Chapter 427

"The pride of New Delhi."

"Eagles over the South Asian subcontinent."

"The fully domestic donier-228 small transport aircraft is a miracle of New Delhi's aviation industry."

"From the localization of donier-228 small transport aircraft and the practical application of disaster relief, will the fighters of New Delhi origin be far behind?"

When New Delhi officially announced that the donil-228 small transport aircraft had been localized and was ready to be put into the disaster relief work in the north in the near future, the media in the whole South Asian subcontinent was like a chicken blood. The reports about the donil-228 small transport aircraft and New Delhi's achievements in the aviation industry could instantly kill people.

Some radical media even claimed in their comments that Germany's donier-228 small transport aircraft is just a basic model. New Delhi has begun to make more in-depth improvements. In the future, it will serve as a platform for refueling aircraft, early warning aircraft, maritime patrol aircraft and even bombers. By then, New Delhi will become the third largest aviation industrial power in the world, next only to the United States and the Soviet Union .

Similar views are not only advocated by the domestic media in New Delhi, but also by the mainstream media in the Federal Republic of Germany.

What is the global model of small transport.

What is the excellent performance of donier-228 small transport aircraft in various regions.

In a word, the German media just used the pen instead of the engine to praise the donier-228 small transport aircraft.

As for why, very simply, donier-228 small transport aircraft is made in Germany. If donier-228 small transport aircraft can play an irreplaceable role in the disaster relief process in New Delhi, it is a free live advertisement for this model.

At that time, Germany will be able to rely on the successful experience of New Delhi to promote the donier-228 small transport aircraft around the world, and the economic benefits of the transformation will be immeasurable.

At the same time, the British and French media are beating drums, praising India's ability to get through the air passage in the northern disaster area. At the same time, they are not paying attention to expressing their worries about the disaster situation in the southern Tibetan areas of China. They have pointed out more than once that the American "Black Hawk" helicopter does not rely on the spectrum. In order to really solve the disaster situation in the southern Tibetan areas of China, it needs to be similar to New Delhi Doni The er-228 small transport aircraft is a kind of small fixed wing transport aircraft with short takeoff and landing capability and suitable for plateau flight.

As for how to solve it and how to solve it, the British and French media suggested that it should not be too obvious. They just yelled at China to come to me. Come to me. What you think we have in Britain and France, and what you can't think we have in Britain and France, just ask if your Chinese brother is excited.

Britain and France try their best to talk to China and sell their products. Germany can't sit still. Since New Delhi can use the donier-228 small transport aircraft, why can't China use it? It's good for both countries to use their German products.

As a result, there are many German media in the camp of shouting to China, and the German origin company of donier-228 small transport plane is the first to go to China to find the leaders of relevant departments, and the conditions are also very favorable. As long as China can purchase more than 100 donier-228 small transport planes, Germany will transfer the production line and product production The license will help China to establish the same donier-228 small transport aircraft production base as India.

However, no matter what the British and French call or Germany's substantive action, China is just like the arrogant and overbearing president, turning a blind eye to these coquettish little bitches.

This infuriates the stakeholders of Britain, France and Germany. Do you want to buy it or not?

As a result, the media in Britain, France and Germany have been firing fire, constantly praising New Delhi's disaster relief measures, reflecting the weak nature of an Oriental power in the face of disasters.

The western media have no other skills, but the ability to confuse black and white is as pure as fire. In particular, the three old capitalist powers, Britain, France and Germany, have been playing with the media for hundreds of years. It's not to say that they can bring the dead to life, but they are still playing with each other.

As a result, the officials of New Delhi were completely gone with the wind, the domestic media were excited, and now they are praised by the western mainstream media. New Delhi immediately did not know where the North was, so it immediately announced that it was going to build ten 1000 meter long airstrips in the disaster area for the take-off and landing of donier-228 small transport planes.

As soon as this news comes out, both the domestic media in New Delhi and the public opinions of Britain, France and Germany praise the boldness and efficiency of the New Delhi government. Of course, at this time, it is inevitable to bring out a big power in the East and criticize it.

Just when a new wave of public opinion was set off under the joint efforts of several parties, Luger Town, mendinger and Marcello got together again, but this time, not only the two of them, but also merklein, a reporter from the German news agency, joined in.

Since the public opinion of the three countries has twisted into a rope to put pressure on a big country in the East, it is not surprising that the three of them are mixed up in this small town only a few kilometers away from the Chinese border.

What's more, their three tasks have changed from covering the local disaster situation to paying close attention to the changes of the disaster situation on the Chinese side. In addition to a series of interview equipment, they are also equipped with high-power telescopes and cameras, so as to report the so-called real "disaster situation" in China in time.As for the local people's food supply has been cut off, the so-called relief operations have not been seen for a long time, and the victims have begun to protest. Mendinger, Marcelo and merklein are blind, so they are not seen.

It happened that today's weather was fine. The three of them, carrying binoculars and photographic equipment, ran to a small hill. They were familiar with long guns and short guns. Soon they set up the equipment, and the other two rested on the rocks.

Marcelo, the best physical man on duty, adjusted his breathing and put his fixed telescope on his eyes. After only one glance, he exclaimed, "the opposite side suddenly begins to level the ground."

As soon as the words came out, mendingel and Merck lane, who were resting, stood up quickly and took out their telescopes one after another to look at the opposite side of China.

Looking at it for a long time, I didn't see why. In the end, mendinger said with a positive voice: "where were the shelters built by two families of disaster victims the day before yesterday, which were demolished yesterday, and today the land is leveled again. It's obvious that this is to deprive farmers of their land and prepare to build a defensive isolation belt against this side."

"It seems that New Delhi's disaster relief measures have exerted great pressure on a big country in the East. This is for fear that its border people will flee to neighboring countries with more effective disaster relief. I'll bet that they will be on the barbed wire at this time tomorrow at the latest." Marcelo's eloquent agreement.

Merklein was a little young. Looking at the two elders who made a quick judgment, they were both envious and puzzled. They frowned and asked, "it is said that there is less food there than here, and the road is cut off. How can there be barbed wire?"

Hearing this, dinger sneered: "in a country like the one opposite, steel is always more important than bread. Look, before long, a large number of victims will die of hunger and disease."

"God, although I can't bear to see all this, I still want to send out these reports to let more people know the truth." Hearing that merklein's sense of justice is bursting, it seems that at this moment, the uncrowned king makes his whole blood boil.

So he put the telescope aside, picked up his own Leica camera, adjusted the lens, and was ready to shoot. But just as he pressed the shutter, there was a roar in their sky. Marcello with the high-power telescope immediately turned his head and looked south, and said, "how fast is the plane in New Delhi?"

"No It's not from New Delhi. Look north! " Marcelo is still searching in the southern airspace. Mendinger immediately exclaimed. Marcelo quickly turned the high-power telescope back and looked at the north sky. He was shocked and roared: "my God, Chinese air force, how can this be possible!"