Chapter 469

So song Yanan and his team started the road of titanium aluminum alloy improvement. At the beginning, they had no goals, but they just went in the direction of alloy inertia.

Fortunately, as an export-oriented foreign exchange earning enterprise, Tengfei Airlines attaches great importance to the collection and collation of foreign language technical data, especially the technological trends and core journals of aerospace in Europe, America, Japan and other countries. As long as there is no accident, they will be ordered through Hong Kong Island and transferred back to China.

Therefore, although song Yanan and others have no direction, they have enough reference, among which several articles briefly introducing metal matrix composites give them great inspiration.

A closer study shows that it is difficult for Tengfei aviation technology R & D center to go in the direction of alloy, but it seems easier to try fiber reinforced metal matrix composites.

It would be inconceivable in other material research institutions. If they don't have a little metallurgical knowledge, what kind of materials will they do.

However, in Tengfei aviation technology research and development center, metallurgy is just their weak point. Even the half dead titanium aluminum alloy is based on the technical data of Japan, which costs a lot of money.

In other words, in addition to titanium and aluminum, Tengfei aviation technology research and development center has a very general grasp of other metal materials. If we take alloy, it will be like starting from scratch, time-consuming and labor-consuming, and investment will be doubled.

However, if we use fiber-reinforced metal matrix composites, the advantages of Tengfei aviation technology R & D center will be obvious, because what they do is carbon fiber composites. They don't know all kinds of carbon elements and their compounds very well. Needless to say, how to agglomerate carbon fibers is the unique skill of Tengfei aviation technology R & D center.

If the metal elements can be incorporated into the carbon fiber to produce more excellent composite materials and improve the properties of TiAl alloy, will it have broad application prospects?

Since the general hardware is available in the R & D center of Tengfei aviation technology, the only bad thing is the fusion process of carbon fiber and metal elements. That's needless to say. Just roll your arms and you'll be done.

Of course, this time, song Yanan did not directly apply titanium aluminum alloy. Instead, they started with simple aluminum and tried to combine aluminum with T300 carbon fiber, which they are good at, to produce aluminum matrix composite fiber, so as to confirm their theory.

This confirmation has been confirmed for more than a year. Finally, after breaking through the chemical vapor deposition technology and fiber calcination technology, we made the aluminum matrix fiber which meets the requirements, and then made the carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite by using high temperature and high pressure.

It is found that the performance of carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite is not generally good, so it is reported to Zhuang Jianye in a briefing. While introducing some new achievements of aviation technology R & D center, it is suggested that carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite be applied to the main load-bearing structure of aircraft or general parts of gas turbine engine.

Zhuang Jianye, who saw the briefing, was also surprised. Others didn't know about carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Didn't he, who has lived two lives, know that?

I didn't expect that the aviation technology R & D center would make such a big battle. I was surprised and excited.

Once the science and technology tree of composite materials is lit up, the technological leapfrogging of aerospace in the future will be immeasurable. Among other things, if the aluminum matrix is replaced by carbon matrix, the carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composites will be promoted to a new height.

How high is it?

Decades later, the most mysterious X-37B low earth orbit vehicle of the U.S. military was covered with insulation tiles made of carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composites.

If it is replaced with ceramic matrix, it will be even more extraordinary, because the natural high temperature resistance and high strength are the excellent materials for the surface of the warhead of the supersonic attack weapon.

As long as we go along this road, Tengfei Aviation Corporation will be able to walk horizontally in the field of aerospace even if it stands still and looks at all kinds of composite materials made of carbon fiber.

So 20 million yuan was allocated to the aviation technology R & D Center for the research of carbon fiber reinforced metal matrix composites, 10% of which was used as the project incentive fund to reward and supplement the research team members.

10% of 20 million is 2 million. As soon as the achievements are made, 2 million will be obtained before the commercial transformation. Song Yanan and others, who have been going for a small sum of money, don't mention their excitement. In the past year, they have suffered a lot and felt that it was worth it. Therefore, while ensuring the progress of carbon fiber composites, they quickly started the research on titanium matrix composites and other aluminum matrix composites.

The research and development of SiC fiber reinforced titanium matrix composites and SiC fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites were completed soon. However, the carbon fiber reinforced titanium matrix composites encountered unprecedented difficulties.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye didn't urge song Yanan, because carbon fiber reinforced titanium matrix composite is a worldwide problem. As the best material for the fan blade of future large bypass ratio turbofan engine, Rolls Royce of Britain almost went bankrupt because of this.Because of this material, general motors of the United States almost ran out of money, and relied on the powerful financial system of the United States to continuously transfuse blood, which finally made a breakthrough in this field.

The GE90 large bypass ratio turbofan engine equipped on Boeing 777 and Boeing 787 is made of this material. Compared with traditional titanium alloy material, the weight is reduced by more than 30%, but the strength is more than doubled, so that after a 1.5kg bird high-speed impact, the blade is not damaged at all, and continues to work normally, showing strong safety.

As soon as the performance of GE90 engine comes out, it becomes another popular model after GF6 engine.

Even RORO and general motors are struggling to die because of the carbon fiber reinforced titanium matrix composites. The size of the company is not as big as other people's fingernails, so Tengfei Airlines is even more afraid to let go. It can only guarantee the general investment and dare not gamble on the value at all.

In fact, even if you want to make Tengfei Airlines gamble, you can't gamble any more. Because the three metal matrix composites have almost consumed all the employees of Tengfei airlines, Zhuang Jianye seems to have nothing to do during this period of time. In fact, he is always thinking about how to make money.

Whether it's the opinion of financial service support or the attitude of disaster relief, it's Zhuang Jianye's means to seek funds and policies.

Needless to say, financial services are directly linked to funds. Full disaster relief seems to be a loss, but the policies given by the higher authorities are better than one. As long as they are used well, these policies can be quickly transformed into substantive assistance to reduce the cost of enterprises.

Even now, with the Navy expert group, we are investigating the d-50 gas turbine power plant of Tengfei Aviation Power Co., Ltd.

If we can sell the d-50 gas turbine power plant, it will be good. If not, there are so many good materials here. Both the Navy and the Second Artillery have long-range missiles, which can be regarded as a proper just need. Can we give some financial and policy support, so we can't let Tengfei aviation Manufacturing Corporation fight alone?

I thought it was a long and arduous process, but I didn't think that when I started, director Zhao jumped out excitedly and helped himself to tell me the basic situation of carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composites, which saved Zhuang Jianye a lot of words. As for the effect, just look at the expression of song Changzheng. He was shocked in a daze, and there was something unspeakable in the shock I'm excited and excited.

Finally, he stared at director Zhao and said in a trembling voice, "Lao Zhao, what you said is true? The second stage instrument bracket and the whole third stage of Trident II submarine launched missile are made of this kind of carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite