Chapter 381

Before the words were heard, everyone couldn't help looking at the middle-aged officer with an ordinary face, especially Zhuang Jianye, who didn't know how to answer. After all, he didn't even know who he was. Of course, even if he was clear, he couldn't speak casually. There was a head of the headquarters standing in front of him.

However, Zhuang Jianye didn't know what to say, which didn't mean that everyone was afraid to say. The head of the headquarters immediately turned his head to the middle-aged officer behind him, and then asked, "how? Xiao Zhao, are these two things very important? "

"These two things are very important, chief The middle-aged officer, who was called Xiao Zhao or Lao Zhao by the head of the headquarters, immediately stood up and responded.

"Oh?" The head of the headquarters could not help but be interested. His drooping eyelids opened slightly. The middle-aged officer quickly reminded him, "when you visited 146 factory some time ago, you asked about the production capacity..."

Hearing this, the head of the headquarters half drooping eyelids suddenly opened, and then suddenly turned to look at the front of the chemical milling equipment: "you mean, with it, the production capacity of plant 146 can be increased?"

"We also need to see the specific accuracy control. If we can achieve the average value of the change thickness in the case of plus or minus 0.3 mm, the accuracy after processing can reach the tolerance range of plus 0.25 mm and minus 0.00, then this set of equipment can meet the requirements." The middle-aged officer surnamed Zhao didn't give in to what he liked. Instead, he put forward an almost harsh request without expression.

As a result, one of the people who heard this was one, and all of them took a cold breath. Especially the accompanying ministerial leaders, their mouths grew big immediately, and they could almost put a fist in them.

The average thickness of positive and negative is easy to understand. If one side of the blank is set to be positive, the negative side is the secondary value. This is nothing. The key is the thickness value, 0.3mm.

What's the concept? Usually, a piece of ordinary printing paper is about 0.1 mm. 0.3 mm is the thickness of three pieces of printing paper. It's very difficult to see such light and thin pre-processing parts. At least the ministry leaders have been engaged in aviation manufacturing for so many years, and there are few 0.3 mm parts.

But that's all. The key is that such a thin part has to be thinned, from 0.3mm to 0.25mm.

Although the thinning amount is only 0.05mm, it seems small, but you should know that the thickness is about equal to the diameter of a hair. What's more, such a detailed thinning can't produce any error.

This is no longer a challenge, but a test of the limits of human beings. Others don't know. Anyway, after nearly a lifetime of aviation manufacturing, the leaders of ministries and commissions have never seen such thinned parts.

Not only the leaders of ministries and commissions, but also the people in Tengfei factory were very surprised. Shen Jianwei, in particular, almost blurted out the three words "can't do it". Fortunately, he knew that the occasion was wrong, so he just choked it back. However, he showed everything with incomprehensible surprise.

Peng Chuan and Wei Guangping were also surprised, as if the woodcarving had come to life. They finally knew that they were still breathing.

However, compared with the three men, Zhuang Jianye was the most exaggerated. He looked up and down at the middle-aged officer surnamed Zhao for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

Seeing Zhuang Jianye's expression, the middle-aged officer surnamed Zhao, though still expressionless on the surface, sighed in disappointment. It was obvious that the equipment in front of him could not meet the requirements he had just said.

How else could it be so unbelievable?

It's estimated that I was shocked by the requirement of changing state. Think about it, similar precision, not to mention domestic, even if we look at the whole world, we can produce no more than five enterprises.

The 146 factory he told the head of the headquarters just now is one of the few. However, compared with the large-scale industrial production in developed countries, the 146 factory relies on three level-8 craftsmen who have changed their state and dug it out bit by bit with hammers, mallets and files.

This is the reason why the production capacity of plant 146 has not been improved all the time. If we put it in the past, we should be slow. The problem is that the oil giants in the Middle East are ready to enter into a large arms and equipment transaction worth billions of dollars with China.

Once the agreement is signed, the domestic delivery will be completed in one year. Naturally, the impressive production capacity of plant 146 can not be completed. Therefore, the headquarters and even the superior leaders are very worried, hoping to solve the production capacity problem of plant 146 before the two countries sign the agreement.

However, such a sophisticated product can't be bought with money, so I worked hard for more than half a year, but I didn't increase the production capacity of plant 146. On the contrary, I got sick and tired of a level 8 worker, which reduced the production capacity by a third.

Therefore, the middle-aged officer surnamed Zhao would be so active when he heard that chemical finishing and chemical punching are two processes that can be used to process important parts of an important military equipment.

Similarly, when he found that his request was incredible and extremely disappointing to the people of Tengfei factory.

Also holding the same view is the head of the headquarters, but he is much better than the middle-aged officer surnamed Zhao. His regret just flashed in his eyes, then he gave a gentle smile to Zhuang Jianye and encouraged him: "it's a bit difficult, but you are in the right direction. You can continue along this road. I believe that one day, your equipment will not be better than that of foreign counterparts The product is poor. "The head of the headquarters also patted Zhuang Jianye on the shoulder as a sign of consolation. He thought Zhuang Jianye would shout some loud slogans solemnly. Then he took the page down the steps and led them to visit other factories.

However, Zhuang Jianye was still surprised and said confidently: "chief, we don't have to be inferior to the United States and Europe now. We can do all the things they can do with chemical milling."

Hearing the speech, the head of the headquarters could not help frowning. It was obvious that he was not very happy with Zhuang Jianye's words. Zhuang Jianye immediately realized that his attitude had been misunderstood by the head of the headquarters, and quickly explained: "well, we used an aluminum alloy skin part on the UAV exported to Europe some time ago.

The design requirements are from 0.38 mm blank to 0.25 mm skin parts with certain radians and stiffeners. The trial production of the sample was just completed a few days ago. I'm very surprised that you came here today and asked for this. Your information is too accurate. We are all caught off guard! "

The head of the headquarters was stunned for a moment, and immediately saw that Peng Chuan and Wei Guangping, two wooden people, nodded like chickens pecking rice. Seeing that the head of the headquarters was not calm, his eyes could be opened to Zhuang Jianye, and two words quickly popped out: "really?"