Chapter 406

After hearing this, Charles's fat head was just like being blown up by a bomb. He could swear to God that he absolutely didn't know these things. If he knew, let alone giving up a lover of the British royal family, he would take off his clothes and pose for Evans, and he would not even frown.

Four hours a plane.

If someone said that to him in ordinary times, Charles would be beaten out if he didn't even think about it. There's no way. It's just a myth.

Apart from the complicated parts of the aircraft, just for the general assembly of the aircraft, the way to place the aircraft in a fixed position and punch holes is to let riveters go when riveting is needed, and wait until the technicians related to avionics need to install it

When each process is in operation, other processes must be stopped. When one process is finished, another process will be finished. The efficiency of such a queue like eating fruit can be imagined.

Because of this, when each aircraft is assembled, it takes dozens of teams to form a huge production team and work on the aircraft in turn, so that an aircraft can be assembled.

Usually, it takes at least a week to complete a small aircraft for such assembly; for a slightly larger aircraft, it is highly efficient to complete one in a month or two.

Because of this, in addition to its own technical factors, the output of aircraft manufacturers is the number of workers and their proficiency.

Therefore, aircraft manufacturing is not only a technology intensive and capital intensive industry, but also a typical human intensive industry.

Of course, it's not that no one has ever thought about introducing the assembly line operation of automobile production into the field of aircraft production. The problem is that aircraft manufacturing is different from other industries. The whole process is high-end precision machining. Even the error of a screw is very demanding. In addition, some parts can't be processed and assembled mechanically, and can only be completed manually, which leads to aircraft manufacturing It is difficult to realize the automatic production of the whole process assembly line like automobile.

Because of this, if someone told Charles, an aviation manufacturer, that he could make a plane in four hours at other times, Charles would definitely drown the blind by spitting.

But now, even if he didn't believe it, Charles had to accept this incomprehensible fact.

You know, in this hall, there are all the leaders of aviation enterprises in European countries, and they are all the elites of the upper class in Europe. In a bad way, they are better than monkeys in sticking wool. If there is no real thing in the actor company, how can these people spare no effort to curry favor with each other?

Even at the expense of reducing 15% of BAE's Airbus production share to 2%, it is obvious that BAE can produce an aircraft in four hours.

Think about this, the statement of General Motors in the United States, the flattery of European airlines, the anger of German officials, and even the death of Linderman, Charles thought about it in a flash.

When I set out from London, I thought I was the chess player. Now it seems that I am not even a chess player.

Evans is the real chess player, and actor company is the real king in this big chess game.

The productivity of an aircraft in four hours is fatal to the temptation of an aviation manufacturing enterprise to assemble at least one aircraft a week, because it means the improvement of production efficiency. The improvement of production efficiency is equal to the sharp decrease of cost, and the terminal sales of products will have great flexibility when the cost drops.

Whether it's price reduction and sales promotion, or maintaining excess profits, all depends on the aviation manufacturing enterprises themselves. In this way, the super competitiveness of aviation manufacturing enterprises will be highlighted.

When the time comes, the aviation manufacturing enterprises that still adopt the traditional production process will be dragged down and eliminated by the enterprises that adopt the new production mode.

Just like the replacement of artillery ships by missile ships, it can not be stopped at all.

In this case, various aviation manufacturing enterprises naturally flock to the technology of the carrier companies, especially the United States, which leads the world in the aviation industry, is bound to win the arms.

Just at this time, Europe pushed the actor company out, so the actor company simply threw itself into the arms of general motors.

The European aviation industry, which has learned the situation, will not be able to sit still. The actor companies are really heading for the United States. The U.S. aviation industry, which has improved productivity, is bound to dump a large number of its products. At that time, the European aviation industry, which has lost its cost advantage, will have no choice but to be slaughtered.

So in any case, we can't let the actor company just invest in it, even at the expense of one or two unsophisticated pioneers.

It's clear that British aerospace is the first bird that the European airline is prepared to sacrifice.

Charles is not stupid. Since he hasn't received any news for so many days, he knows that they have been betrayed by their European counterparts, who are in charge of the company.

For a moment, Charles was in a trance, and then he was angry about leaving. Although their British aerospace company's motive for attacking the actors was not pure, what's better for their European counterparts who encouraged them to do so?

When they stepped on the actor company, they all cheered. Now they find that the actor company is more valuable, and they kneel down to call dad.Shameless, mean, disgusting!

"Sir, sir?"

Just as Charles cursed his European colleagues in his heart, the assistant's voice made him come back to reality. Looking around again, his European colleagues had disappeared.

Charles was stunned for a moment. Before he asked his assistant, he began to explain: "a few minutes ago, Mr. Evans, the chairman of actor company, issued an invitation. The leaders of other enterprises have taken the elevator to the comprehensive conference room of actor company, but our name is not on the invitation list."

Charles just slightly nodded his head, a fat face with no joy or sorrow. The assistant didn't know what his boss meant, so he continued: "paulison just called to ask if today's report has any effect. He has written the relevant comments and is ready to send them out tonight."

"I hear paulison is very interested in boys?" After listening to the assistant, Charles suddenly asked.

However, the content and the current situation were somewhat different, which made the assistant stunned for a moment. But he soon responded, laughing obscenely and nodding: "yes, in a certain circle in London, it's no secret."

"Yes Charles nodded: "I'd like to report to the prosecutor in London immediately. Such scum as paulison is just a scum of Britain. I'm still on the same plane with him Tell the airport immediately, disinfect immediately, and do it in an all-round way. "

The assistant was completely confused, but he looked at Charles's fierce eyes and quickly lowered his head. But before he got down, he heard something even more astonishing: "also, tell Diana to come to Stuttgart tomorrow morning. If you don't agree, tell her that her bad things in recent years will be made into documentaries and spread all over the world Evans's son loves drama and music. In the name of the company foundation, he subsidizes Ryan's drama troupe and band. "

Charles said a lot. Pounds were thrown out like waste paper. Until he got into the car, Charles nodded with satisfaction: "that's all. Hurry up!"

Then looking back at the headquarters of actor company, I felt cold. Hum, if you kneel down and call dad, I'll lie down and call Grandpa. Compare with Charles. Hum ~ ~ you're not qualified!