On the contrary, Zhuang Jianye in the dormitory frowned when he listened to Peng Chuan's words.

Since Lin Guanghua moved in, Lu Ming made a heroic move to break into the men's dormitory from time to time, which made him run away with Ning Xiaodong. After the American engineer's investigation, Lin Guanghua was vindicated, so he didn't have to go to work in Zhuang Jianye's dormitory. After he went home to find his wife and showed his strength, Peng Chuan came back with his luggage.

As for Ning Xiaodong, the scum didn't come back. Peng Chuan said that he went to a small place. He heard that he helped translate the illustrated books sent from abroad and would come back in two days.

When Zhuang Jianye heard that his brother-in-law was ok, he would not ask any more questions. As for whether the goods were translated into adult pictures or playboy, it was the responsibility of his father-in-law.

So Zhuang Jianye impolitely put his brother-in-law behind him. He bought two bottles of beer and cooked four kinds of dishes in the canteen. Then he drank and talked with Peng Chuan. After chatting, he told him what happened today.

On hearing this, Peng Chuan put his beer bottle on the small table and said, "Hey, who do I think they are? They are actually the two guys. I know that they have a great reputation outside the factory

As soon as Zhuang Jianye heard this, he stopped suddenly when he was about to raise the wine bottle. He asked, "outside the factory?"

"Weekend engineer!"

Zhuang Jianye suddenly understood why these two people became famous outside the factory. The so-called weekend engineer was a mockery of the part-time technicians of the state-owned enterprises in the 1980s. Because the technicians of the state-owned enterprises could only help solve the problems of the township enterprises and collective enterprises that lacked technology during the weekend rest time, so Zhou Jianye's work was very important The last engineer is just right.

No matter Liu Chun or sun Anmin, how to salted fish and paddle in the factory, the technician's identity is real. Even if it is not prominent in the factory, it can be placed in the township enterprises and collective enterprises where the technology is almost blank, but it is the absolute authority level.

In a word, they are as noble and popular as the gold medals in fantasy novels in township enterprises and collective enterprises, and they can get a lot of rewards.

Zhuang Jianye originally wanted to be an engineer outside the factory for a weekend after he finished the title evaluation for a period of time. There was a guy in the Yangtze River Delta who could exchange more than 3000 yuan with a handful of salt in a township enterprise. He should have no problem earning 10000 yuan for two generations.

What's more, if you want your wife to manage your "family business" in the future, you have to look like a "family business". A weekend engineer who is not tired and has a good return is a good choice.

It's just that Zhuang Jianye didn't mention this idea to anyone, and there's no way. Nowadays, it's against the rules for technical personnel to take part-time jobs in regular state-owned units. Some time ago, cities W and H sentenced engineers for two weekends, charged with "technology speculation". Although they were finally released, it's still in a dark area, and there's no legal protection, so they have to keep a low profile.

According to Peng Chuan, Liu Chun and sun Anmin have made a high profile. You should know that fame at this time is not empty words. You don't believe that the factory hasn't heard of them, so Zhuang Jianye doesn't understand. Are these two brave enough to make money without even considering the feelings of the factory?

"You don't have to say that other people are afraid of investigation in the factory. Even if they go out to work, they are sneaky. These two don't care at all." Peng Chuan took a bite of food and put it into his mouth. He ate it and said it. The red face stimulated by the alcohol was even more envious.


"It's very simple. The factory is responsible for the loss." As he said this, Peng Chuan took another sip of wine and lowered his voice mysteriously: "Sun Anmin was a worker, farmer and soldier college student. When he was our age, his status was the same as that of Shi Jun now. He was the absolute technical backbone of the factory. He had strong ability and worked actively. He had the nickname of" desperate Sanlang "in the craft department of that year.

It can be said that there is a bright future. Now he should be the director of the workshop. But I don't know how. At the end of the special period, sun Anmin was dizzy and wrote a big character newspaper. The content is the common lard, but it's a stain that can't be removed. It makes the yellow mud fall into the crotch. It's not excrement, it's excrement. "

He said with a sigh: "when the special period is over, his position will plummet, and there is a conclusion written in black and white in the personnel file that he can't turn over: this person can be used, but can't be reused.

Sun Anmin is a man of great reputation. His ability is not bad. He is very proud in his heart. How can he be angry with him? He thinks that the factory leaders who are back to work have prejudice against him and are deliberately retaliating, trying to beat him to death. So he spoke very strongly to the leaders. Section chief Zhou once told me to stay away from sun Anmin, saying that he had not changed his wrong temper in the special period.

Now, a group of people who have entered the factory with him have already commented on the engineers, but Sun Anmin has always been oppressed. He is still an ordinary technician. What reason do you think he has to save face for the factory? "

After listening, Zhuang Jianye nodded and touched Peng Chuan with his beer: "what about Liu chunye?"

"It's not because of the house." Peng Chuan separated the wine and then said, "Liu Chun and his wife Wu Chuxiang are both senior engineers in the factory. They were transferred from H city to the northeast to support the old factory. Later, they went south to build the Yonghong factory together. The two husband and wife have no words to say that they are dutiful all their lives. No matter how hard they are, they never say a word of complaint. They still live in the oldest row of bungalows at the east end of the dormitory.Liu's family has an 80 year old mother to wait on, and a son and a daughter to support. It's hard to live in a house less than 30 square meters. So the year before last, Liu Chun applied to the factory to see if he could give priority to his difficulties and give him a bigger house. As a result, those bastards from the housing management office said that there was no suitable one. They asked Liu Chun's family to wait. As a result, they waited until now The clay figurine has three points of earthliness. Even if Liu Chun is honest, he will break his heart. He will directly tell the factory leaders that if you don't give him points, he will go to earn money and build his own. "

With that, he raised his head and looked at Zhuang Jianye: "do you think the factory is losing money? What's the matter? "

Zhuang Jianye looks at Peng Chuan with a red face. From his bloodshot eyes, he finds a touch of empathy. Yes, it's empathy. Because Peng Chuan's experience is essentially the same as those two people's, Zhuang Jianye believes that Peng Chuan's becoming a regular has not come down, otherwise, with the fire in his heart, he will do it more fiercely.

As if aware that his mind was seen through, Peng Chuan grinned, looked up and drank all the things in the bottle: "I'm a coward. I dare not do anything before I have no way back. Otherwise, I would have gone to the special economic zone for a long time. As for those two people, the factory can't manage them, so you don't have to worry. It's better to take this opportunity to work with them, hehe If I were you, I would do it! "

After that, he smiles at Zhuang Jianye, staggers to his feet, and then falls into bed!