Ping Ping stuck his tongue out and that only led to Wen Dong tickling the pinkette to tears. The rest of the night, they watched a movie as a family. They pulled the couch away and Jin pulled out all the blankets he had. Why didn’t they take the free rooms? Well, everyone mentioned sleeping together as a family and Jin, he really loved them all.

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” Gina spoke up, “Easier for me to get up if I need to potty.”

“Are you well?” Shun questioned and Gina waved him away with a smile.

“I’m fine,” she yawned, “Time for the shitstorm to happen. Let us rest well until then.”

As they all laid under the blankets, Jin held Shun as he fell asleep. The blue eyed man didn’t feel as sleepy as everyone else was, so he just kept his eyes closed and listened to the breath against nose. The house was quiet except the snores, light and loud. Shun felt so warm and comfortable, he couldn’t stop the smile on his face.

“Ah Dong,” Shun heard Ping Ping asking, “Please?”

“Go to sleep,” Wen Dong whispered, “Not going to do- Eh?! What are you-”

It was quiet again and Shun who’s back was to the men wondered what was happening. He wanted to turn around and see, but he didn’t want to wake Suu Jin either.

“Stop it!” The harsh whisper of Wen Dong sounded, “If you keep pushing, I will make sure you don’t sleep in my bed anymore.”

“But Ah Dong!” Ping whined, “Why won’t you let me!”

“Cause you are still too young! Now stop pushing it. Go to sleep or I will go cuddle with Tee instead.”

The sound of blankets being moved entered his ears before it stopped. Soon, the sound of Wen Dong’s bear-like snore sounded and Shun relaxed. He wondered what Ping wanted from Wen Dong and why was his best friend acting annoyed.

When the sun rose, he bid farewell to everyone. Gina and Manager Oil had went to check in with the doctor while Shun and Jin went to the studio. As the driver pulled up, they were faced with angry people with signs with their faces crossed out. Some had signs saying they should die. Most of the signs and shouts were aimed at Xiong Shun and what a trap he was to change Suu Jin.

Jin was glad he asked his bodyguards to join him. They pushed the crowd away as Jin pull Shun with him inside the company doors. Luckily, everything was much calmer inside. His bodyguard walked them to the studio room, went in to check everything before deeming it to be fine. Jin thanked them as they stationed outside of the door.

Because Shun did not remember the songs he sang for Jin and the pinkette didn’t want to push him, Shun was left watching and listening to Suu Jin as the idol sang. That was fine because Shun could listen to Jin sing all day. Especially when those eyes looked at him as the man sang.

“Ah Shun,” Jin gesture for him to enter the recording booth, “I want to sing this directly to you.”

“Okay,” Shun grinned with flushed cheeks.

Closing the door, he sat beside Jin and his hand was held as Jin began humming.

“All the roads lead to you~, all the stars shine towards you, Oh, oh~ no distance in time, no memories of mine could ever… forget you… my love love love~”

Shun just… He was being serenaded to! It was amazing, surreal, and beautiful. His cheeks were warm, his ears were hot, and his lips were wet. When Jin was finished, Shun kissed him. He didn’t want to pull away from the pinkette. Their tongue touched and played so easily, Shun felt it was so natural.

Flashes of images shot through his head and he pulled back gripping his head. Once it calmed, his eyes widened. Wait… Why… Was this his memories that had returned? Did the witch not want it anymore?

“Shun?” Jin took off the head phones and cupped his face.

“Ah Jin,” he cried laughing and kissing Jin over and over, “I remember! I remember everything! I remember you.”

“Really?” Jin questioned surprised and stared at him deeply.

“Maybe the witch didn’t want it anymore,” Shun smiled and heard the female’s voice.

‘I never said how long, child. Now, stop talking about me.’

Shun laughed again and cupped Jin’s pretty face.

“I remember I quoted you. I remember me singing your song, your hands on mine. I remember we kissed, kissed so much I would bare myself naked to you. I remember cooking for you, crying because of you, and then loving you even more. I remember you as Jinny, us going to the zoo and amusement parks, and you… we made love in the hotel. Then... Then we met again in your home and we…” Shun bit his bottom lips as he grinned.

“Got really naughty?” Jin finished with a sly smirk and Shun laughed kissing Jin again.

“I’m glad you are back, darling,” Jin held him tight, “Will it stay?”

“I think so,” Shun nodded and sighed happily in his lover’s arms.

“Great,” Jin spoked deeply against his ear, “Can’t wait to punish you for all the teasing you did to me.”

Shun didn’t know what teasing he did, but he would welcome any touches of Jin. Shun sang his part in the studio, they sang duets, and did their best to use the time as much as they could. He was incredibly happy to know he had all his memories back. He should have asked the witch if his memories would be gone forever or temporarily.

‘Wait… didn’t I ask her that…?’ Shun wondered before he shook his head. No need for him ask about it. He should take what he could get.

When they left the room, the bodyguards followed and held them back before exiting. Jin pulled Shun behind him and he wondered what was happening.

“Ah Jin?”