Chapter 726

Just when Zhuang Jianye wondered how he had offended the head of the headquarters again, his big brother's stool rang again. Then he heard that the head of the headquarters was still calling, but before Zhuang Jianye could explain anything, he heard the head of the headquarters say in a bad voice like a gun: "I tell you, I'm the one who gave up my face to help you find this time. If you can't grasp it, don't go there It's a lot of blame. "

Then he hung up again with a bang.

Zhuang Jianye, who put down his cell phone, waited for five or six minutes. Seeing that the cell phone didn't move, he knew that the head of the headquarters had completely ended the call this time.

Then he picked up the big brother, pulled out the special charger, inserted it, and then sat down on the sofa, touched his pocket, found a packet of unopened cigarettes, opened it, pulled out one, lit it, looked at the stars outside the window, and took a silent puff.

If someone sees Zhuang Jianye here, he will be surprised, because he doesn't smoke unless Met the event of life and death, under the pressure had to use nicotine in cigarette anesthesia under the tight nerve.

But at the moment, Zhuang Jianye, who smokes silently, has indeed encountered the intersection of life and death, not now, but in the future.

As for the simple reason, the gas turbine share of Tengfei group in the past two years is falling to the bottom in a free falling posture. If we don't find a way to revive, the future Tengfei aero power, which only relies on the hard work of aero-engine, will fall into a very passive situation, and will be even less able to resist the domestic and foreign aero power competition.

It is likely to repeat the mistakes of the gas turbine business, so that the huge investment in take-off aviation power is gradually hanged in the internal and external strangulation.

Yes, a few years ago, the combined cooling and heating system jointly developed with Yuanli factory, with the D-20 and D-30 gas turbine power plants of Tengfei group as the core, was only on fire for less than two years, and then it welcomed foreign competitors.

Ge and Pratt & Whitney of the United States, Rolls Royce of the United Kingdom, MTU and Siemens of Germany, Mitsubishi of Japan and other gas turbine manufacturers are like hungry wolves smelling blood, all rushing to China, the market with the greatest economic growth potential in the next decade.

In this respect, the backward domestic enterprises were unable to compete with foreign brands at all, so soon large and heavy industrial gas turbines in large electric power, ship power, heavy chemical industry, oil exploitation and other departments were completely monopolized by foreign enterprises.

At that time, Tengfei group did not have the production capacity of large and heavy gas turbines, but it was optimistic about the application of small gas turbines in the fields of electric power, chemical industry, offshore oil exploitation, petroleum exploration, chemical thermal cycle, steel industrial thermal cycle, etc.

We are going to rely on D-20 and D-30 gas turbine power plants to occupy these market segments first, and then gradually develop to large or heavy-duty gas turbines.

With the development of its own aero-engine, it has formed a benign development mode of mutual complementation and mutual promotion between aeroengine and industrial gas turbine.

At the beginning, this idea was really good. Tengfei group successively won the orders of gas turbine power plant for large-scale coking project in Northwest Shanxi, Bohai Bay No.1 drilling platform, secondary transformation project of Angang and other major projects.

Together with Yuanli factory and other supporting plants, we really enjoyed a lot in this subdivision field in the three years from 1985 to 1988.

With the large-scale application of the two types of gas turbine power plant in industry, Tengfei aviation power gradually becomes mature in production, process, material and design, so as to apply these mature experiences to the WD-20 and wd-30 aeroengines. So far, Tengfei group has not only the most mature aeroengine model so far, but also the development of d-40 and d-50 It laid the foundation for its coming out.

Unfortunately, the good time is not long. After dividing up the domestic large and heavy industrial gas turbine market, GE and other international gas turbine giants immediately sank their products and began to seize the small and medium-sized gas turbine market.

Since the first half of 1989, Tengfei group, which already has a market base, has been competing with foreign brands in this field.

After several battles, Tengfei group has maintained its market share by virtue of its own technology and strong government background. However, how can ge and other giants watch another giant rise? After all, there are many giants of international industrial gas turbine now, and they still make fart money.

As a result, after many unsuccessful exchanges, GE and other giants began to take joint actions. First, they reduced the price of small and medium-sized industrial gas turbines to below the cost line of similar products of Tengfei group, and started a crazy price war.

And then actively cooperate with similar domestic manufacturers to allow their small and medium-sized industrial gas turbines to be produced in China.

Finally, regardless of the cost of public relations and discredit, gas turbine is just like the car engine, no matter how good it is, there will be such and such small problems. Ge and other giants seize this point, as long as the unit using the products of Tengfei group has a little problem, they will directly put the pot on the head of D-20 and D-30 gas turbine power plant.

They talk about how the technology of these two gas turbines is not mature, how the performance is poor, how the power is not up to standard, and so on. Then they list countless black technologies, how their products are good and how powerful they are.As a result, Tengfei group's small and medium-sized industrial gas turbines will soon be overwhelmed. Tengfei group will not be able to dominate in China, but even its younger brother will not be regarded as a giant.

Whatever else, just talking about the accumulation of technology, GE and other giants have been at the top for at least half a century, but how much is Tengfei group? It's less than ten years since the 23rd branch.

So there's no way to compare with people in technology.

You should know that GE's industrial gas turbine compressor can work normally for 30 years under normal load; Tengfei group can only operate for less than 10 years, less than one third of other people's, with proper technology.

This alone is a dimension reduction strike, let alone a comprehensive and three-dimensional multi-party encirclement and suppression.

Even though Zhuang Jianye has great ability, deep connections and huge energy, he may not even be a jumping monkey in front of the giant's Tathagata palm, so he slapped him half dead.

Since the end of 1989, Tengfei group's industrial gas turbine has never been successful in bidding for important domestic industrial projects.

Other cooperative enterprises are also changing and losing. They all use foreign industrial gas turbines with better performance and cheaper price. As a result, the industrial gas turbine business of Tengfei group has plummeted to the bottom. Not to mention, more than ten related supporting plants around the industrial gas turbine business, such as Yuanli factory, have also fallen into trouble again.

If Tengfei group doesn't make achievements, not only more than ten related supporting plants will be shut down, but even this business may become the best one and the most failed business since the establishment of Tengfei group.