Chapter 1690

Yes, Lehman Brothers' shares collapsed.

This caught Mansour unprepared. Unexpectedly, as a super investment bank in the United States, a behemoth in control of hundreds of billions of dollars applied for bankruptcy protection on September 15, 2008 and went straight to the street.

You know, Mansour has been taking a heavy position in Lehman Brothers at a low price, thinking that he would take advantage of Lehman Brothers' financial difficulties to make a gorgeous bottom reading.

According to his logic, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve can never ignore a giant beast like Lehman Brothers, and are bound to save Lehman Brothers at a critical moment.

At that time, the money invested by yourself will be earned 100 times or 1000 times.

Unexpectedly, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve watched Lehman Brothers die and didn't even have the intention to sell. In this way, Mansur's heavy position in Lehman Brothers' stock immediately became garbage. In addition, the stock market and bond market fell together due to the thunder of Lehman Brothers. Mansur's Royal foundation lost $28.725 billion in less than half a month.

Almost broke the backbone of the Royal foundation.

In this case, where does Mansour get money to be a local tyrant?

Zhuang Jianye doesn't care whether you have money or not. Anyway, the news will be released first. The UAE is preparing to introduce a UAV production line, but didn't say the specific model, just initialed the intended order.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye also included the contract amount of the United Arab Emirates into the gains of the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition, which is to leave room for him to move freely in the future.

It just makes Mansour difficult.

Externally, the Gulf countries almost have a UAV production line, but the UAE does not, which is despised. It will also be considered that there may be a problem in the UAE and may be manipulated on some Gulf issues involving their own interests.

Internally, progressives such as Prince Abdullah II, who are eager to get rid of oil dependence, will become extremely distrustful of Mansour. Why can you not do what Salman in Saudi Arabia can do? Is it lack of money, people or resources? If you are short of ability, change people quickly. There are so many second-generation chiefs waiting for the top. It's nothing without you.

So these days Mansur is a mess.

Zhuang Jianye didn't have the leisure to take care of Mansour's business. Let alone this, he connected to discuss with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Algeria and other countries the agreement on the normal landing and use of fcbn series airliners. Without enough time to discuss and sign, he hurried back to China.

As for the normal use permission of fcnb aircraft in the Middle East and North Africa and the previously agreed meeting with marar, President of Italian F & K transmission system company, in Dubai, Zhuang Jianye handed it over to Wang Heping.

Leaving so many important things behind, Zhuang Jianye's purpose for returning home in a hurry is only two words: make money!

Lehman Brothers collapsed, so did Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two major real estate financial institutions in the United States, together with a large number of wall financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Financial institutions have fallen. The European and American high-end manufacturing industry, which relies on the blood transfusion of these developed financial institutions, has suddenly become a baby with no milk. It can only lie flat in place and wait for someone to continue his life.

Not to mention anything else, in the past few days after the thunder storm of Lehman Brothers, maraerne, who was as stable as an old dog, began to call Zhuang Jianye.

At the beginning, it was once every two days, but later it developed to several times a day.

At first, he was calm. Now he has to call Zhuang Jianye Grandpa. He just hopes that China can take off and milk him quickly. Otherwise, F & K transmission system company, a high-end bearing industry that condenses three generations of maraerne family, will really rush into the street.

In Europe and America, there are many examples similar to F & K transmission system company, and Zhuang Jianye has been waiting for a day for many years. Now the opportunity is coming, can you seize it?

China, which has endured so many years of non expansion, will take off this time, but it will end up with a global bottom reading.

Just want a big fight, how can we do without ammunition? Today, China's soaring cash reserves and bank credit are far from meeting Zhuang Jianye's appetite, so we must go back to China and try to store more ammunition for ourselves when the domestic rescue plan is issued this time.

After all, it is 4 trillion yuan. After superimposing the measures of local governments and the leverage of banks and financial institutions, Zhuang Jianye feels that relying on China's good credit to take off, leveraging the scale of 200-300 billion funds should not be a problem.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye, who returned to China, found that his pattern was still small, because the people in the bank had been waiting for Zhuang Jianye at China's take-off headquarters long after he learned that Zhuang Jianye had returned home.

Moreover, all the leaders who can make decisions in various banks come. Seeing Zhuang Jianye is like seeing the flower girl you like. It's called a considerate and prepared. I'm afraid that Zhuang, who has first-class financial skills, doesn't need their money.

Therefore, the conditions and amount offered to Zhuang Jianye are called a discount. Zhuang Jianye probably calculated that twelve major banks can provide him with more than 500 billion funds.

If Zhuang Jianye needs further, there can be more.

In the face of such a huge fund, Zhuang Jianye only asked the heads of several banks: "are you not afraid that I won't go back in the future?"

In this regard, the answer of one of the bank principals is quite representative: "with the gains of President Zhuang's trip to the Middle East, we believe that even if the amount is doubled, our funds are safe."

Zhuang Jianye smiled.

This is the most important purpose of his trip to the Middle East, that is to let domestic financial institutions give him large credit without scruples.

Of course, with Zhuang Jianye's current coffee position, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to find a relationship and trust contacts. Maybe it can be done in two or three sentences.

But the problem is that there are some irregularities. Zhuang Jianye still can't do it without doing it. It's cool now, but who knows whether it will become the fuse of his own thunder in the future?

After all, it's very cold at the top. It's good to be careful. No one can say one, two or three when everything is done according to the rules. You're not afraid of the shadow. Even if you spend money, you're worthy of it.

Financial institutions just like customers who have strong revenue capacity and understand rules, because this is often synonymous with reducing their own risks and ensuring capital security.

Therefore, several financial institutions gave full support to Zhuang Jianye's capital demand, and Zhuang Jianye was not vague. He directly signed a total of 800 billion yuan of use credit with 12 financial institutions.

As soon as the news came out, the listed companies of a shares and Hong Kong shares controlled by China Tengfei rose sharply, because the market predicted that China Tengfei, which has always been stuck in the aerospace business, would take a substantive step in expansion, and its future development can be expected, so it was chased and favored by capital.

Despite the soaring share price, Zhuang Jianye boarded his business plane with a huge credit and an international general bill issued by the central bank and flew directly to Genoa, Italy, where there was a major deal waiting for him!