Chapter 641

But no matter how surprised you are, you always have to say hello when you meet. What's more, on ordinary occasions, it's good to have a word with Moston in Schumann's coffee seat. I dare not think about it face to face alone.

"Hello, Mr. Moston. This is Schumann from Leipzig."


Moston didn't ignore Schumann's hand. He also extended his hand and grasped it, but his attitude was a little absent-minded. Schumann didn't care either. He sat down next to Moston cautiously and was just ready to get close to the giant leader in the field of aviation maintenance.

The door of the rest room was knocked, and immediately a staff member of Tengfei group came in and politely said to Moston, "Mr. Moston, Mr. Zhuang Jianye has finished the temporary meeting. Let me come and ask if it is convenient to meet him."

"Convenient, convenient, very convenient." As soon as Moston heard that Zhuang Jianye wanted to see him, he immediately nodded.

Hearing this, the staff did not refuse and nodded, "well, Mr. Moston, please follow me."

Moston immediately left with his assistants and the staff.

The whole process didn't take long. It took less than three minutes from the staff knocking in to Moston's hasty departure with a group of staff, but it surprised Schumann in the rest room.

Is Zhuang Jianye of Tengfei group a wizard with too strong personal charm or a curse? It's just a meeting, and he can make the CEO of the flight company, which accounts for more than 40% of the Asian airliner market, so excited.

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, Schumann would never believe that it was true. As Moston's position is that the leaders of some small countries can directly ignore it. How can Zhuang Jianye let Moston treat people like this?

"What's the situation?" Shuman has no choice but to ask Yodel who has just become his senior main force.

Yodel replied with a helpless bitter smile: "if you know who is the person who has just held an interim meeting with Zhuang Jianye, you won't be surprised by Morton's performance."

Schumann frowned and asked, "who is it?"

"Donald Wayne!" Yodel said a name, Schumann whispered the name, frowned deeper, but the next moment a touch of incredible then climbed to the face, eyes wide open looking at Yodel, that look like listening to the alien invasion of the earth, even the voice changed tone: "Donald Wayne! You're talking about Donald Wayne! Donald Wayne, President of wolf aviation maintenance company, USA

No wonder Schumann's gaffe is mainly due to the fact that Donald Wayne and the wolf aviation maintenance company he controls are so famous.

If stable flight company is a giant, then Wolff aviation maintenance company is a giant among the giants. Its maintenance business has really spread all over the world. North America alone accounts for 52% of the total, while Europe accounts for 37% of the total.

The situation in Asia is quite special, because stable flight company occupied the Asian market early, and Wolff aviation maintenance company's action was a little slower, resulting in most of the market being held by stable flight company. However, Wolff aviation maintenance company still occupied 11.6% of the Asian aircraft maintenance market with its excellent strength.

However, since the 1970s, as Asia's economic development has entered the fast lane, there have been four little dragons and four little tigers. The booming economic growth has driven the expansion of the aviation market, and air travel has become the first choice of the wealthy Asians, which has led to the growth of the aviation maintenance market.

Because of this, in recent years, the competition between wolf aviation maintenance company and stable flight company in the Asian market has become increasingly fierce. However, the so-called strong dragon is hard to beat the local leader. Although wolf aviation maintenance company has strong strength, it still has nothing to do with stable flight company in Asia.

After all, other people's stable flight company is not a vegetarian. Its technology, management and talents are no worse than those of Wolff aviation maintenance company, and its cost control is the best in the industry. So Wolff aviation maintenance company hasn't done anything about stable flight company for several times. On the contrary, its business in Europe and South America has been robbed by stable flight company.

Ordinary people really don't know about these things. After all, compared with real aviation manufacturing, the aviation maintenance field is still one level behind it. It belongs to the low-key and lucrative industry, and not very deep industry people can't touch it at all, let alone make it clear.

Leipzig itself is engaged in aircraft maintenance business. Although its scope is limited to rotorcraft, the industry leaders are still clear about it. Otherwise, how can they get involved in this business.

Because of this, hearing Donald Wayne's name is not a surprise, but an uncontrollable shock.

"Yes, that's him!" Yodel nodded: "in fact, Donald Wayne and Moston come to see Zhuang Jianye for only one purpose, that is, to cooperate with Tengfei group, so as to participate in the maintenance business of large civil aircraft in China."

"What did you say? Tengfei group began to involve in the maintenance business of large civil aircraft Schumann has been shocked enough, but after listening to Yodel's words, he thought he was still incredibly stimulated.The maintenance of large aircraft, especially those large civil aircraft used for trunk transportation, can not be completed by children's piecework.

The technology, processing, supporting and other elements required are no less than those of a complete large-scale aircraft production plant. What's more, the company responsible for this kind of business must also have a good relationship with the aircraft origin enterprises and other supporting plants, so as to establish a set of supply chain for its own spare parts production and procurement.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a maintenance company to produce all of the hundreds of thousands of parts of an aircraft. The original, substitute and high imitation parts must be mastered so that customers can choose from different quotations.

If we do not have a good relationship with the upstream and downstream production suppliers and the origin, the aviation maintenance companies will lose their flexibility and the only future is to rush into the streets.

Because of this, this industry not only has a large investment, but also has a high entry threshold, because the supporting supply chain of aircraft is not easy to establish, which is also the reason why the aviation maintenance market in the world is so large, but there are only a few companies that can really do it.

It's too demanding.

But it is such a high business that Tengfei group not only involves, but also lets the leaders of the two major aviation maintenance companies come to the door in person, which shows that the two major maintenance giants recognize Tengfei group.

It took Leipzig more than ten years to build a complete supply chain of hundreds of thousands of spare parts. How did Tengfei group do it?

So Schumann almost subconsciously asked, "where do they get their accessories? North America? Europe? Or an imitation of Brazil or Indonesia? "

"None of them ~ ~" Yodel shook his head, and then said something that made Schumann almost mad: "all the accessories are made by Tengfei group. They call it" do it yourself, rich in food and clothing. "