Chapter 284

Just when Moore and others were shocked by Liszt's series of technological achievements in the shelter, Langdon and Mike outside finally stopped their meaningless quarrel.

There's no way. This is not the time for infighting at all. We need to work together to tide over this difficulty.

GM is a good backer. It's something that people can look up to. Only when you lose your value can you lean on it. Once you've lost your value, you'll be eager to get close to it. A landslide or something, you'll be able to smash it.

Particle acceleration Aeronautical Systems Company looks back on general motors company, fearless, that is because particle company has the ability to make UAVs, and may win the U.S. military "pioneer" UAV project.

So that GM has a breakthrough in aircraft manufacturing, but once the particle company failed in the bidding, GM would not hesitate to take off the vest and throw it into the garbage can.

In any case, in the past few decades, GM has done a lot of similar things. In fact, it is not only GM, but also Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed, Northrop and other giants. For this reason, these giants also give a very beautiful economic principle, that is, the survival of the fittest competition can maintain the continuous vitality of the United States.

But in fact, it's just the leek cutting hegemony that the giants grab when they see it and crush when they don't see it.

Particle company is such a monster under the hegemony. It was set up to rely on general motors. However, it could not achieve the established goal of general motors, and it was easy to be abandoned.

Langdon doesn't want to be abandoned. He also wants to rely on general motors to realize his American dream of entering the upper class.

Langdon doesn't want to give up his American dream, let alone Mike. He is greedy, lustful and mercenary. He has just realized his financial freedom, and he just hooked up with a restaurant waitress not long ago. His happy days have just begun. He doesn't want to be beaten to hell like this.

So the mentality of the two people after a brief collapse, soon calm down.

"I don't know much about things on the plane, but I know a lot about the internal situation of the US military." Mike tidied up his collar scratched by Langdon, but he kept analyzing: "even if the H company's bullet drone is powerful and advanced, so what? Such a big guy can take off without an airport runway? The air force has no problem, and the Navy doesn't matter, because one of them has an airport and the other has an aircraft carrier. But what about the army and the Marine Corps?

You should know that the "pioneer" UAV needs to have four services for joint operations. On this basis, it's better to achieve the joint common use of four services. Mr. Langdon, you are an aircraft expert. Do you think the bullet nose UAV of H company can do this? "

Langdon put his arms around his chest. His face was gloomy and he didn't speak. However, he agreed with Mike's analysis in his heart. Let's not say whether the bullet nose UAV can be put aside. Both the body and the wingspan are too large.

The "pioneer" UAV project started as a bidding project launched by the army for a new generation of tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Later, with the gradual advancement of the US joint combat system, the other three services joined in, aiming to build a low-cost tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft platform that can integrate different tasks of various services.

Because of this, although the program was handed over from the army to the U.S. Department of defense, and the technicians from the air force served as the chief test officer, the army had a big say in it.

So even if the bullet UAV uses black technology all over the place, it's useless if it doesn't meet the requirements of the ground forces.

Mike can walk a tightrope between H company and general motors, which is also a human spirit. Seeing that Langdon didn't speak, he knew what he was saying. Langdon listened to his words, so he arranged his tie and continued: "what's more, we also used the technology of Israel IAA company. These are all things that have been tested in actual combat. This is what the generals in the army value most.

So, at worst, we can still tear down the orders of the army and the Marine Corps. If we can lobby the Navy, this piece of cake is also ours. After all, it's not easy for H company's bullet nose UAV to get on the aircraft carrier. As for the air force, I believe we will get the strong support of General Motors if we win three services.

Mr. Langdon, General Motors has helped the air force a lot with the F-15 engine. I believe the air force won't support H company, a leather bag company that only relies on an old man's bluff and bluff, for the sake of the engine. "

Mike talked a lot about it, but there were only two key points. One was that company h was too much of a pretender. He only fawned with the air force, but forgot that there were still three and four people on the ground shouting bitterly.

The second is Israel IAA's rich experience in technology, which is summed up in actual combat. It is better than any black technology.

With these two points, tearing off a piece of meat is just like playing. When the time comes, the general motors company behind will make a small effort. How can H company with a shallow foundation fight!

It has to be said that Mike's words are true to Langdon's heart. In particular, GM's solution to the F-15 engine fault is just scratching Langdon's itch, because at the beginning, he was one of the technicians involved in the development of GM's engine, and he took another giant Pratt Whitney company down, becoming the most famous competition case in the field of aeroengine.Thanks to this achievement, Langdon became the leader of particle company, and took this opportunity to enter the bidding of "pioneer" UAV.

So Langdon thinks that what Mike analyzed is not reasonable, but very reasonable. What he still has a lot of cards is that H company is useless. What about the discovery series? They can't beat particle acceleration systems.

So his calm face finally calmed down, nodded in agreement, and wanted to say something. But before he spoke, he took Moore and others out of the shelter. Seeing this, no matter how many words Langdon had, he turned into a fast step to meet them.

"Captain, our" God of competition "is ready. Look..." Langdon's fat face was like a blooming chrysanthemum, very warm and pleasing, but before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Moore's hand: "what's the operating distance of your" competitive God "UAV?"

"Two hundred and sixty kilometers!" Langdon's response to performance indicators is open-ended.

But don't think Moore brow inadvertently a wrinkle, and then asked: "the amount of postpartum unit price can have how much?"

"Well At current R & D costs, it's $2.6 million per aircraft. " Seeing that Colonel Moore didn't look very good, Langdon simply quoted his reserve price.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the price of his tearful sale, Colonel Moore shook his head disappointedly and said the saying: "it's very good, Mr. Langdon, but we need to make further evaluation. You know, the Department of defense is very strict in this respect."

Then he turned to the officer next to him and said, "continue to test the bullet B UAV."

And bullet B? Langdon was numb at the news!