Shun glared at her and Gina knew it would be difficult to actually get Shun to agree, but she had hoped the pressure would work again. It had been 4 months since she found out and to be unwed with…

Her eyes watered and she slapped as hard as she could, cause Shun’s head to snap to the side. She heard his angry scream as she shut her eyes, feeling her body bounce on the bed. Her wrists were gripped and she felt harsh breathing against her face.

She waited.

Gina wondered if Shun was going to kill her?

All the stuff she had done, the mistakes she had made… It never went anywhere, did it? She waited for fingers to tighten around her throat or punches to her head. They weren’t new to her. After all, they were the reasons she had left overseas to return. He was coming for her. H was coming to collect and she did not have enough.

Not… to mention that she was…

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously?” Shun removed his grip on Gina’s wrist to grab her shoulders, “Why are you even doing this? Are you that evil?! Is there no limit to your wickedness?”

Her face was hot and her nose was tickling. Tears fell down her eyes and she tried to stop them, but they did not heed her threats anymore. It had been so many years since she last cried. She blamed her hormones. It must be the hormones.

“Gina,” Shun sighed and sat away from the female and rubbed his face, “Why do you even want to get married? Ah, no matter. I can’t do this any longer and if you… If you end up ruining Suu Jin’s career, I will do the same to you.”

Gina’s eyes opened and she looked over to see determined blue eyes watching her. Of course… She never thought the boy would ever thought of doing the same to her. He was too nice, so easy to manipulate, but… She was wrong.

Xiong Shun… Maybe she should have been honest and not a bitch to him. Then again, everyone saw her as one, she was certain it would change nothing between her and Shun. So, as she watched the strong face of the silver haired male, she said nothing but placed a hand to her stomach.

A pounding on her bedroom door sounded and they looked to it.

“Gina! You in there? We have to talk, now!” Manager Oil shouted sounding frightful and nervous.

Shun got off the bed and opened the door to see the manager with a ghostly white face. Worry filled his heart and he wondered what it was that cause Manager Oil to look so sick. The older male quickly closed the door and glanced at him then at Gina.

“What is your plan?”

Gina covered her face and she began crying harder.

Shun hated seeing people cry just as much he hated crying himself. He stood stock still, with his eyes glancing back and forth from Gina and Manager Oil. He had no idea what he should do because on one hand, he was still upset with Gina. On the other, he would rather her be bitchy instead of crying.

“You proposed to this boy. Are you mad? How is that going to help us?” Manager Oil reprimanded, “I told you not to mess up and you keep doing so! Why I even work with you is beyond me! Gawd! If I had dropped you and stuck with the few I had, I wouldn’t be going bald.”

He looked over at the boy standing straight as a rod.

“You, go wait in the living room, Xiong Shun. I would need to speak with Gina alo-”

“I’m pregnant!” She cried softly, but those words rang so loud into the room, that Manager Oil froze stiffly.

“How long…?” The older man whispered and she turned to him red eyed with a teary face.

“4 months… 5 in a few days,” Gina wiped her face as tears were still sliding down her face, “I don’t know what to do! I ate my pills! I don’t understand how it happened.”

“You fucked him! That is what happened,” Manager Oil gritted out and paced the floor shaking his head. This was going to be really bad and if Gina was pregnant, then that bastard was going to definitely imprison her again. Although he was upset with the female and sometimes feel his client did not think before she acted, he still loved her.

They had been through so much together, the girl was like a daughter to him. Unmarried with no children, Manager Oil couldn’t help but soften his heart.

Gina would be the death of him.

Shun at first, thought he was going to die. No way was that his child because they didn't even do anything!

'Oh God! What if she... She wouldn't be that disgusting! No, I would have felt it.'

He told himself and then the thought of Suu Jin being the father sounded like scratches on a chalkboard.

'No! NO! No! It isn't Jin's. Gina left for months. It couldn't be his. Calm down, Shun. Stop going crazy!'

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the brunette female and spoke up.

“You came back a few months ago… right?” Shun questioned softly and the female nodded, “So then… the child couldn’t be Suu Jin’s. Is it… that producer we worked with?”

“No,” Gina sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear, “Xiong Shun, it isn’t your mess. Manager Oil is right. I was stupid for asking you to marry me.”

“Why did you?” Shun walked closer and sat beside her, “Why even asked me? If you would have just told me the truth, I could have helped you better.”

Gina sighed and touched her slightly swollen belly. It wasn’t obvious, which helped, but she knew once she reach the 6th month, she was sure to start showing. The timeline didn’t work for people to think it was Shun’s anyways.

Damn did she fucked up.

“Who is the guy that is coming? The one you two are afraid of and what does he want? We can go to the police,” he offered and Manager Oil stared at him, tilting his head slightly to assess him. After a moment of silence, the manager finally spoke.

“You cannot tell anyone what I will be tell you, Xiong Shun. Do you agree to this condition? This is a verbal NDA. I have no time to write one with the predicament we are in,” the older man rubbed his forehead and Shun agreed.

“There was a party that Jin, Wen Dong, and Gina went to. Had they told you about it?”

Shun nodded and provided what he knew.

“Jin mentioned that party was on his birthday and Wen Dong invited him and Gina. He said there were a lot of drinking, but he remembered seeing Gina talking to some guy and leaving with him.”

It was quiet again and Gina seemed to be stifling her cries. He furrowed his silver brows and grabbed her hand. It was so automatic, he didn’t even realize he did it, until her hand landed on his.

“Ah Dong probably doesn’t remember what happened,” Gina whispered, “We were all young and wanted to be like the cool kids. Ah Jin… didn’t want to go, but I begged him. So, when we arrived, we were already handed drinks, mingled with big money people.”

She squeezed his hand.

“Whatever they gave us… I am sure our drinks were drugged, but I didn’t drink as much as they did. I was dizzy, yes, but I could still understand what was happening, at least for a bit.”

Gina squeezed his hand tighter.

“Wen Dong wasn’t the one that brought me to that man, Shun. It was someone else and I didn’t want to go to the room alone without Jin, but they dragged me. I called out to Jin, but he couldn’t hear me.”

Her grip was bruising and he was wincing, but he couldn’t bare to speak up, not now.

“My head was so dizzy, but I tried, Shun, YOU HAVE to believe me.. I couldn’t get away from him and when he…” Gina’s heart was racing as she relived that damn nightmare of that day.