Chapter 1645

As soon as he said this, park Zhenshuang was a little confused. How can he pay for the spacecraft entering orbit?

How? To whom?

Not only park Zhenshuang, Li Dongxiu and the beautiful anchor in the KBS news studio in Seoul, but also the Korean people watching the live program in front of the TV are in a state of ignorance. Aren't the orbits in space the assets of all mankind? Aren't all satellites launched into orbit in normal use? When do I have to pay?

Looking at Park Zhenshuang's face, Zhuang Jianye couldn't help laughing: "Your 'Luolao' is to launch a low orbit satellite 200 kilometers away from the sea level, and a large number of 'roaming terminator' satellite constellations developed by China Tengfei are distributed on the orbital plane at this distance. Of course, it doesn't matter if Korea Daewoo Group can accurately calculate the orbital angle and launch window. There will be no difference between your satellite and our constellations In case of any problem, once an error occurs, the collision between the two is inevitable.

Of course, Daewoo Group can buy the right to use this kind of orbit from us. It's not enough. Until now, I haven't seen any materials applied for by Daewoo Group. Maybe Daewoo Group doesn't have much confidence in its carrier rocket. It's just a thing with the technical level of the 1960s. Maybe it will explode directly as soon as it flies! "

Li Dongxiu and the beautiful anchor in the Korean news studio heard Zhuang Jianye's words, and their cheeks kept pumping, that is, they need to maintain their image in front of the camera, otherwise they can absolutely go to the table and point to Zhuang Jianye's face on the screen and start swearing.

As for the Korean audience in front of the TV, they don't have that estimation. They have long been crazy about all kinds of ASI bar.

There's no way. Zhuang Jianye's words are insulting. They not only make it clear that your Korean Daewoo Group wants to give China a sum of money to buy the right to use the track, or if something goes wrong, it's the matter of Korean Daewoo; More importantly, Zhuang Jianye belittled the technology of the "Luo Lao" carrier rocket.

You should know that it is comparable to the existence of advanced launch vehicles in the United States and Russia. How can the peak of South Korea's science and technology be only the level of the 1960s?

Zhuang Jianye is not a son of man. He dares to question the "Luo Lao" and scold him to death

However, the abuse in South Korea can't penetrate the VIP purchase Hall of Abu Dhabi International Airport thousands of miles away. However, there is a big reporter Park Zhenshuang who represents the people. Although he can't directly open his mouth to scold Zhuang Jianye, his increasingly gloomy face has made it clear that the KBS TV reporter has been very angry.

Park Zhenshuang, who tried to suppress his anger, did not flinch, but held up the microphone and asked impolitely: "Daewoo's' Luolao 'is an advanced rocket certified by many senior experts in the aerospace field, including the United States, Russia and Europe. It represents the highest level of launch vehicles in the 21st century.

On the contrary, we noticed that China Tengfei did not invest much in its aerospace products at this exhibition. It seems that it lacks confidence in its technical level. I don't know what Mr. Zhuang wants to say about it. "

Park Zhenshuang is worthy of being a senior international front-line interview reporter of KBS TV station. The response is quite fast, and the guide in the rear news studio is also very cooperative, cutting out the pictures of the exhibition hall layout of various enterprises taken by park Zhenshuang at the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition.

It can be seen that Daewoo Group of South Korea, Japan Aerospace Corporation in front, Indonesia and Brazil in the back are carefully arranging their own Exhibition cabinets. Not only the models are more exquisite than one, but also the brochures are a gorgeous mess. Coupled with gorgeous colors, illuminated logo and beautiful etiquette ladies, it can be said that they are competing for wonders.

On the other hand, in the China take-off booth next to it, in addition to the corporate logo of "China take-off · aerospace" and "ztm-nb space exploration company", there are a few painted cheap posters, and then a man in a jacket lies down and sleeps in the back of the showcase. Then... There is nothing!

If not for the two names of "China take-off · aerospace" and "ztm-nb space exploration company", it is believed that this is an empty space. Such a contrast makes it difficult to believe how strong "China take-off · aerospace" and "ztm-nb space exploration company" will be.

Because these two enterprises are not so much exhibitors as comics.

Combined with Park Zhenshuang's sharp problem, the Korean people who are watching the live broadcast can be said to applaud the festival. Not only these people, but also Li Dongxiu, who is in the studio, laughed unkindly. That means obviously, Zhuang Jianye should have nothing to say now.

However, when South Korea felt that Zhuang Jianye did not curse at all, Zhuang Jianye said calmly with a smile: "for an aerospace technology company that can launch five consecutive times in half a month, put a total of 11 spacecraft with different functions into the predetermined orbit and succeed, this achievement is more direct than any advertisement... Oh, by the way, do you know what it means to launch five consecutive times in half a month?

If you don't know, ask the aerospace experts of Daewoo Group of South Korea and tell them by the way that we will launch a new batch of "roaming terminator" satellite constellations from next week. If they don't submit their application again, it will be too late... "

After that, Zhuang Jianye ignored Park Zhenshuang, because a reporter from Frankfurt news on the other side asked a new question: "Mr. Zhuang, the aerospace industry calls your 'roaming terminator' satellite constellation as orbital flow ~ ~ ~ hooligans or useless garbage, and is ready to boycott it. What do you think of it?"

"We make rational and compliant use of space resources without hindering anyone, and we are happy to see other people carry out similar businesses. For example, Mr. Musk's star chain plan is very good. If other commercial aerospace enterprises in Europe and Asia also join, I am happy to see its success, and even willing to support the cost. In the future, even carbon dioxide can be traded So as to form the so-called carbon transaction tax. Why can't space orbit be the subject matter of transaction and form the orbit tax? "

Zhuang Jianye's words are very grand. He welcomes everyone to make peaceful use of outer space, and even China is willing to pay the use cost for taking off.

It simply sublimates the values of "equality" and "fraternity" to the extreme!

However, where senior people say this, Zhuang Jianye's words are completely farting, because in today's world, except that Zhuang Jianye and Musk's space exploration company have the ability to launch such rogue and garbage things to seize orbital resources, there is no third company left. In other words, except these two people are qualified to collect orbital tax, others can only watch.

Therefore, many people in the industry directly scolded Zhuang Jianye, calling him shameless. However, compared with those who scolded, the South Korean people were heartbroken in all kinds of glass, because the questions of German journalists have shown that the track use right transaction is no secret, but why don't they know it in South Korea?

Obviously, South Korea, which consciously surpasses the solar system in technology, finally found that the original clown really only has himself!