Chapter 250

When he saw this word, Liszt became interested. He quickly opened a new issue of "take-off" and went beyond those drowsy technical articles to find the article "poor people's missiles" and read it carefully.

The result is that the more you look, the bigger your eyes open. Before you finish, you pick up the phone on the desk and say, "Hey, Mike, come on. There's something you might be interested in."

Then he put down the phone, and soon the door of the office was knocked, and a burly man with brown hair came in and said politely to Liszt: "Hi, boss, you said you had something to show me."

"Yes Then he handed the "take-off" to Mike who sat down: "take a close look at the 24 page" poor man's missile "to see if it can be used as a new product of your defense department?"

Mike is a senior executive recruited by Liszt from Martin housing company not long ago. He is mainly responsible for the newly established Defense Department of H company and nominally responsible for the U.S. Army's "pioneer" UAV project.

There is no way. The U.S. military has its own set of standards for bidding and procurement. One of them is that the bidding company should have its own independent defense business department, so that the relevant military agencies can connect with enterprises.

When H company was founded, except for the board of directors, it was all managed by Liszt, and there was no subdivided organization, so it did not meet the requirements of US military equipment procurement, so it had to quickly set up a defense department, and made great efforts to recruit an experienced Mike from Martin defense company to be the senior director of the Department.

But in fact, this is just to make it more reasonable for H company to participate in the U.S. Army's "pioneer" UAV project. Lister is still in charge of all things related to UAVs. Because of this, Mike, a senior executive, is more like a senior consultant to Lister in a sense.

Mike has no objection to this. No matter what he does in H company, his annual salary is 200000 dollars, plus five points of business compensation award and three points of equity dividend.

All in all, his annual salary is close to $400000, which is more than double that of Martin defense company. Otherwise, he would not leave Martin defense company, which has a larger platform, and choose H company, which is the same as Caotai class.

So there's no real power. Mike doesn't care. What's wrong with being a consultant? If you are not satisfied with your salary, you will be beaten by thunder and lightning.

So when Liszt asked him to look at things, Mike took them very seriously. After all, it was the boss who was in front of him, and he had to do enough in his attitude.

In my head, I just want to read it quickly, and then say some new defense ideas that I don't know much about, which makes Liszt dizzy. Then I can go out of work and go on a date with the beautiful front desk girl.

After a moment, his eyes glared. He immediately put down the magazine and looked at Liszt: "boss, this is absolutely a genius idea. Using UAV as a vehicle and doing remote control attack within visual range can subvert the use mode of weapons. God, boss, once it's done well, it's definitely a big gold mine. Seriously, I want to take this idea If you start a business, you can definitely make a lot of money. "

"Really?" Liszt looks at Mike suspiciously.

"I swear to God, it's true!" Mike's voice was confident and firm.

"Well, I'm thinking about it." Liszt nodded and let Mike out.

Before he left, Mike also stressed to Liszt the credibility of this idea. When he turned around and closed the door, the flattering smile on his face disappeared, but became sarcastic and disdainful.

What's the age of poor people's missiles? There are two star wars. Is it OK? Automation, beyond visual range, missile, and electronization have changed the form of war.

A model plane with a speed of less than 200 kilometers per hour and a simple remote control device wants to attack enemy targets?

Is the enemy's air defense system a device? What's the enemy's electronic jamming system for? Now even a poorly equipped guerrilla team knows that UAVs, which pay attention to air defense, have no protection, fly at a low altitude, and are slow, are just natural targets.

That is to say, a layman like Liszt can be fooled by this childlike idea. If he works for other large defense companies, he won't believe it. Of course, they are boss after all. Since they like it, how can we say? In a word, no one can't live up to the annual salary of several hundred thousand, eh Where to stay tonight? Front desk blonde Yeah, it's good. This girl is delicious.

Mike thinks his boss is a defense agent. In fact, he is. Liszt is not very proficient in defense, but Mike forgets that Liszt is a smart businessman.

So Mike's little trick can't escape Liszt's eyes, and this is why Liszt chose Mike. He is greedy for money and lust, but he doesn't want to make progress. Only when he uses this kind of person, can he feel at ease. He can get a guy with strong business ability and ambition to come here. It's hard to control him. It's hard to say that he may be pushed away. That's the only way to really lift a stone and hit his own foot .

Anyway, it's just a pass to cooperate with the U.S. military. People like Mike are enough.It's because of this that Liszt can't believe what Mike said just now. If things are really good, with Mike's mercenary nature, he must criticize them for nothing first, then turn around and set up a stall by himself, and make money first.

But whether it's true or not, from the perspective of Mike's attitude, Liszt also understands the views of professional defense professionals on the so-called attack UAV. For this, Liszt, a professional businessman, can only say that Mike's people are used to being too high-end by the U.S. defense industry, which is leading in technology, and only the top-notch ones like the U.S. and the Soviet Union exist in their eyes.

This is just like luxury goods manufacturers who only have rich people in their eyes. They think that only the rich can earn money, while the poor have no money to buy. The problem is, do the poor have no purchasing power?

Liszt, a businessman, is not interested in this. The rich have the logic of the rich, and the poor also have the business routine of the poor. As long as you find out the main points of consumers, even dog poop can make a fortune, not to mention a good idea attack UAV.

So when Mike left, Liszt lit a cigarette in the office and finished it silently. As soon as he collected the magazine on the desk, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. After he got through, he politely said, "is Mr. at home?..." That's great. I'll be right there. "


Linderman is very angry recently. Almost all the arms bids of several American NGOs he participated in failed. The reason for the failure is maddening. The target countries want cheaper Soviet made weapons, and the second-hand American made weapons with complex operation and high maintenance cost are not popular at all.

As a result, several large orders in the Middle East were all taken away by the outlaw arms company that came out of nowhere, and Linderman, who had collected a large number of second-hand retired US military equipment, lost a lot of money.

Today, there is only one southern African country on the US non-governmental funding list. The good news is that this country's equipment is established according to Western standards, but the bad news is that this country has a high vision and ordinary equipment is not valued by others.

But whether it's good news or bad news, Linderman has to go all out, or the second-hand equipment in his hand will make him bankrupt. He came to New York this time just to meet the other party's purchasing specialist, so Linderman attached great importance to it. He dressed up at home two hours in advance, and when he could no longer be more decent, Liszt came.

Linderman, who is not good tempered, is a little impatient and says to Liszt, "I have an important party. I'll come back and say something."

"Just one minute!" Lister didn't get angry. He took out "take off" from his bag, turned to the page of "poor man's missile" and handed it to Linderman. Linderman impatiently took it over and swept it away. His dim eyes suddenly turned round and immediately raised his head and asked Lister, "can this thing be realized?"