When the Americans came, it was quite sudden. The ministry only called Yonghong factory, and two engineers from Pratt & Whitney had already got on the train going south.

Although Yonghong factory has made preparations for this for nearly a month, after hearing the news, it still feels like it was suddenly attacked. Fortunately, the leaders of Yonghong factory have gone through the storm. Factory director Yu, who has returned to the factory, held a leadership expansion meeting overnight to report the coming inspection of American engineers. At the same time, he asked all departments to do a good job in reception.

Cui Wen, director of the second general assembly workshop at the meeting, was the first to make a statement. The focus of the investigation was their workshop, so it was also the top priority of how much gas turbine production share Yonghong plant could get. Because of this, Cui Wen had to show his attitude at the meeting.

In this regard, Cui Wen is very confident that the aero-engine production line of the second general assembly workshop is a fake one. The new turbine blade developed by him has just passed the acceptance of the Ministry and won the unanimous praise of the higher authorities. It is also a famous brand.

No matter how advanced American gas turbines are, they are only civil products used for power generation. How can the quality of their own military products be ignored by the Americans?

Because of this, Cui Wen banged his chest at the late night leading group expansion meeting. In front of the leading group of the whole plant, he assured that American engineers would be speechless.


Two American engineers are really speechless!

It's not because of how powerful the complete aeroengine production line of Yonghong factory is, but because they think it's a miracle that Chinese people can produce aeroengines with such backward equipment.

One of the engineers, Myers, gave a thumbs up to the company's director Yu and chief engineer he: "you are very good. Really, you can produce aeroengines without a CNC machine tool. I have to say that you surprised me."

After listening to this, director Yu and chief engineer he laughed on their faces, but they had mixed feelings in their hearts. It was obvious that this engineer named miles disliked the backward equipment of Yonghong factory.

However, no matter what miles said, the words were still implicit. By contrast, another fat engineer named Heisenberg was much more direct.

"Judging from the current situation, Yonghong plant can bear at most 3% of the production proportion of mt-8 gas turbine, because I really can't see that you have the ability to process precision and complex parts."

This is what Heisenberg said after visiting the second workshop of general assembly, which was highly expected by the leading group of the whole factory. After listening to director Yu, chief engineer he and other leaders of the factory, they almost didn't find a way to get in.

As for the so-called new turbine blades that Trevor has been showing off, the two American engineers also looked at them, but they also looked at them, then shook their heads and put them aside. Trevor didn't understand what the two American engineers meant, and asked through an interpreter. As a result, Trevor almost didn't vomit blood on the spot because of Heisenberg's reply.

"It's a solid blade, too low-end."

What Yonghong factory showed was criticized by two American engineers for nothing. In the end, they could only get 3% of the production proportion. This slap almost puffed up the faces of Yonghong factory who came to accompany them.

Cui Wen, in particular, was still listening to the statement made by the leading group at the expansion meeting a few days ago. He vowed to win 25% of the production proportion and reverberated in the conference room of Building 9. As a result, his proud production line was startled as a "miracle"!

As a brand new turbine blade, it's just like littering. I don't even bother to look at it.

So that before the two American engineers had finished their investigation, Cui Wen's people were about to collapse, and they really lost their hair.

It's not only Cui Wen, but also director Yu and chief engineer he. You know, it's not only Yonghong who accompanied the two American engineers on the inspection tour. The Ministry also sent two leaders to follow them. In addition to accompanying them all the way, it's also their task to know the situation on the spot.

Now, after listening to the evaluation of American engineers, the two leaders of the Department look very ugly. You know, this is an international cooperation project led by the Ministry to fill the gap of domestic gas turbine for power generation.

In addition to the good foundation of Yonghong factory, the transformation of civilian products in recent years has also made great progress. Therefore, the ministries and commissions want to make Yonghong factory a pilot to explore new ways to reform state-owned enterprises.

How could it be that the American engineers came to see that they were actually corrupted, which made the Ministry's face on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. How could the leaders not be angry.

So in the interval of the inspection, the two leaders called the director, secretary and chief engineer of Yonghong factory aside. They didn't show any politeness. They just said, "if your factory doesn't work, we'll replace it."

This is not a discussion, but a cold notice. There is no reason. After all, there is not only one Yonghong factory under the Ministry, and there are several of them of the same scale. If Yonghong factory fails, it's normal for the Ministry to change to a powerful one.

Factory director Yu and chief engineer he are very clear that the leaders of the ministries and commissions are not making empty statements, but just because of this, the cold sweat on their backs comes out, and they think of almost all the possibilities, but they didn't expect that the vision of the Americans would be so high.But how to explain it? It can't be said that China's aviation industry is backward as a whole. The engineers of Pratt Whitney are the same everywhere.

Even if this is the case, if you say it, the leader will give you a criticism that will only make excuses, and the brother factories that are scrambling to cooperate with the United States will scold you for being selfish and greedy.

All in all, after being evaluated by American engineers, it's wrong to say anything, so factory director Yu and others, apart from looking at each other, have no choice but to bow their heads and listen to the arrangement of the leaders.

Of course, this will have to be adjusted after the inspection of American engineers. Now it's important to accompany the two ghost guys to walk around the factory, but there are so many absent-minded people at the moment that they don't care much about where they go to the factory.

"Oh, my God, miles, what is that

While the Chinese entourage was thinking of their own thoughts, the two American engineers were very interested. As a result, Heisenberg found a basketball sized ring under the windowsill on the first floor of a two-story building. The outer layer was metallic, and the inner layer was covered with a coating of non-metallic and non wood. So Heisenberg quickly asked miles to look at it.

Miles frowned, squinted and looked in the direction Heisenberg pointed to. He saw the strange ring and sighed in surprise, "how can it be?"

Then he ran to Heisenberg in three steps, leaned down, picked up the ring, looked inside and out carefully, and exclaimed to Heisenberg, "my God, Mr. Heisenberg, this is a great discovery!"