Chapter 177 - You Deserve The World (smut:3)

“How about I play some instrumentals that I put together and you can see which you like better,” the music producer offered.

Shun nodded and listened to the array of music compositions and mentioned he liked certain ones which made the manager sigh in relief. They were getting somewhere at least but when he was in the recording booth, he tried singing parts of what he wrote. It only led to him frustrated with himself.

‘What is wrong with me?!’ He rubbed his face and looked over to the two people who were wasting their time on him. They were probably disappointed with him for not being able to do it.

His phone rang and he saw the image of Jin's handsome face pop up on his screen. Still in the recording booth, he excused himself and picked up the phone.


“How is it going baby?” Jin questioned as he rocked Angel in his arm.

“Terrible. I can’t figure it out.”

Jin furrowed his brows for a moment, but Shun continued on.

“I just can’t figure out how to start and the flow and ugh, everything. I’m wasting Manager Ling and the Producer Xie’s time. Ugh, this is a bad idea.”

“Baby, calm down. Deep breaths,” Jin smiled and moved to place Angel in the crib with a sleeping Peter.

Shun felt his burning heart cool down looking at the beautiful babies. The screen showed his pink haired lover again. He recognized the place Jin was at was the music room. The strum of the guitar string sounded and Shun smiled.

“Try to close your eyes this time as you sing, darling. Imagine why you wrote those lyrics, what was behind them, and what was the reason. I know you can do it. We believe in you, Ah Shun.”

Jin finished his strumming and his smile softened seeing Shun’s blue eyes in watery crescents.

“I love you. I’ll see you when you get back.”

“Love you too,” Shun spoke softly and when they hung up the phone, Shun couldn’t help the tears strolling down his eyes.

He waved his hand side to side to tell the others he was fine. Putting on the headphones, he closed his eyes and began singing the first line of his heart.

“I was alone floating in the ocean where even fishes found love…”

Online, Shun’s solo single was leaked into the web. How? Manager Ling wasn’t sure, but Xiong Shun’s name was a hot topic. It even surpassed Suu Jin at number 1 that day! People were speculating on Suu Jin and Xiong Shun’s relationship. People were creating floods of anger and excitement. It was causing strange waves and rifts that people didn’t know how to feel.

The persistent fan account had showed screenshots of Shun as the top on every search bar, and showed Xiong Shun as the top trending. There were also statements from both Xiong Shun and Suu Jin about the situation, dispersing any rumors about their relationship. It slowed the flame slightly, but like always, anything with Suu Jin always caught fire.

For the next couple weeks, both babies were babbling and reaching out to grab things more. That gave the couple a lot of relief to know it was normal behavior. With the babies at 2 months, Suu Jin was ready to promote their duet. However, every time he thought about it, he felt anxiety in his heart for the twins.

“Ah Jin,” Shun got out of the shower and stared at his boyfriend, “I read it was separation anxiety that you are feeling. They will be fine with auntie. Also, you know our friends are going to bust through our doors to finally hold them.”

“Alright,” Jin sighed and left the sleeping babies alone to lay on the bed, “How is your status now?”

“It jumped really high,” Shun jumped onto the bed to straddle his lover, “It shocked me!”

“It isn’t shocking, baby,” Jin cupped his face and leaned up, “You deserve the world.”

Shun smiled into the kiss and rocked his hips. They’ve been so busy that they didn’t even have the chance to touch each other. Sometimes Shun would feel the need for Jin in that way, but then something would distract him. Now with the babies sleeping and straddling his lover, there were no distraction to sway his attention from how hot the idol prince felt under him.

Suu Jin’s hands felt like the heat of a stain against his skin. He whimpered and rubbed himself harder against his lover's hardening cock. Dear Lord, he misses all of Suu Jin.

“Baby,” Jin’s palms massaged his ass as his lips sucked his neck, “Nice and clean for me.”

Shun’s face got hot and he bit his lips. Rubbing and rolling his hips more incessantly, Shun gasped and moaned when his lover bit his skin. His fingers clutched onto fading pink locks as his ass was slapped. Shun lifted enough for Jin to pull out his cock from his sweat. Feeling the pressure against his pucker, the silver haired protagonist’s body shook with anticipation.

“You are shivering already?” Jin glanced to see Shun’s penis twitching and leaking.

Just seeing that, Suu Jin’s erected fully, causing Shun to whimper when he breached through his hole. Fingers clutched to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, but Suu Jin didn’t care. The gasping and moans from Shun was so arousing, Jin didn’t realize how much he missed them.

“Ah!” Shun tried to keep his voice down, “Ah~ Yes!”

Jin’s cock was inside him, pressing right where his prostate was. All it took for him to come with his entire skin bumping was a few rubs against it. Shun’s eyes rolled back and his hips bucked over and over, until his body’s shakes calmed down. He kissed his lover’s lips, face, neck, everything his lips could touch.

“Fuck,” Jin breathed out against his ear, “How I miss seeing you like this. God, your voice…”

Shun couldn’t help quirking his lips and rolling his hips into his lover. Still sensitive, he did his best to make Jin feel just as good as he felt. They moved and kissed, as if no time had passed. Jin turned them so he was above Shun. He wrapped his legs around the idol prince’s waist, while Jin thrusted into him.
