Chapter 1687

As a result, this spillover was picked up by Zhuang Jianye.

Because Prince Salman compared a circle and found that only China Tengfei can provide him with an aviation product production line that can be produced on the ground in the shortest time, at the most affordable price and without any additional conditions.

Although Prince Salman is somewhat reluctant because of the problem of face, for the sake of his old father's crown prince status, the future throne and the bright prospect of his prince Salman's future power in Saudi Arabia, the unhappy moment of building a business with Zhuang is not worth mentioning.

Of course, Prince Salman can't say this in person. After all, although his human establishment collapsed in the command and control center, the attitude of belonging to the superior of Saudi Arabia should be maintained. It's really hard to hang up his old face to go to Zhuang Jianye so rashly.

So he pushed Faisal to the stage and let the so-called aviation expert talk.

Although Faisal is close to the British, it is also due to interests. Once some greater interests conflict with immediate vested interests, Faisal will not hesitate to abandon the latter.

After all, Faisal is very clear in the world. Once Prince Salman's father becomes crown prince and further becomes king in the future, Prince Salman is likely to become the real master of Saudi Arabia. As a confidant of Prince Salman, Faisal's status is bound to rise.

At that time, don't say millions of dollars to send him away. Without the benefit of tens of millions of dollars, he will not even pay attention to Faisal.

Because of this, Faisal, who clearly received the benefits of the British, not only did not do the relevant information to Hamilton, but also showed a low attitude when he saw Zhuang Jianye. He not only apologized for Zhuang Jianye's advance of the two actual combat drills, but Yan Ming did all these things by himself. The main reason is to test whether China's take-off products are OK. After all, as an aviation expert, He would rather believe the actual performance in front of him than the data on paper.

So I hope Zhuang Jianye doesn't hate Prince Salman. If he wants to blame him, Faisal is too rigid, too stubborn and too respectful of science!

Who is Zhuang Jianye? It's an evil spirit who speaks to people and ghosts. He immediately expressed his understanding of Mr. Faisal and poured bitter water on Faisal. What's more, they who engage in professional technology are always not understood by people. The people above don't understand technology, but they always pretend to understand this and that.

But what happened?

In the end, they have to come out and wipe their ass.

Taking this opportunity, Zhuang Jianye directly offered 8% of the transaction volume as Faisal's hard work for Saudi airlines for so many years.

Faisal really didn't have any selfishness this time. It was entirely out of sincere loyalty. He was doing something that didn't get half of his personal interests, but he didn't expect Zhuang Jianye to directly throw in 8% of the benefit fee.

8% of the total transaction volume of $20 billion, that is $1.6 billion!

For so many years, Faisal has been a bridge between Britain, America and Europe. The biggest sum is the £ 2 million promised by Hamilton, but it is only $4 million, which adds up to less than $100 million over the years.

But Zhuang Jianye threw in $1.6 billion.

TM is engaged in aviation manufacturing. Why is the gap in life so big?

Without a word, Salman immediately took Zhuang Jianye as his confidant. He not only had dinner with Zhuang Jianye, but also almost fell asleep.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye's three outlooks are quite correct. It's OK to have a meal. If you sleep... It's still free.

When he got back, Faisal almost didn't boast about Zhuang Jianye and China's take-off.

When Prince Salman asked Faisal why he changed so quickly back and forth, Faisal knelt directly in front of Salman and cried: "I'm still too superstitious about European and American technology, but this time I found that China's aviation technology is not bad, and there are even many unique features in some key fields. Your highness, it's my fault. I shouldn't be so subjective. Please punish your highness..."

Although Prince Salman is cruel to his political enemies, he is still very lenient to his own people. Moreover, Faisal is a rare technical professional around him, and Prince Salman cherishes it all the more. Therefore, even if Faisal is greedy, it doesn't matter. Just give him Salman loyalty.

So Salman held Faisal high and gently put it down, then met Zhuang Jianye under Faisal's matchmaking, and finally determined the production line of tnb-2e UAV.

This model of UAV is selected because the latest domestic satellite navigation system module is installed on tnb-2e, which can more accurately control the UAV for long endurance flight.

At the same time, with the help of China's rapid satellite communication network covering the Asia Pacific region, tnb-2e UAV can realize ultra long-distance control.

In other words, a control center is set up in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, to command the activities of tnb-2e UAV in the whole Gulf region.

Unlike before, the farthest range is more than 800 kilometers, and mobile command shelter vehicles need to be configured.

Based on this, the performance of tnb-2e UAV is not much different from that of the "Predator" UAV in the United States. If you have to pick a bone in an egg, it is slightly insufficient in terms of bomb carrying capacity and global deployment.

After all, tnb-2e UAV is just an ordinary UAV for agricultural census. The load of 600kg is enough to carry most agricultural census equipment.

As for global deployment, the fundamental reason is that China's take-off of global communication satellite networking has not been completed.

But then again, Saudi Arabia doesn't need global deployment. It's enough to play around the Gulf.

Prince Salman also thinks so. Engaging in global deployment is tantamount to directly PK with the boss of the United States, and he dare not lend Salman ten courage.

It's enough to dominate the Gulf.

Of course, more importantly, Prince Salman did not expect Zhuang Jianye's sincerity to be so great that he directly gave him a tnb-2e comparable to the "Predator" UAV.

You know, this thing is much more practical than tnb-31 "loyal wingman". After all, although the "loyal wingman" is fancy, it is still a long way from real maturity.

Tnb-2e is different. It can be used when it is made. Even without agricultural census, it's good to be an eye in the game. In addition, what makes Salman most satisfied is that the model provided by Zhuang Jianye to Salman is much more advanced than that provided to Mansour.

The key to this is that there is always a difference between early payment and late payment.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye gave Salman high configuration tnb-2e and Mansour low configuration tnb-2b!

A whole set of CDs is missing!