The baby pinkette was huffing and squeezing the other man so tight, Wen Dong looked like he was suffocating. Suu Jin reached out to grab a hold of his cousin and stared into the frowning face. He glanced up at Wen Dong who was losing blood to his face, before returning to stare at the young boy.

“You are harsh in your words, Biao di, but they are true. He was teasing, Ah Ping. Hug him any tighter and we would need to have the doctors check him.”

Ping blinked wide eyed and looked at his dear friend. Letting the man go quickly, he grabbed his own shirt, so he wasn’t hurting Wen Dong. He didn’t mean to! He loved his friend.

“You,” Wen Dong caught his breath, “How can a small thing like you be so damn strong? Damn…”

“Ah Dong,” Ping hung his head and sniffled, “Sorry I hurt you. I don’t mean to.”

Wen Dong breathed out a smile and pulled the pinkette to him. Placing a kiss on the top of the boy’s head, he looked over at the idol prince to see emerald eyes staring at the boy.

“Shun called you? Is he alright?” Jin decided to ask instead.

“I’m sure he called you first, but your dumbass lost your phone.”

“It isn’t lost. It’s in the river somewhere.”

Suu Jin frowned. It wasn’t his fault that he was on the phone walking down the rocky path and tripped. Yes, he should had been more aware, but he was shivering and cold!

“Anyways, yeah he called. Suu Jin,” Wen Dong paused for a moment, “That party, the one you kept saying you hate me for… I think got Gina into a mess.”

“What do you mean?” Jin smiled at Lisa who brought him a cup of tea.

“The party,” Lisa thought for a moment, “The one from the big CEO Hosh?”

“Yeah. Did you get invited too?” Wen Dong asked and let a wiggling Ping go.

“Mm,” the female nodded, “Manager Bon said she doesn’t trust him and she didn’t want us to go, so we didn’t. Why? What happened?”

Wen Dong sighed and scratched his face a bit.

“Well, shit happened. We drank too much and I honestly don’t really remember what happened. Maybe I blacked out or something? Anyways, Gina left Jin the next day. I remember her last text to me was that she was leaving to make it big overseas.”

“She left me because she met a man, entered a room, and the next day she said she was leaving,” Jin stated with a glare as he sipped his tea, “You brought her to him.”

“Mm, I don’t think so, Jin,” Wen Dong frowned as he rolled his eyes up as if to be able to read his memories, “I am pretty sure I was too drunk to even walk or even talk. I would probably be the one being dragged instead.”

Suu Jin paused.

Wen Dong… He had seen the guy drank too much before and what he said was… right. Wait! Then… this whole time he thought it was this man, but it was someone else?! Damn… He…

“I… apologize, Wen Dong. It was easier to blame you, I guess,” the pinkette sighed, “You were the one to tell us about that party though.”

“Pssh! I know! I fucking regret it,” the man groaned, “Oof!” The purple eyed idol sounded when Ping plopped onto him with a smile, “Like I was saying,” he sighed wrapping his arms around the boy, “Shun called and asked for money. He said it was to help Gina cause some guy is after her.”

“Gege is in trouble?” Ping asked and he furrowed his pink brows. It worried him that his gege was not healthy and if someone was after him, Ping Ping would stop at nothing to hurt the bad guy!

“How much is he asking?” Lisa questioned and her eyes widened quickly when she heard the amount.

“Like millions is what he asked.”


Suu Jin was still drinking his tea, unfazed by the conversation.

Gina had always loved money, no matter if it was dirty or clean. Now she got Shun in on her game as well? No, the female was manipulating the silver haired idol again.

‘Is she going to take the money and leave? To ask for that amount of money… Preposterous!’

“I have $300 dollars,” Ping Ping stated, “I can give it to Ah Shun.”

“No,” Jin said stated with narrowed eyes, “I want to speak with her. No one is giving her money until we know it isn’t a lie. Gina… She is a great liar.”

“No worries. Shun agree to meet up with her,” Wen Dong grinned, “I offered your house.”

Lisa let out a soft laugh before calling up her friends. Their plans had changed, but this was a great opportunity for them to get Shun out of Gina’s hands. Suu Jin would know if the female was lying or not and they would all be prepared for anything. At least, she hoped.


For the past three days, Shun went everywhere with Gina. Manager Oil did his best to be around as much as he could, but he did have other work to attend to, since he wasn’t getting paid as a manager. He was envied such a strong bond Gina and Manager Oil had. For a man to give up his own livelihood, his own financial means to help a helpless female…

That was beautiful, wasn’t it?

They went to the police, filed a retraining order and telling them the predicament that happened. Suu Jin, the beautiful man he was, send his lawyers to help them out. Everything was hushed-hushed and kept out of public life. The lawyers were… intimidating with their flat face and small eyes. The aura they gave… It reminded Shun of his parents.

After signing papers, making copies, and agreeing to send someone to her apartment to keep watch, the rest of the day he was making sure Gina didn’t fall asleep on the toilet. Maybe Shun didn’t realize it before or Gina was a really great actress. After the confession, she was acting like his mother would when she was pregnant.

Certain food, certain fruits, certain smells were all catered to her from him. The truth was, he didn’t want to be the wrath of her anger. Shun had seen his mother throw things, scream, and then cry at his father before. Shun was not going to be the target.

The child was 5 months old in Gina's belly and she was right, her stomach was growing. It fascinated him every time. The only problem was people were starting to ask questions and about the bump, even with the baggy clothes she wore. This only led to them canceling on performances and photoshoots. It sucked because they lost some money, but what were they going to do?

Now, here they were going to meet up with Suu Jin and everyone who was willing to help them. He was so blessed to have them in his life, it was heart warming. Manager Oil was driving the car and pulled up to the gates. Finally driving into the driveway, he felt so hot and sweaty. He was going to see Suu Jin again after… After the arcade incident.

Even when the lawyer came, Jenell was the one to tell him.

So helping a tired Gina out of the car and walking up to the steps, he smiled and nodded at the guard he remembered. Manager Oil knocked on the door and when it opened, Shun held his breath.

'Ah Jin.... Will you be happy to see me?'