It earned him a moaned and a bite to his ear. Oh dear Lord, Suu Jin just had to stay on him and he would enjoy it immensely. Jin’s hands, smooth and delicate, wrapped around his own as the idol peppered kisses on his exposed face.

“Mm,” Shun smiled happily, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Ah Shun.”

Shun let out a giggle with red rosy cheeks. He turned and they kissed and kissed. He didn’t mind kissing his lover all day if they could. A knock sounded on their door and both men looked over to see Gina holding her phone. The door to their room was not closed and Shun found his face hot.

He was making a lot of moaning sounds and they did not look presentable in front of the female.

‘How embarrassing…’

“I apologize,” Gina waved her phone with a deep frown and dipped brows, “That bastard tried calling me.”

“What did he say?” Jin questioned as he stood up and walked toward the female.

“I didn’t pick up, but he left a lot of voicemail. Listen.”

Gina played the voicemail and they could hear CEO Hosh laughing hysterically. No words were said yet, but the way the laughter sounded caused the hair on Shun’s skin to stand. He sounded like the man who kidnapped him when he was a child. Arrogant, disgusting, and evil. Shun could not wait until that bastard went to jail forever!

Jin watched the way Gina’s face looked whiter, sicklier, and he helped her to his bed. Sitting her down, the idol prince listened closely to the voicemail.

“Remember what I told you.”

Then the voicemail ended.

“Fuck him!” Gina screamed, “I will fucking kill him! If he dares to hurt my babies I will take him down with me so help me God!”

Shun was holding the female’s hand and rubbing her back, but her eyes were wide, and scared. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Suu Jin, who was standing, looked at them for a moment. The pinkette moved toward them to stand before the female.

Arms wrapped around her and Gina crumbled into them. She cried and cried harder. She could lose her babies! They didn’t even get the chance for a future. She didn’t get a chance to raise them!

“Do not worry, Gina. We will protect you.”

“Really? Do you promise, Ah Jin? Please. I can’t take it. I can’t,” Gina cried and clutched to his shirt tighter.


'My beautiful boyfriend,' he sighed lovingly.

Shun smiled and said he’ll make tea.

As he stood before the boiling electric heater, he couldn’t help feeling even more determine to put that bastard away. The man obviously knew those words would trigger something in Gina. He didn’t say anything outright and could lie and said he thought he called someone else.

The old man knew what he was doing.

‘Just you wait, Hosh, you disgusting dung, you will be brought for judgement and justice will be served!’

By the time Gina and Jin left the room, the female was smiling again and Shun felt relieved. Gina had been getting more and more emotional lately. He worried that if the longer she carried her child, the more emotional the woman was going to be.

“Thank you, Ah Shun,” Gina smiled when he brought the tray with 3 cups of tea.

“Thanks boyfriend,” Jin winked and Shun grinned with a laugh. Oh~ was his body so warm.

Sitting beside his lover, he blew to cool down the tea, and sipped it. Tea, something he was used to having back home. Smiling to himself, he felt a kiss to his temple and he turned with softened eyes. His face was cupped and he smiled lovingly, happy to gather his dear idol prince’s attention.

“Ah Shun,” Jin spoke softly with a smile, “Let us tell the world of us.”




Shun didn’t think he heard right.

“Let us go public. I don’t want to hide you any longer. Is that alright?”

“Is… Wha… Y… Yes! Yes!” Shun grinned and had to put his tea down or he’d ruin his lover’s white carpets, “Wait… What about your reputation? It would cause a lot of problems, remember?”

“Yes. I don’t care anymore,” Jin sighed and interlocked their fingers, “I love you.”

Shun sighed happily and nodded, kissing his lover to seal the agreement.

“Not in front of me please,” Gina sighed and drank her tea with closed eyes.

“Ah! Sorry, Gina,” Shun cleared his throat and drank from his tea.

“Jin was my ex, so it feels weird, but also, it makes me want to puke,” she admitted, “Literally. It’s probably the babies.”

“Wait… babies? I thought… You were just carrying one…” Shun started slowly staring at the rounding belly.

“Mm, the doctor said I am having twins and I did say babies earlier. Honestly, I am freaking out,” Gina drank her tea, “How am I going to even care for 2 children?!”

Jin shook his head and drank his tea. Placing a hand on Gina’s small shoulder, he squeezed it softly.

“You always fret too much. I got the funds to help you and a boyfriend who cares a lot about you. Also, Manager Oil is dedicated to you. You have a lot of people to help.”

“I don’t fret that much,” Gina pouted and rubbed her belly, “See kids, Suu Jin is so mean to mommy, isn’t he? When you grow up, make sure he spoils you both rotten or else he would spend all his money on Xiong Shun.”

Shun laughed and moved to speak close to Gina’s stomach.

“Oi, be nice to your uncles, okay? Uncle Shun will take good care of you two. I already love you both. Uncle Jin is hard working and will definitely spoil you two. But he will spoil me first, hehehe!”

Shun pulled back grinning and Gina laughed. Everything was going to work out. Shun felt it in his heart. Looking over to see emerald eyes watching him, he really loves his life.


Today was the day.

It invites to all the celebrities were sent. Only a handful of regular people were able to enter and Manger Bon made sure to do her part to get an invite for Allie. After speaking with the police and wiring up the girls, she was worried. She wouldn’t want anything to happen to her girls! They were like her daughters!

With the eyes of BestTwo, Heeang and Mikey’s duet team, and Mix4U Boys, Bon felt a bit more at ease. With the filing in court against Hosh, it wasn’t surprising that Suu Jin and Xiong Shun were not invited. Yet, that bastard still dared to send one to Gina.

‘He really thinks he can get away with everything,’ She inwardly wanted to stab the man.