Chapter 666

With this mentality, when Professor Ali Khan came to the factory of Tengfei group's Tengfei aviation aircraft factory in Xiping, his dark face was like the bottom of a pot. Looking at the huge factory, what flashed to his mind was not the European Airbus aircraft assembly plant in Lyon, France, but Boeing's large production plant in Seattle, USA.

Compared with these two giants, the hardware facilities of Xiping factory are not good enough.

So Professor Ali Khan shook his head at his two assistants and said, "I don't think we can produce the kind of high-performance light transport aircraft that general Zarif said."

Professor Ali Khan's voice was not deliberately lowered. In addition, his position was relatively forward. In addition, Zhuang Jianye and Lin Guanghua did not understand foreign languages. Therefore, the words immediately made both sides seem a little unnatural.

But this time, Professor Ali Khan fired map cannon for no reason. Neither Rahman nor Zarif heard it. Let alone stop it, he didn't even feel embarrassed.

It's just like parents watching their naughty bear children toss and turn, not only won't stop them, but also boast that they are smart and powerful.

In fact, it is true. Internally, the Pakistani military may not care about Professor Ali Khan, but externally, especially in highly professional aviation manufacturing such as Tengfei group, Professor Ali Khan is their best blade.

Otherwise, how can they bargain with the other party?

Chopping hands belongs to chopping hands, but how to chop, how to chop, or pay attention to strategy!

And Professor Ali Khan is an important part of their hand chopping strategy. If not, who would like to bring such a stinky and hard nerd here.

To put it bluntly, just as they did in the successful aviation and Hongtong aircraft manufacturing plant, they embarrassed the domestic aircraft manufacturers and dealt with them more carefully, so as to take the initiative in later visits and possible preliminary exchanges.

After all, China is very polite to the foreign military high-level delegation who are interested in purchasing equipment. It is absolutely not a bad thing for Pakistan's military to take advantage of the situation to raise the tone and take a tough attitude. The products with high cost performance will be further improved.

After all, no one's money comes from strong winds, even with the domestic railway, but it's better to figure it out.

It's just that the way they did in other aviation manufacturers is basically like burning a harp and boiling a crane in Tengfei group, playing the lute to the ox, which is of no use at all.

Because the guy named Zhuang Jianye is typically black hearted, ruthless and cheeky. Oh ~ ~ by the way, he is a little cautious.

This little scene is still a problem in the eyes of general manager Zhuang?

"Professor Ali Khan, right?" After shaking hands with Rahman, Zarif and others, Zhuang Jianye shook hands with this serious old man with a white beard and a big wrinkled face. He said with a smile, "listen to general Zarif, you worked as a technical engineer for Airbus and Boeing in your early years, OK? Are you interested in joining our Tengfei group? "

Zhuang Jianye's words were not deliberately suppressed. People from the military delegation of Pakistan were very surprised. What's the situation? They began to dig the wall?

Professor Ali Khan also didn't expect that his previous undisguised query didn't make the person in charge of the take-off group angry. Instead, he warmly invited himself to join. For a moment, he was a little stunned. But the next moment, he responded and shook his head firmly: "sorry, Mr. Zhuang, if I want a better life, Airbus and Boeing will give me the most With rich annual salary, I can live a life without food and clothing. However, compared with these belongings, I hope to return to my motherland and cultivate our own aviation industry and talent team. "

As soon as this remark came out, both Pakistanis and their domestic entourage showed great respect for Professor Ali Khan. As the saying goes, science knows no borders, but scientists have nationalities. Such scientific and technological talents as Professor Ali Khan who gave up high salary abroad and resolutely chose to return to the motherland to build a country will be respected everywhere.

However, those people who have a clear mind respect professor Ali Khan's words, but they can't help complaining about them. They don't even have a word about the take-off group. They just don't pay attention to the take-off group.

In fact, not to mention the Tengfei group, China's domestic successful aviation, Hongtong aircraft manufacturing plant and other aviation manufacturing enterprises, Professor Ali Khan has a little to look up to.

It's no wonder that although Professor Ali Khan's motherland is Pakistan, he studied in the United States in his early years and obtained a master's degree in aeronautical engineering from MIT, then a doctor's degree in aeronautical engineering from Stanford University, and later joined Lockheed to participate in the improvement of P-3C antisubmarine patrol aircraft and the development of L-1011 wide body aircraft.

Later, in order to meet the market expectation, Lockheed withdrew from the civil aircraft field. As a member of the company's civil aircraft manufacturing business team, Professor Ali Khan was ruthlessly dismissed by Lockheed.Just at this time, Airbus on the other side of the Atlantic began to rise. Professor Ali Khan joined Airbus and participated in the preliminary research work of A330. Later, he left his post because of his different ideas. Later, he joined Boeing and participated in the development of Boeing 757. Later, he became the technical director of the project.

Until the end of the 1980s, when he resigned from Boeing and returned to Pakistan, he became a professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Karachi Polytechnic University. Professor Ali Khan was in the world's top aviation giants. What he saw, experienced and participated in was the most cutting-edge existence in the world.

Whether it's vision, realm or perception, it's beyond the imagination of normal people.

It's like a man of the upper class who's been hanging around for half his life in Sanlitun or the Bund of the Huangpu River in the capital, suddenly comes to a refugee camp in the Middle East with mosquitoes everywhere, different networks, and even toilets. Naturally, he's not used to it.

Professor Ali Khan regards China's aviation industry as the aristocrats who are used to eating French food and drinking coffee and milkshakes. They come to the hutongs and hold their noses, gnawing garlic and playing Erguotou. They don't talk about it, but they don't care.

Although Zhuang Jianye doesn't know much about the details of Professor Ali Khan, he still knows his general experience. Otherwise, it's impossible for him to send out an invitation like this. However, the invitation was definitely rejected, and Zhuang Jianye didn't have to curry favor with him. He laughed and didn't speak, so he shook hands with the next person.

After shaking hands with all the members of the Pakistani military delegation, he led them into the No. 8 production workshop not far away. At this time, Lin Guanghua already began to introduce: "Yun 15 series light transport aircraft, the engineering code of our group is haidongqing a aircraft. Its biggest feature is that it uses a lot of composite materials, and its weight is about 4 tons It accounts for 23% of the total structure weight of the whole machine. "

"Engineer Lin, just a moment. I remember that you quoted us $7 million and US $11 million for Yun 15 and Yun 15 plus. According to the calculation of composite materials that you use more than 20%, is the price somewhat intangible cultural heritage?"

When Lin Guanghua was enthusiastically introducing the basic information, Professor Ali Khan suddenly interrupted and inserted such a sentence. Other members of the Pakistan military delegation all looked at Lin Guanghua with great interest and occasionally glanced at Zhuang Jianye. They all knew that composite materials were expensive, but the quotation of Tengfei group was almost the same or even lower than that of ordinary light transport aircraft Some, this cannot but let a person some suspicion.

Lin Guanghua is indifferent to this. He smiles at Professor Ali Khan and asks, "what if the cost of the composite materials we use is low enough?"