Chapter 355

After hearing this, Liszt realized that it was not right. As soon as he was ready to say something, savarino, who had already walked to the door, seemed to think of something. He suddenly stopped and said coldly, "Oh, by the way, if possible, when your company bids again, you'd better adjust the price. The complete system of actor's zeus-3 UAV is only five million dollars, and It's turboprop, so, eight million dollars and the discovery of piston engine - 2... "

Said savarino habitually shrugged: "really not worth it."

As soon as the words were heard, savarino no longer cared about Liszt, and led a large group of followers to push the door to leave, because at the moment, there are many reporters with cameras, recorders and microphones gathered at the edge of the airport runway. It is obvious that savarino is well prepared to take advantage of the opportunity of the zeus-3 UAV test to make public the latest results of the Italian bidding People.

However, this is no less than a cut from the bottom for H company.

Just when Liszt's mind was a little confused, a plane with a strong sense of science fiction appeared at the end of the run. The water drop shaped nose looked like bullet a, but it was more streamlined and integrated than bullet a, rather than round and heavy as bullet a's head.

It looks like the cockpit of F-16, silky and smooth, which makes people admire its streamline beauty from the bottom of my heart.

The transitional fuselage is also very bright. The flat wing extension is equipped with winglets, and the transition between fuselage and wing is more natural. It is not like bullet a. the wing is flat and just a simple connection between wing and fuselage. Obviously, the updated wing aerodynamic layout and more advanced manufacturing technology are applied.

The vertical tail of the tail is the same as the V-shaped vertical tail of bullet a, but the inclination of zeus-3 is larger than that of sub bullet a, which not only increases the overall stability of the aircraft, but also simplifies the structure. The most prominent thing is the drooping tail used to balance the fuselage under the tail of bullet a, which is not found on zeus-3.

Although this makes the vertical tail of zeus-3 larger than that of bullet a, it is obvious that the reduction of fuselage components will simplify the later maintenance.

Of course, the most significant is the turboprop engine compartment located in the rear. The air inlet and exhaust port are clearly visible, and the propeller in the rear rotates vigorously.

Because he was in the tower, Liszt almost looked up and down the zeus-3 UAV carefully. It is precisely because of this that Italy and other European Community countries have formulated more stringent standards for Nuclear Defense UAVs, which require that they must be able to carry out missions at an altitude of more than 8000 meters, and the speed should not be less than 300 kilometers per hour. This is Italy's and other European countries' experience The responsible attitude of the Community countries. "

Then he pointed to the zeus-3 UAV on the runway and said in a loud voice, "the zeus-3 UAV that has completed the test is the best manifestation of our attitude."

As soon as the voice fell, the shutter of the camera clattered, and savarino nodded his head gentlely, then turned and left, obviously ending the news conference.

The journalists who have been aroused may just let go, and several bold reporters are about to catch up with them. Fortunately, they are stopped by quick sighted soldiers. A female reporter yells: "general savarino, will zeus-3 UAV become the latest representative of European aviation industry?"

Hearing this, Savarin Norton turned his head and said with a smile, "let's wait and see!"

With that, he put on his military cap and walked towards the office building. When he passed by Liszt, he just nodded politely and passed like a gust of wind.

Liszt just nodded back mechanically, and there was no action left. At the moment, his head was already blank. Savarino had just talked with the reporters, but he heard it clearly. We'll wait and see. This is not a chance for H company.

What to do?

Suddenly a gust of wind blows, Liszt shivers and wakes up instantly. Under such circumstances, it is beyond his ability. We must inform Linderman. Thinking of this, Liszt walks out of the airport quickly.


"Waste! Asshole! Traitor

Two hours later, Lindeman, who had just finished his breakfast, listened to Liszt's report on the phone. The furious old man immediately threw out his fragrance and immediately dropped the phone. Then he bent down and threw everything on the table to the ground.

One of the waiters was scared to death. As soon as he wanted to dissuade him, he was stared back by Linderman's cannibal eyes. No wonder Linderman would be like this. The fat meat that had already reached his mouth was taken away by someone. No matter who is better than hell.

If Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and even Airbus Linderman are the ones who take this piece of meat, what the hell is air systems? I haven't heard of it, OK.

If so, that's all. What's more important is that H company may be doomed. That's what Linderman is most worried about.