Chapter 548

The early warning plane scared off the tu-16 reconnaissance plane under Churkin's command, and the subsequent air assault formation successfully arrived at the designated sea area, launched air launched anti-ship missiles, and accurately hit the target ship.

The next day, the major official media in China reported the incident on the main page, and the media affiliated to the army even published the photos of the missile launched by the H6 bomber on the front page, which caused quite a stir.

However, in Jinlan Bay, the most discussed one is not the strong H6 bomber or the long-range anti-ship missile, but the early warning aircraft.

However, compared with Churkin's pledge, the vast majority of Soviet officers and soldiers, including the commander of the Soviet army in Jinlan Bay, did not take Churkin's statement to heart.

Very simple, can China have an early warning plane? How is that possible? Do they have the ability?

If so, how could an efficient intelligence network like the Soviet Union not be aware of it?

Therefore, China's so-called early warning aircraft probability is a false proposition. Churkin is either nervous and wrong or finds a reason to throw the pot because of failure.

The probability should be the latter, because after the tu-16 reconnaissance plane returned, the technicians did not find any abnormality in the aspect of AWACS through the above recorded signals.

Because of this, many people even give chuerjin the nickname of mirage, which means that the so-called early warning aircraft he saw should be mirage. Apart from the real picture, the others are all illusory, implying that chuerjin's ability of throwing pot is first-class.

Churkin almost went crazy. He wanted to go to Qiongdao immediately, carry the early warning plane back, and tell his superiors and colleagues that he didn't lie. China really has an early warning plane.

However, the cold reality tells Churkin that no matter how rich his ideas are, he must become the backbone of all kinds. Even if China's territory is involved, what else can he talk about? Well Dream can!

On this side, Qiu Erjin was tortured by China's early warning aircraft, but Zhuang Jianye, who was recalled to China in an emergency, did not suffer as much as Qiu Erjin.

Because the so-called "early warning aircraft" that Qiu Erjin caught a glimpse of was developed with the participation of Tengfei group.

Why is it involved in the development? Because Tengfei group only provides the platform for tm-9 aircraft, and the installation of radar and subsequent modification are carried out by the air force aviation surveying and mapping brigade, China Electronics Research Institute and other units.

It's not that Tengfei group doesn't want to take over this big project with potential in the future. The key is that it doesn't have the test equipment and debugging ability of advanced radar components on hand.

Of course, it is very meaningful for Tengfei group to provide a platform. Anyway, it proves that tm-9 aircraft is excellent as a platform.

Otherwise, the air force has yun-7, yun-8, Yun-12, an-26 equipped with d-46ml turboprop engine, and yun-6, the flagship product of Tengfei group. They do not choose so many products, but they choose tm-9, which is a bit off the mark.

Nothing else, just because the comprehensive performance and balance of the tm-9 aircraft are more in line with the modification requirements of the air force aviation surveying and mapping brigade.

No way, who let the "search water" radar imported from Britain be too delicate.

The most important thing is that the vibration and noise must be controlled in a lower range, otherwise the whole radar system will be interfered.

Similar problems can be well controlled by the British. After all, the old industrial countries have a solid foundation there. This is not a problem at all.

However, it's a bit of a headache in China. Due to the engine, fuselage structure and materials of Yun 7, Yun 8 and Yun 12, the noise is not only high, but also the internal environment of the engine room is difficult to guarantee. The in-depth improvement project of Yun 8 has been launched, and the airtight cabin has been added.

However, this improvement project has just started, and it will take several years for it to produce results.

In the past, the air force could only wait, but now it is different. Tengfei group has a very good aircraft platform for noise and environmental control.

Although the size of the aircraft is a little small, the size of the small "Islander" aircraft originally carried by the British "water search" radar is also small, so it is not necessary to carry the "water search" radar and transform it into a small air early warning aircraft.

Therefore, the key is to be able to integrate and complete the use and research of AWACS by the air force.

So the aerial surveying and mapping brigade of the air force, which was responsible for this task, conducted a comprehensive investigation on the models of the Tengfei group, and finally chose the tm-9 aircraft after some evaluation.

This is not to say that yun-6 is not good enough, but because yun-6's aerodynamic layout is not conducive to the placement of "water search" radar.

In contrast, the tm-9 aircraft is different, because it adopts the layout of single wing and T-shaped vertical tail, the center of gravity of the aircraft itself is more forward, which is very beneficial for the radar to be installed in the middle and rear of the fuselage.

In addition, tm-9 aircraft has a range of more than 3000 kilometers, a practical ceiling of more than 9000 meters, as well as high-end business aircraft level noise control and comfortable environment. All of these are ideal carrying platforms for "water search" radar.So the tm-9 radar warning plane was born with a cylindrical radome on its back, two radar identification displays and a communication equipment in the cabin.

The military code is Yun 6x radar warning plane.

The reason why it is called radar warning aircraft rather than early warning aircraft is that the air force aerial mapping brigade has read the positioning of the US Army's early warning aircraft for several times and found that there is a big gap in the real performance of Yun 6x, unable to complete the performance of the US Army's early warning aircraft, so it is directly degraded to radar warning aircraft.

This also proves from another side that the biggest American fans are our domestic troops.

However, whether it's early warning aircraft or radar warning aircraft, y6x has made a breakthrough in the command and combat style of the aviation forces. Just because of this, after the maritime conflict in March, China began to pay attention to the construction of air power, and the demand for y6x suddenly increased.

Zhuang Jianye was recalled to China in an emergency. It was the leader of the higher authorities who came to him to discuss how to increase the production of Yun 6x.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye naturally had no choice but to respond to every request, so he quickly signed a sales contract with the air force for 12 aircraft at the price of RMB 6 million per aircraft.

As for the tm-9 aircraft needed by Thailand, Zhuang Jianye arranged it in the back with a stroke of a pen. As for whether Royal Thai Aerospace would express dissatisfaction, Zhuang Jianye didn't even consider it. Dissatisfaction, you can make it yourself.

However, Zhuang Jianye estimates that it will only be done if the head of Royal Thai aerospace is exhausted, probably with full support, because Tengfei group produces radar warning aircraft with the nature of early warning aircraft, which is the high-end goods in the world's weapons and equipment, and most small and medium-sized countries can't afford to play.

If tm-9 aircraft can be used as a platform for this type of aircraft, that is to say, in the near future, Thailand can also become a country that "independently develops and produces" early warning aircraft. The benefits to Thailand are self-evident.

Facts have proved that this is true. When Thailand learned of the situation, instead of being annoyed by the delay of orders, it hoped to join in. Royal Thai Aerospace would never frown at how much it would cost.

, but this is not the case of Zhuang Jian Ye. Let alone take the 6X radar warning machine, he now has a more important point to consider. That is, when the factory leader of the Xiangzhou aircraft factory passed the investigation and Discussion on the issue of custody conversion, he suddenly put forward an idea that all the people in the Tengfei group were very stunned. Production of helicopters.