Chapter 185 - Did You Call Me Princess?

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“I am happy today too. We have been busy, but now I get to see your face in person again and hold your hand,” he was smiling at her in the way that her stomach wanted to wrap around him and never let him go, “I miss you.”

“Miss you too, Ah Kai.”

He let out a soft laugh and when their drinks came, Kaiden didn’t let go of her hand. When their meals arrived, the man dared to feed her and who was Jenell not to accept the pampered treatment! She happily ate and watched and listened to the sound of Kaiden’s voice. One point, Jenell was so consumed in her staring, she ended up leaning forward catching the red sauce of her meal on her dress.

“Ah! I’m so stupid,” Jenell reprimanded herself, “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back! Don’t go anywhere.”

She took off to the restroom before hearing any comment from Kaiden. Quickly wiping the stain and trying to use soap and water, the red stain ended up orange. She really should have known to bring a stain remover pen! Why did she think today was any different than the other days? Kaiden was going to see what a mess she was and probably leave her. A pause before fear crawled up her spine. She was afraid Kaiden would leave her there stressing in the bathroom like one of her past relationships.

Fixing herself, she left the bathroom to find Kaiden was talking to that woman, the one in the news articles with the raven haired man. Taking a deep breath, she did her best to calm the jealousy reaching up her throat. Kaiden had already told her there was nothing between them. That woman was only helping him with a project. What that project was, she wasn’t sure. Kaiden didn’t divulge the answers to her questions about it, so she did her best not to be noisy.

“Jenell,” Kaiden stood up and walked toward her, “This is Karry. I told her about your stain. She has a stain remover pen with her.”

Surprised, Jenell looked at the female and the raven haired female smiled at her.

“Jenell, it is nice to finally meet you. Kaiden talks about you a lot.”

“He does?”

“It is all he talks about,” Karry grinned and glanced at Kaiden, “Here. Go ahead and keep it. I hope you enjoy your day.”

The female smiled and left. Jenell… She really had no idea how to feel about this situation, but she was just going to ignore it. Returning to the restroom, she removed her stain to reveal it back to white. Breathing out in relief, she returned to the table to find Kaiden waiting for her still. She smiled and headed to her seat, but Kaiden stood up and moved her chair beside his.

“Sit next to me, princess.”

‘Oh my God! Did he… Did he just call me princess? I am going to die…’

What Kaiden did next made her body shiver. Jenell was still figuring out if she heard wrong or if the man actually gave her a nickname. Standing in thought, Kaiden decided to hold her hips to maneuver her into sitting beside him. He had never seen her so quiet and her light skin in so many shades of red before. He worried she was getting sick, so he thought maybe he should skip to the question. However, before he could, the female was staring at him with her bright blue eyes.

“Did… Did you call me princess?” She questioned meekly.

“Yes. Is that alright?”

“Oh my God, yes!” Jenell exclaimed happily, before she covered her mouth to calm herself. Kaiden let out a soft laugh and pecked her cheek, causing it to redden further. They ate quietly for a while with their fingers interlocked, but Jenell wasn’t one to keep quiet for long. She wanted to talk, but there was nothing in her mind but words of how she felt about the man beside her.

She couldn’t outright say, “Hey, I really love you. Be my husband for life.” That would probably scare Kaiden away and she wasn’t going to let that happen again. So, she decided to comment on anything else instead.

“Do you like your food?”

“Mm. It’s good. You?”


A pause.

“How did you find out about this restaurant?”

“From Karry. I’m glad I took her recommendation. It’s beautiful here, like you.”

Jenell wanted to frown because that female’s name was brought up, but then this perfect man went and complimented her in the same sentence! Ugh~ How was she supposed to stay mad at him!

Dessert came in the form of a marble cake with strawberries and white icing. There was blown sugar circles decorating the plate with sprinkles of powdered cocoa. Two wafer sticks stuck into the cake and the drizzle of strawberry syrup completed the look. It looked way too good to even eat to Jenell. This would be a place that Kola would love. That girl loved sweets, but Jenell only ate it if she was craving for it. Right now, she wasn’t necessarily craving cake for dessert…

“Here,” Kaiden smiled at her sweetly as he scooped some of the cake into his spoon. Holding it in front of her lips, Jenell complied and ate it. The cake was moist and the taste of all those flavors made her feel like she was holding the perfect taste in her mouth. She also fed Kaiden who was pleased with her display of affection. They continued until both were full.

“Are you ready to go?” Kaiden asked and she nodded, too full and tired to speak.

Leaving the restaurant and back into the car, Jenell rubbed her stomach to soothe it. She hadn’t eaten that much in so long. With how busy her schedule had been, she was lucky to even eat a bowl of rice. Kaiden reached for her hand to hold as he drove to another destination that she didn’t know of. That was fine. Even though she was the type to like to know ahead of time where they were going so she could prepare, she trusted Kaiden.. The man was doing a fantastic job so far.

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