Chapter 495

So after telling Qin Hongjun, Evans and Owen that they had started to spin off, Zhuang Jianye immediately used the European advanced avionics equipment obtained by integrating the zeus-3 UAV system in the past two years to develop two under belly boxed components based on an-26.

When discussing how to use two modified an-26 with d-46ml turboprop engine, they are provided to the navy in the form of engine accessories.

At the same time, he happily accepted the invitation of the head of the headquarters, took his family north to Daihe sanatorium, tried to get close to the head of the headquarters who was recuperating here, hugged his thighs, and spread a series of intimate interactions with the head of the headquarters, intentionally or unintentionally, so as to make outsiders have the illusion that there are people in Zhuang Jianye.

Finally, Zhuang Jianye's best hype. Although the navy has an aviation force, it can't compete with the air force in scale. The air force's intention is very important to really open up a domestic market for aero-engine and even advanced light transport aircraft.

In addition, United Airlines, led by the air force, also plays an important role in the field of civil aviation, together with a series of other local airlines supported by the air force and the postal cargo aircraft team trained and guided by the air force.

Therefore, seizing the air force is really not a simple way to sell a few military equipment, but to leverage a large part of the civil aviation market.

This is an excellent opportunity for Tengfei airlines to seize the domestic civil aircraft market and establish its position as the first brother of civil aircraft.

On the one hand, the level of domestic passenger and cargo aircraft platforms is generally not high, and they produce out of the ordinary products; on the other hand, the air force and its subordinate airlines, local enterprises and the guidance and training units have a high degree of administrative instruction operation mechanism, which can enable Tengfei Airlines to win the air force headquarters and complete the winner take all feat.

All in all, this is a window of opportunity created by the special national conditions of China in the mid and late 1980s. If you can grasp it and fly to the sky every minute, once you miss it, it will be very difficult to encounter it in your life. For example, under the pretext of insufficient naval equipment, you can get the improved an-26, which is installed with boxed components under the belly, to the air force airport to make a substantial internal display in the name of system testing.

In addition, Zhuang Jianye's various sales have been miserable. When he is in trouble, he instills an idea with the head of the headquarters, director Zhao and other visible Air Force leaders, that is, the core components of the air force's core equipment must not be pinched by foreigners. In order to achieve this goal, even if he bears the blame, he has to bear the burden to move forward and achieve the goal of aerospace Autonomy of key equipment.

If other enterprises or units run to the heads of all levels to sell miserably, even if they are not beaten out, they will have to be scolded and denounced. The heads of all levels are not stupid. How can they be fooled?

However, Tengfei Airlines is not the same. It's really something that others don't care. After listening to Zhuang Jianye's crying, director Zhao's eyes immediately turned red. He took Zhuang Jianye to the capital and met several senior leaders. He burst into tears more than Zhuang Jianye. He scolded local departments and relevant units for their inaction, Act in disorder.

It's no wonder that Tengfei Aviation Corporation is the only advanced composite material supporting unit in the Aerospace Department led by director Zhao. If something goes wrong, several important long-range missile projects will be affected. In addition, the astronauts have been suffering in the desert and Gobi these years. All of a sudden, director Zhao's innermost nerves will be touched, making them look like Zhuang Jian Industry is an outsider, wronged on the contrary is director Zhao.

However, the effect is very good. The leaders of the ministries and commissions, who are conscious of their old faces, are completely disgraced by director Zhao. Two of them are ill, and one of them simply retreats from the second line ahead of time.

Without the constraints of these ministries and commissions, Zhuang Jianye's pressure has been reduced by most of a sudden. Of course, the most important thing is that director Zhao has forced the air force, a fat sheep, to come here. Coupled with Zhuang Jianye's foreshadowing, the air force is so eager to refuse to return to meet Zhuang Jianye's already prepared Huaqiao.

But even so, there is still a gap between the air force's orders and Zhuang Jianye's psychological expectations. This is not to say that the air force's own procurement quantity, but that Zhuang Jianye has failed to get through the modification business of United Airlines led by him through the air force line.

You know, United Airlines, which is led by the air force headquarters, has five a-26s and 24 a-24s. If it wins, it can basically make up for the decline in aero-engine business caused by the cancellation of the yun-7 project.

It's a pity that Xue Weidong didn't have any room for accommodation, which made Zhuang Jianye quarrel for more than two hours, but he couldn't make the other party give way. In desperation, Zhuang Jianye had to first agree to the air force's own equipment needs. As for United Airlines, when they had a chance, they said that eating the meat to the mouth was the king.

Zhuang Jianye was lying on the bed, thinking about all kinds of things in the past month, and finally he could breathe a sigh of relief, so he wanted to close his eyes and sleep for a while. At this time, his stomach suddenly growled, and a sense of hunger that he could not resist immediately flooded his whole body.What tiredness, what fatigue, do not fill the stomach is important.

There was no choice but to get up from the bed and walk out of the bedroom. Looking at Ning Zhishan and Ning Xiaohui sitting on the sofa, they were stunned for a moment. They immediately grabbed some messy heads and asked Ning Xiaohui with a smile: "er Is there any food left in the kitchen? I'm hungry. "

Seeing that Zhuang Jianye took the initiative to look for food, Ning Xiaohui, who was still worried, immediately put down half of her work and tied her apron around her. Then she went to the kitchen: "I'll make you a bowl of noodles and add two poached eggs."

"That's great. Remember to put more oil into it, and the amount should be enough!" Zhuang Jianye smiles more and more happily. He immediately sits on the sofa. As soon as he is ready to have tea with Ning Zhishan, he talks about the international events in recent days. Suddenly, the phone rings.

Because Dudu was still sleeping, Zhuang Jianye picked it up and asked in a low voice, "I'm Zhuang Jianye. Who are you

"Mr. Zhuang, I'm Qian Qiang."

"Lao Qian, what's the matter so late?" Zhuang Jianye looked at the quartz clock on the wall. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. He was surprised.

"I just got news from Song Changzheng and Zhou Jiwei that the navy is going to give us all the remaining 13 an-26s for refitting."

Smell speech originally have no spirit of Zhuang Jianye, immediately from the sofa up: "really?"