Ping Ping didn’t reply and pulled his knees up to his chest to hide his face. Wen Dong pushed his chair back to go over to console the youngest, but Shun shook his head.

“Ah Dong, you are at fault too. You should have told Ping Ping no. I know Ah Jin told you to do something,” blue eyes sent daggers at the older pinkette, “But no games. Be clear. Ah Ping is still young and he has a long future in the industry. You and I know that. We are older and didn’t gain fame like Ah Jin did. Do you understand what I am saying?”

The dancer stared with his purple eyes at his friend. He understood exactly what his best friend was telling him. He was going to be 19 soon. The older one got in the industry, the closer the cut off line became. Ping Ping still had that young look and cute personality that had longevity as an idol. Eventually, they would be apart from one another as they grow. It was going to happen one way or another. Who was Wen Dong to hold Ping Ping back?

Nodding his head, Wen Dong went back to eating quietly. Once he was finished, he told his team member it was time to go. Ping Ping didn’t reach out to hug anyone, so Suu Jin did it first.

“Don’t take it too close to your heart, Ah Ping. Don’t worry, soon Ah Dong will be yours. Be patient.”

It was Shun’s turn to hold his didi.

“You can be mad at me. I will accept it. I am only doing what is best for you, Ah Ping. Remember that.”

They left their home and Shun plopped onto the couch. Covering his eyes, he knew what he said was harsh and rude, but it was true. Whatever is going on between Ah Dong and Ah Ping had to be stalled for awhile. This way, they both could focus on their careers, make a name for themselves, and be the best they could be.

He was the bad guy, but he would accept his role.

Jin cleaned up the table and food, washed up the dishes and put them away, before going over to the couch. Shun was staring at his phone and sighing every so often. The pink haired idol held his lover but Shun didn’t feel any better. Even when Jin was making love with him, Shun’s mind wandered and he covered his face with an upset groan.

“Baby,” Jin sighed and laid beside him, “Ping Ping will be fine. He doesn’t hate you.”

“I know.”

Jin cupped Shun’s face so he was looking at him. He furrowed his brows, seeing the lost look on his lover’s face.

“Then what worries you?”

“I don’t know,” Shun sighed and pulled the hand on his face to interlock their fingers, “I saw my stats today. They aren’t moving. I know it’s still early and I told you I will do my best to save this world, but… maybe I won’t make it.”

“Ah Shun,” Jin bent down and kissed his lips, “If you don’t, then we would have to deal with it when the time comes. For now, let’s focus on this. You and me,” he squeezed his lover’s hand, “Unless you don’t want this anymore.”

Shun didn’t say anything and stared at Jin. Jin wondered if Shun lied about the memories returning or maybe only some came back? Shutting his eyes, he took a deep breath in and out.

“I love you,” Shun whispered with a smile, “I’m just… sad, I guess.”

Jin looked into blue eyes.

“Tell me how to make it better,” Jin held him close and Shun closed his eyes.

“Sing me her song, Ah Jin.”

Suu Jin did. As Shun drifted to sleep with the lullaby of his mother, the pink haired idol found his own mind drifting. Was Shun sad that he chose to be with him instead of his own family? Did Shun regret being with him? All he knew was that he didn’t want to lose his silver haired lover again. They were destined to be together. Wasn’t that what Shun told him?

The next morning, Jin woke up to blue contacted eyes staring at him.

“Morning,” Shun whispered and he smiled.

“Did you sleep well?” He whispered back and Shun nodded.

“Yesterday… Sorry about that. I guess I was homesick maybe? What I said to Ah Ping and Ah Dong reminded me of what my brother would tell me. I just… sorry.”

Jin moved to kiss him and Shun smiled into it. Fingers ran lightly up and down the curve of his neck as lips continued to move against his.

“I love you,” Jin confessed and Shun smiled pleased.

“I love you too.”

“You feel homesick,” Jin pulled away and sat up, “You don’t feel this is your home.”

Shun’s eyes widened and he frowned. That… That wasn’t what he meant. He stared at his pink haired lover and held those soft hand in his.

“This is my home. That was my home too. It doesn’t mean I would give this up, give you up. I promise, Ah Jin. I love you too much, you know that,” Jin didn’t look convinced and Shun moved to press himself right up against his idol prince, “When I get this way, just… I just need time. That is all, ok?”

Jin cupped his face and kissed him deeply. Their tongues came into play and Shun moved wanting to straddle-

“Let’s get ready for the day,” Jin spoke softly.

“Alright,” Shun sighed and wrapped his arms around Jin tightly, “Are you upset with me?”

“No,” Jin sighed, “I am upset that I can’t remember you in the past as you remember me, baby. I don’t understand how you feel.”

Shun found his face warming and he squealed pressing his face to his lover’s chest.

“Ah Jin~” he nuzzled strong chest, “You are too good.”

“Only for you baby,” Jin stated with conviction and Shun had to kiss him again. Another, well… maybe fifty times all over the idol’s body.

Shun rocked forwards as Jin filled him to the rim. He moaned and rocked more, before lifting himself up and down again. Shun looked at Jin from above and licked his lips.

“Ah Jin,” he panted out as he twerked his hips, “I love all your kisses.”