeker is poor and the weather is fine, the infrared fighting bomb will not even chase the plane, but will head for the sun, the largest source of thermal infrared in the solar system.

The infrared fighting bomb using staring imaging system technology is different. Because of the extensive image collection of continuous points, it has higher definition and accuracy than the past scanning type. With the task computer with greater redundancy, the infrared seeker can easily grasp the accurate position of the target just like the human eye, so that the missile can be more reliable, The area of no escape was further enlarged.

Because of this, as long as this kind of missile catches the enemy's plane and successfully hits it, no matter how difficult the enemy's plane plays in the air ballet, there is only one waiting for it, that is, it is shot down.

This is true of tactical air-to-air missiles, and strategic cruise missiles are also important platforms for staring imaging system technology application. As we all know, the guidance mode of cruise missiles is never a single, but a combination of multiple guidance modes, so as to ensure the strike accuracy of cruise missiles.

In order to ensure the attack accuracy of cruise missile, all countries have installed a set of guidance system called map matching on cruise missile without exception.

The simplest is to make the cruise missile route according to the different terrain contour undulation, and then set several key nodes. When the missile flies to these nodes, use the radar echo to confirm the contour of these nodes, and then compare with the data in the program, and adjust the route according to the comparison results.

The "Tomahawk" cruise missile used by the US military in the Gulf War used this method.

Good is good, but the preparation time of this method is too long, usually between 16 and 26 hours. In addition, this method can not be used in areas with too complex terrain, otherwise it is easy to lead to confusion and crash due to the accuracy of terrain survey.

However, all this is not a problem in the desert area of Iraq. The rivers, highlands and hills in the plain desert are the best route nodes. What's more, the Americans still have the buff of GPS in the sky to assist them, so they really want to fight as they want. They have no scruples at all. As like as two peas in primary school,

is not a wilful person. So it is not difficult to explore better matching effect. Principle is not difficult for primary school students.

Aerospace experts naturally know this truth. The problem is how to solve the problem of independent comparison of cruise missiles.

It's easy to collect terrain data. Usually, remote sensing and surveying and mapping do these things. The difficulty lies in the matching and comparison of cruise missiles.

In this regard, Tengfei group, which has rich experience in UAV development and production, is one of the best in the first echelon in China, because a few years ago, relying on the target-5 cruise missile, Tengfei group realized the preliminary optimal layout of the whole cruise missile industry chain, and tried to break through in terrain matching technology, successfully developed the laser radar imaging and matching system Simple terrain matching technology with remote sensing terrain data.

Good results have been achieved in all previous exercises and actual combat training.

However, lidar has its own limitations. For example, the weight of the whole system is too large, the anti-jamming ability is poor, and it is greatly affected by the weather.

So it's OK to use the target-5 cruise missile as a target missile. Just as it's used as a cruise missile, it's possible that it's going to hit the street before it reaches the target.

Because of this, Tengfei group does not meet the current situation that the classified product of target-5 cruise missile is stagnant. After all, the times are developing and human beings are progressing. Although the tenet of Tengfei group is world peace and human development, how can we achieve this ultimate goal without dry goods?

Besides, Pakistan's recent visit to China was to visit the production workshop of Tengfei group's target-5 cruise missile. The Pakistani military, which is engaged in the research and development of domestic cruise missiles, immediately became interested in this kind of special target, hoping to purchase a batch of strategic chips to strengthen its strategic position in New Delhi Bah It is to improve the training level of the national defense air force.

However, there is a requirement that we hope to further optimize the terrain matching technology of target-5 cruise missile, so as to increase its accuracy and reaction speed.

If we put it in the past, Tengfei group really has no good way. We need to know that the breakthrough of technical level is not overnight. Every three or five years of investment and accumulation depends on the results? Unless you have a dream, even so, sometimes you can't even see a splash when you put in the manpower and material resources.This is the disadvantage of R & D. the input-output ratio is difficult to control, and the risk is even higher. Naturally, there is no quick money to go smoothly.

Although Tengfei group has made rapid progress over the years, it has also encountered an insurmountable ceiling in technology. There are many factors contributing to this, the most important of which is the lag in domestic basic science.

Therefore, in the case of high-end customers like Pakistan, Tengfei group a few years ago is very likely to lose patience and eventually cancel the order due to long-term research and development.

Fortunately, the super bear in the north, the enemy of Western imperialism, the pioneer of the red flag of mankind, the synthesizer of the fighting nation, and the real man, the Soviet Union, are playing with themselves.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the huge military industrial system of the Soviet Union collapsed, and a large number of talented Soviet technical experts went to different places because of the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century.

Some of them came to China, and among them were excellent Soviet experts who were in love with Tengfei group.

Victor Bukharin, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, worked in the lavochegin Design Bureau in his early years, participated in the joint astronomical deep space exploration project of the Soviet Union and France, and was responsible for the development of the most core optical equipment.

Later, he was transferred to the southern Design Bureau of the Soviet Union in Ukraine to participate in the development of the new generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles of the Soviet Union, and was responsible for the development of infrared optical guidance at the end of distributed warheads.

As a result, before the completion of the whole project, the Soviet Union was gone. Bukharin went to many places to make a living, and finally came to China and was accepted by Tengfei group. Then he took out his unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box for so many years - staring imaging system technology, and changed his villas and luxury cars in Xiping, starting his shameless life.