Shun pulled back and placed a soft kiss to his lover’s lips. Turning back to the chat, he saw they were asking about their fan name. Shun had no idea. When he was part of Symmony, they barely had a chance to even offer fan names! He turned to Jin and wonder how Jin end up calling his fans cherries.

“What would you like to be called?” Jin smiled, “Oh, send in your names to our InstaMe and we will collect it to put on a poll. You all can vote on it. Is that alright?”

Shun… still had a lot to learn from his lover. He was nodding as if he was part of the audience as well. Jin grinned crinkling his eyes amused at his reaction.

“We will sign out,” Jin smiled, “Ah Shun-”


“You didn’t let me finish,” he laughed and Shun flushed.

“Sorry. I was distracted.”

“By what?”

“You already know!” Shun whined and cupped his cheeks to pull his lover's face closer to the screen, “Look at this handsome face. How can I ever say no to him?”

The chat was filled with laughing emotes and hearts. Then questions about their love life started popping up and the question about him never saying no if Jin wanted to have sex with him.

“You are all shameless,” he mumbled before letting out a laugh.

They said their goodbyes and ended with a kiss for their fans. When they signed out, Shun sighed nuzzling like a kitten with its owner. Gina was sitting at the side couch and was filming the couple so Jin could post later to his MeTube channel. She kept filming for a moment with the couple just holding each other on the couch.

She sent the video to Jin and rubbed her belly. She checked to see Reporter Allie’s article on Jin losing his sponsors and companies that had supported him prior. The list people who dropped the idol prince was so long, Gina couldn’t believe it. She also read the articles talking about a new idol prince, Suu Jin losing his crown, but most news channels avoided talking about both Xiong Shun and Suu Jin.

She texted Lisa and a response returned to her.

Shinny Dolls didn’t have backlash. Mix4U Boys and Best Two had some backlash for supporting the relationship, but it didn’t hinder their work too much. Peony Studios had female trainees who had wanted to join in support of the couple and even being under Taemeng. So, the only one losing in this was the couple before her.

The couple went to the kitchen to prepare lunch and Gina snapped a picture of them. She posted it to her Weebo with the caption: When people love each other, there is nothing that would split them apart. Will always support you @JinShunofficial #couplegoals #rightstolove #suujinxiongshun #standforlove #fightforlove

She got an immediate reply of a heart from a follower by the name of IloveGina14. This account had been the first to comment any post she made since she returned home. It made her happy to know this fan still cared about her. She liked the reply and looked over to hear the laughter from the pinkette and the silver haired male.

'I'll do my best to repay your kindness,' Gina smiled rubbing her belly.


Manager Yaotzu was groaning and massaging his temples. He needed more cigar, but he was going to try not to use up what he had left. So many people dropped Jin and even the trainees he was working with left. He was looking at the papers his assistant had handed him earlier. A very small list of companies that accept homosexuality.

Most were overseas. He wondered if it was time to focus on the international instead of home country now that the pinkette's reputation was declining.

Suu Jin was known overseas and he was gaining a following there as opposed to his home country. He rubbed his beard and thought about it long and hard. Picking up his phone, he dialed the first number on the list.

Over at Zhi and Mei studio, Mix4U Boys were talking to the trainees. They talked about their experiences and what they wished they had known before performances. Wen Dong smiled patting the baby pinkette’s head. After answering questions and playing with the trainees, Mix4U Boys were able to return home for the day.

“Ah, can’t wait to eat my mom’s food,” Wen Dong rubbed his stomach as he drove with Ping Ping.

“I want to eat mama food too,” he grinned.

“Ah! Your mom’s food is good!”

“I mean our mama.”


“Ah Dong’s mama is my mama too.”



Wen Dong’s heart raced and his ears felt as if they were burning. Clearing his throat he didn’t continue the conversation or acknowledge what Ping had said. Focusing on driving, he missed green eyes staring at him. They listened to the radio, hearing BestTwo’s single playing as they headed to Ping Ping’s home.

Parking and pulling to a stop, Wen Dong got out of the car and waited for the pink haired boy. The pinkette stared at him and he stared back, gesturing him to hurry up. Ping Ping frowned deeply as he unbuckled and stepped out of the car. They walked up to the home and knocked on the door.

“Ping-er!” His mother hugged the pinkette tightly, “Your baba is working, but he will be home tonight. Wen Dong, come in.”

“Ah, sorry, I should check in with my mom,” the older male smiled and Ping’s frown deepened.

“I want to go to.”

“No. You stay with your mama.”

“I want to say hi to mama too!” Ping pouted and crossed his arms. Wen Dong groaned and shook his head.

“Next time. I’ll go now. Bye, Madame Ping, Ah Ping.”

Ping huffed and was about to chase after his good friend, but his mother held him back. His green contacted eyes looked at her brown ones.

“Ping-er,” his mother spoke quietly, “Tell mama what is happening.”

In the comfort of their home, Ping Ping cried into his mother’s arms. Why was Wen Dong treating him so poorly? He was going to tell his gege on him!

“My sweet boy,” his mama spoke gently and picked up his snot dripping face, “Did he hurt you?”

The little pinkette cried harder. The woman sighed and wiped his face. Her warm brown eyes calmed him slightly, but his heart was hurting so much. The female stared at her son and wondered why her only son was acting emotional right now. Did he not wish to be with her? Her eyes moved down to a bite mark on her son’s neck.

“Ah Ping,” she assessed her son, “Did Wen Dong bite you?”

The boy nodded and she narrowed her eyes, but it widened when the pinkette sniffled out.

“I want him to, but he won’t bite anywhere else.. Just here and my shoulders,” Ping pointed and big blobs of tears fell down his eyes, “I want him to bite me here.”