Chapter 1652

The first is the orbit tax. Although Zhuang Jianye and musk scolded each other for being idiots, in fact, in the continuous scolding, they fundamentally solved the problem of mutual coordination between the two low orbit satellite groups of "roaming terminator" and "star chain".

In other words, the two unknowingly divided up outer orbital space. If other entities want to launch satellites, they must first pay a fee to China Tengfei and SpaceX, so as to coordinate the operation of the two low orbit satellite groups and ensure that their satellites can enter orbit smoothly.

Otherwise... Hum, the two families will be rude to each other. It's just more space junk. It's like a big thing.

The second is the problem of new energy vehicles. Since the original intention of the track tax is to gather human wealth and impact the stars and the sea, they can no longer do evil on the earth. For example, emitting carbon dioxide is really painful for them.

So musk founded Tesla, dedicated to the reform of green travel mode; Zhuang Jianye didn't make a layout in this regard, but he also promised to launch take-off electric vehicles by 2010 to solve the increasingly serious environmental problems.

With this premise, the curse war between the two people is no big deal, because they are fundamentally aimed at Japan's hydrogen fuel cell technology that has been studied for more than a decade.

You should know that in addition to the mrj7090 series regional airliner project, another gambling project in Japan is hydrogen fuel cell storage technology.

To this end, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Isuzu and other Japanese auto companies are all involved in order to have enough voice in the field of new energy vehicles in the future and maintain the fundamental automobile manufacturing industry of Japan's economy.

This is also a layer of insurance for Japan's future economy.

After all, since the semiconductor industry was dismembered by the American father, Japan's rising channel has been blocked by a thick ceiling, like a cage, trapping the Japanese economy in the narrow Japanese island.

Naturally, the Japanese industry was not reconciled to this, so it formulated a breakthrough and a defensive plan.

The breakthrough is naturally the mrj7090 series regional airliner project, which breaks through the technical barrier of the aviation industry and realizes the unfinished high-end breakthrough in the semiconductor industry that year.

Defense is to rely on Japan's leading automobile manufacturing industry and take the lead in the industrial layout of the next generation of new energy vehicles, so as to consolidate and strengthen Japan's dominant position in this field.

As far as the overall industrial design is concerned, the old bureaucrats in the 1960s and 1970s in the Ministry of economy, trade and industry do have several brushes, because this industrial layout can really maintain Japan's economy no matter how the current situation changes, as long as there are no major mistakes in Japan's industrial policy.

Because the worst result is that mrj7090 series regional airliner project stepped on the red line of trunk airliner in the later stage, and was jointly joined by Boeing and Airbus.

Even so, Japan's next-generation new energy vehicle technology has matured and can still continue the current sales performance of Japanese cars around the world.

After all, the high-end, avant-garde and even environmental protection of hydrogen energy technology are in line with the concept that Europe and the United States talk about every day. In that case, what's the prospect? Properly, Japan can continue to support in the economic field.

Moreover, can the mrj7090 series regional airliner project be completely strangled?

If trunk airliners are not allowed to be made, Japan can make regional airliners fine and thorough. Similarly, it can make a lot of money, accommodate a large number of employment opportunities, and it will not hinder Japan's foothold in high-end industries.

In this way, in the next 20 years, the Japanese economy will realize dual core drive in aviation manufacturing and automobile manufacturing.

Even if Japan suffers from bad luck, its economy will not grow. However, with the continuous promotion of aviation manufacturing and automobile manufacturing, the overall economy will not be much worse.

What's more, has Japan really been unlucky? What if one day fortune turns and American Dad is buried by a volcanic earthquake?

However, to the surprise of the Japanese industry, the industrial policy related to the future national games of Japan, which was made by their small abacus, fell into endless embarrassment in the scolding of the two giants Zhuang Jianye and musk.

Especially on the issue of the next generation of new energy vehicles related to whether Japan's future economic status can be maintained, Zhuang Jianye and musk chose lithium battery technology instead of Japan's hydrogen fuel cell technology.

The reason given by the two is that the lithium battery has lower cost, safer operation and more convenient travel.

But in fact, it is focused on bypassing Japan's hydrogen fuel cell technology to avoid being strangled by Japanese manufacturers.

You should know that the countries where Zhuang Jianye and musk are located together are a huge consumer market with a population of nearly 2 billion, and their driving, exemplary and exemplary effects affect the whole world.

Coupled with the influence of the two leaders, almost instantly, the world knows the bright prospect and infinite future of lithium battery electric vehicles.

In contrast, the hydrogen fuel cell technology that Japan spent years and spent countless money and resources to promote has been forgotten in the corner.

In this regard, people in the Japanese industry can no longer sit still. If this trend continues, it will undoubtedly be a drastic draw on the Japanese economy. At that time, let alone the lost 10 years, the whole island of Japan may sink.

Therefore, after Zhuang Jianye and musk scolded each other, some industry experts and scholars visited the news media and advocated the advantages of hydrogen fuel cells with their own authoritative identity and professionalism.

Of course, some people in the light industry in Japan have suggested that if they can't, they can follow musk and Zhuang Jianye. Japan also engages in lithium battery powered electric vehicles.

However, as soon as this proposal showed signs, it was strangled by the mainstream in Japan. There is no way. In the past ten years, Toyota has invested more than $10 billion in the R & D of hydrogen fuel technology. If it follows the trend to develop lithium batteries, wouldn't this more than $10 billion be wasted?

Toyota can't do it. At least we should recover the R & D cost.

The attitudes of other Japanese car companies are also similar. Driven by these mainstream car companies, Japan has formed a hydrogen fuel cell alliance to hard gangzhuang Jianye and musk lithium battery industry, because they feel that with years of R & D investment, Japan's hydrogen fuel technology will be better.

In the face of high quality, future consumers will naturally choose Japanese products.

However, just when the Japanese industry was thinking about how to fight the torrent of lithium battery electric vehicles, Zhuang Jianye, who had slept all night, stretched his waist and began to figure out how to pull the crotch of Japan's mrj7090 series regional airliner project